We invite you to join euroCRIS, the only international association of research information management system professionals.
euroCRIS was established as a platform group in 1991 to address issues of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and was transformed into a professional association in 2002. euroCRIS acts as a forum for interested individuals and organisations to join a worldwide conversation on all matters related to the use of information technology in research information management workflows and systems. euroCRIS aims to encourage and discuss new initiatives in the field and to disseminate best practices. Activities conducted by euroCRIS are undertaken by experts in the domain spread all across Europe and interested in organising, fostering, optimising and integrating research information and its underlying research processes. Our mission is endorsed and supported by our strategic partners and sponsors.
Benefits offered by euroCRIS membership:
- Professional contacts in the research information management domain and exchange of expertise
- Support when seeking expertise related to organising and managing research information or building research information systems
- Support for the implementation of the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) model for organising scientific information
- Access to the euroCRIS sites hosting document libraries, presentations and publications
- Regular newsletters
- An online members communication list
- Biannual membership meetings covering timely developments in the research information management domain
- Biennial CRIS conferences
- Opportunities to hold online one-to-one discussions with euroCRIS Board members and/or to procure guest presentations
Types of membership
There are two types of membership with different rights, advantages and fees: institutional and personal. In order to facilitate your choice for one of them a full description is given.
Please note that membership will be automatically renewed every year, but can be discontinued any time by giving notice to the euroCRIS Secretary at eurocris [at] eurocris.org.
Institutional membership
This membership is suited to universities or university departments, scientific academies, research councils, (inter)national scientific institutions or associations of such institutions, information centres, advisory bodies or any type of public or private organisations involved in policymaking, co-ordination, production, compilation and/or evaluation of CRIS.
The annual fee is €400 per institution* and entails the following rights (besides the advantages listed above):
- Opportunity to appoint up to five institutional representatives who will enjoy free registration for all membership meetings held by euroCRIS, plus a discount in the registration for our CRIS conferences;
- Participation of such representatives in the elections for the euroCRIS Board held every two years;
- Members may suggest topics of their interest for the discussions at the events and may receive invitations for guest presentations at on-site (or, more recently, online) events;
- The member organisation is listed on our members' list and known to be associated with euroCRIS; this may be useful for awareness-raising and potentially for preparing joint project proposals to funding bodies.
The Board may decide to assign the status of Distinguished Institutional Member on the basis of special contributions to euroCRIS such as donations, sponsoring of events or lending of staff. Distinguished Institutional Members will have a free institutional membership and free access to relevant events.
Personal membership
Personal memberships are open to any person engaged in CRIS activities as well as PhD students in the field of CRIS or communication in science. The annual fee is €100* and entails the following rights:
- Participation in euroCRIS meetings, seminars and other special euroCRIS meetings and the right to vote
- Participation in euroCRIS courses, tutorials, and workshops (including copies of relevant materials) at a discount fee.
Please note that personal members cannot be substituted by others in meetings and events and if they work in an organisation they do not represent this organisation in voting or otherwise, and are acting in a personal capacity.
* Membership fees as of Jan 1st, 2022