The euroCRIS Board is responsible for the strategy, policy and management of the organisation. It has an international composition and consists of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and eight other members. The term of office for the Board is two years: both acting Board members and regular members of euroCRIS can put their candidacy for (re)election in the biennial election process, which takes place by means of online voting. The composition of the current euroCRIS Board (2023-2024) is as follows:

Pablo has been a Board member since 2013. Since 2018 he serves as Technical Secretary. His institutional affiliation is the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, where he works as Open Access Advocacy Librarian. Within the Board Pablo's main activities are coordination and CRIS dissemination, as part of which he leads the maintenance of the euroCRIS institutional repository. Pablo also manages the organisation website and the Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS).

Aurelia is a new Board member for the term 2025-2026. She is the Head of the Scientific Infrastructure and Resources Unit at the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), one of whose key projects is the CVN (Standard Curriculum Vitae), aimed at creating a standardized CV format for researchers across Spain. Aurelia recently contributed to the development of the National Open Science Strategy (ENCA), launched by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology in 2023. The ENCA is now being implementated with the objective of strengthening open and inclusive science practices in Spain. A significant contribution to these open science efforts is the María de Guzmán grant programme, which Aurelia oversees. This initiative supports universities and research centers in effectively managing scientific information and implementing open science strategies.

Jan has been a Board member since 2013. Between 1996 and 2016, Jan was the leader of the team that created and maintained the first generation of the national CRIS in Czechia (IS VaVaI). Since 2016 he works as research information system analyst at the Czech Technical University in Prague. Since 2011 he teaches at the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship of the Charles University in Prague. Jan’s background is in applied mathematics. In Feb 2023 Jan was elected by the Board as the new euroCRIS President.
Jan leads the euroCRIS CERIF and CRIS Architecture Task Group where he is active since 2009. From this position he leads the ongoing CERIF Refactoring Pilot Project.

Joonas is a new Board member for the term 2025-2026. He is an expert in CRIS systems and leading the Research Information Management Group at CSC – IT Centre for Science. CSC is owned by the Finnish state and higher education institutions and provides IT services for Finnish research and education. Led by Joonas, the Research Information Group manages and develops the Finnish national CRIS system and various other research information related activities including e.g. national bibliometric work and national publication database. Group is also participating in Horizon Europe funded projects FAIRCORE4EOSC, GraspOS and where direct case studies and pilots are built on top of to better align CRIS development in connection to EOSC and European research domain advancements.

Sophie joined the Board in 2023. She is Head of Office of the Commission for Research Information in Germany (KFiD). The KFiD is in charge of the “Research Core Dataset” (KDSF standard) and its dissemination and aims to further the professionalization of research information management in the German science system. Sophie co-leads the FIS Landkarte project to map the institutional CRIS infrastructure in Germany.

Joachim joined the euroCRIS Board in 2021. He is a scholar and researcher in information sciences, specialized in scientific communication, at the GERiiCO laboratory of the University of Lille. He teaches information sciences to BA and Master students. Joachim's current research projects are in the field of open science (open access strategies of 1,500 French research laboratories), data quality (related to research information systems), research data (infrastructures, evaluation) and – because of my academic teaching on service marketing – smart libraries.
With over 15 published papers on CRIS systems (research data, dissertations, education and teaching, data quality…), the full list of his publications is available on Google Scholar.

Ils joined the Board in Oct 2023 replacing former euroCRIS President and fellow Flemish expert in research information management Sadia Vancauwenbergh, who stepped down as a Board member on that date. After having successfully organised the Spring 2023 euroCRIS membership meeting in Brussels and having engaged with the wider CRIS community for a number of years from her position at the Flanders Research Information Space (FRIS) initiative, the sitting members of the Board unanimously elected her to become "euroCRIS's Woman in Brussels".
Ils works as Program Manager at FRIS - at the Departement Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie (EWI) of the Flemish Government. In that capacity she is one of the most active members of the recently founded CRISCROS WG for national and regional CRIS. Together with her EWI colleague Pascale Dengis, they have delivered plenty of updates on the activity of what is effectively one of the most advanced national/regional CRIS systems worldwide.

Ognjen is a new Board member for the term 2025-2026. He is currently a member of the management board of SRCE - University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb. SRCE is a central IT infrastructure company for all the higher education and research in Croatia dealing with all layers of IT, managing networks, data centres, academic cloud, HPC, data and information systems, education etc. Previously, he led the project for the development and implementation of CroRIS, the Croatian national CRIS. In his current role, Ognjen is responsible for ten national information systems covering academia and research (CroRIS being one of them). Some systems also require international interoperability, such as the European university alliance Virtual campus.
Ognjen holds a PhD in computer science and teaches graduate students at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.

Michael joined the euroCRIS Board in 2023. He is Head of the Unit "Research Information System u:cris" at the University of Vienna. He was also the deputy project manager of the consortium partner in the national digitisation project RIS Synergy. The project, which hosted the CRIS2024 Conference at TU Wien and finished as of 31 Dec 2024, aims to explore the opportunities and challenges associated with the creation of a national research portal in Austria.

António is a new Board member for the term 2025-2026. He works as Artificial Intelligence Researcher and Director of the Information Systems Development Services at the ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. As Director of the IS Development team, he is responsible for the development of all of the University’s information systems, which includes the institutional CRIS – Ciência-IUL. The role as an Artificial Intelligence researcher provides an alternative but complementary view in the development of information systems, allowing to enrich data processing workflows and explore new avenues of data management and human-computer interaction. It is in this latter capacity that António co-leads the recently established AI4CRIS Working Group.

Dragan joined the euroCRIS Board in 2023. He is a full professor at University of Novi Sad, Serbia, where he teaches the subject Selected Topics in Scientific-Research Activity Management on PhD studies at the Computer Science Department. On top of his teaching activities, Dragan is in charge of further development and maintenance of software infrastructure for research domain at University of Novi Sad (DORSID UNS). Since August 2021, Dragan also works as tech lead for development of the VIVO platform.

Peter has been a Board member since 2017. As treasurer Peter is responsible for the annual accounts, annual budgets and all other financial issues, including tax and project control.
Peter is a chartered accountant and has a master in business administration. He has been working as an external and internal auditor. Peter retired from Radboud University as of 31 Dec 2023 but kindly agreed to continue serving as the treasurer for euroCRIS.