euroCRIS events


The CRIS2024 Conference took place 15-17 May, 2024, at the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien). The theme of the conference was Emerging trends for international collaboration in the CRIS domain. All presentations delivered at the event are already available in the euroCRIS repository.

The next euroCRIS event will be the Autumn 2024 Strategic Membership Meeting (SMM2024), to be held Nov 26-28, 2024 at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE).



Conferences and Membership Meetings

Twice a year, euroCRIS organises events to stay in contact  and share information with its membership and the CRIS community about developments going on in the field of research information in general and CRISs in particular. Every Spring there is, alternatingly, an international CRIS Conference (on even years) and a euroCRIS Membership Meeting (on odd years). Every Autumn a  so-called Strategic Membership Meeting is organised where special attention is paid to the relation with and presentations by our Strategic Partners. A substantial number of papers and presentations is contributed to and presented at these events which are deposited and free to access in our Repository. Overviews of the contributions presented at specific meetings are accessible through the links on the right column of this page. 

The next CRIS conference will be held in 2024.

Previous events

Autumn 2023 Strategic Membership Meeting was held Nov 21-23, 2023 at the Public University Navarra (UPNA) in Pamplona, Spain.

The euroCRIS Spring Membership Meeting 2023 was held on May, 2023 in Brussels hosted by the EWI Department (Economy, Science and Innovation) of the Flemish Government.

Autumn 2022 euroCRIS Strategic Membership Meeting was held in Nijmengen, the Netherlands. See the event website.

The CRIS2022 conference was held May 12-14, 2022 in Dubrovnik (Croatia). A dedicated webpage is available to provide updates on the process to get the CRIS2022 papers published in a special issue of Procedia Computer Science.

Series of euroCRIS webinars

Series of Spanish-language webinars for euroCRIS members in Latin America

  • May 27nd, 2020 Webinar "The collection of research information. A case study for the Pure-based Research Information System at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola in Lima" The recording for the session is available here (starts on min 9, password 5R+&uz9$).
  • Apr 23rd, 2020 Webinar "Introducción a la gestión de la información científica. El proyecto USatCRIS" ("Introduction to Research Information Management: the USatCRIS project"). The recording for the webinar was made openly available after the session (the event starts on min 15 of the recording).