What is euroCRIS?

euroCRIS is an international not-for-profit association founded in 2002 in order to bring together experts on research information in general and research information systems (CRIS) in particular.

The mission of euroCRIS is to foster cooperation and knowledge-sharing across the research information community and to promote interoperability of research information through the CERIF standard, the Common European Research Information Format. Additional areas of activity also cover -- among others -- the (worldwide) uptake of CRIS systems by various stakeholders, research information infrastructures on an institutional, regional, national and international level, best practices in system interoperability and the use and implementation of standards in CRIS such as identifiers, formats, semantics, (controlled) vocabularies, etc.

euroCRIS is steered by a Board, consisting of a President, a Secretary, Executives for Communication, Events, External Relations, Projects as well as the lead for the CERIF and CRIS Architectures Task Group. euroCRIS provides the framework for information exchange across a broad variety of stakeholders: researchers, research managers and administrators, research councils, research funders, entrepreneurs and technology transfer organisations. euroCRIS also addresses the media and the public.

An important instrument for the exchange of information are the events regularly organised by euroCRIS. These include the international CRIS Conferences (held every other year) and Membership Meetings (held twice a year).

Want to join? The annual subscription fee for institutional members is €400, and it provides voting rights to up to 5 member representatives. For a personal membership the annual fee is €100. These membership fees apply from 1 Jan 2022. Please click on the "Join euroCRIS" link at the top right corner of this webpage to access the online subscription form.

euroCRIS 2023 annual accounts. In line with the requirements on the euroCRIS Statutes, the organisation commits to openly sharing its annual accounts with its members. This typically happens during the Spring meeting every year; at a membership meeting on odd years and at a CRIS conference on even ones. The 2023 annual accounts will be presented at the CRIS2024 Conference in Vienna and after having recently been audited, they will also be shared online before the event.