CRIS2018 Umeå


FAIRness of Research Information

14th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems

The CRIS2018 Conference is organised by euroCRIS in cooperation with Umeå University, Sweden.

This page provides information on the process towards the publication of the CRIS2018 conference proceedings in a special issue of Procedia Computer Science.


June 25, 2018

The table below summarizes the status of the contributions to the CRIS2018 conference in Umeå. The two items that need to be provided after the conference are the slides that were delivered in it and (where still missing) the full-text for the contribution that is to be published in the conference proceedings. The table shows all the conference contributions in alphabetical order by title and whether or not the slides and the full-text paper are already available. Where missing, please submit your slides to eurocris [at] and upload your full-text version into easyChair by Jul 15th as indicated in the "post-proceedings information and dates" entry below.

Session Title Author(s) Extended abstract? Slides? Full-text version?
Poster *metrics MEasuring The Reliability and perceptions of Indicators for interactions with sCientific productS Moritz Wiemann, Astrid Orth, Martin Giesler, Daniel Beucke N/A Available N/A
Business presentation 4Science   N/A Missing N/A
Session 13 A FAIR archive based on the CERIF model Alejandro Engelmann, Christer Enkvist and Karl Pettersson Y Missing Available
Session 12 An experience of Brazilian educational graduate platform Manoel Siqueira Y Available Available
Session 1 Analyzing a CRIS: From data to insight in university research Anna Guillaumet and Antonio Borrallo Y Available Available
Session 10 Automated author affiliation processing using Scopus data Marcus Walther and Bastian Melsheimer Y Missing Available
Tutorial CERIF Tutorial Jan Dvorak N/A Available N/A
Business presentation Clarivate   N/A Missing N/A
Session 4 Combining top down and bottom up in research information management Bastian Melsheimer, Marcus Walther Y Missing Available
Session 1 Comparing bibliometric tools for research assessment from a CRIS point of view Ellen Fest, Hilde van Zeeland, Jorik Booij, Peter van der Togt and Theo Jetten Y Available Available
Session 2 CRIS and persistent identifiers: how do they work together? Simon Lambert Y Missing N
Keynote CRIS systems as key e-infrastructure elements to support Open Science implementation within the European Research Area Niamh Brennan Y Available N/A
Session 5 CRIS with in-text citations as interactive entities Sergey Parinov Y Available Available
Session 6 Current Status of the Research Information Management in Peru Andres Melgar et al Y Available Available
Session 2 Decentralized Persistent Identifer Design: a basic model Miguel-Angel Sicilia, Elena Garcia-Barriocanal, Salvador Sanchez-Alonso, Juan-José Cuadrado Y Available Available
Session 3 Developing a model approach for community led CRIS aggregations James Toon et al Y Missing N
Session 7 DuraSpace for FAIRness and Data Protection: DSpace and Fedora Tim Donohue, Michele Mennielli and David Wilcox Y Available N
Business presentation Elsevier   N/A Missing N/A
Poster Enhanced R&D information services for the Slovak scientific community – the NISPEZ IV project Adriana Shearman et al N/A Missing N/A
Session 10 Enriching metadata of an institutional research repository Thomas Zschocke Y Missing Available
Session 11 Entanglement of bibliographic database content and data collection practices Linda Sīle Y Available Available
Workshop Everyday data mangling with CRIS-data and GLAMpipe Ari Häyrinen N/A Missing N/A
Session 13 FAIRness at University of Novi Sad – Discoverability of PhD research results Dragan Ivanović et al Y Available Available
Session 6 Fostering Open Science at Fraunhofer Ulrike Kuesters, Tina Klages Y Available Available
Session 14 From PURE to DSpace-CRIS Gunnar Weidt Y Available N
Session 14 Hello CRIS, can a Library Software solution help you? Rudi Baccarne Y Available Available
Session 6 How to build a CRIS-system relevant for your institution (Chalmers) Jessica Lindholm, Karin Ljungklint Y Available N
Workshop How to Create a Research Information Management System with DSpace-CRIS, a free open-source CRIS platform Susanna Mornati, Andrea Bollini N/A Missing N/A
Session 13 How to make research information FAIR: DSpace-CRIS and best practices in open research information Susanna Mornati, Andrea Bollini and Luigi Andrea Pascarelli Y Available N
Session 6 Impact of national science policy on academic migration and research productivity in Russia Denis Kosyakov, Andrey Guskov Y Missing Available
Session 9 Implementation of the Evaluation of Researchers’ Bibliographies in Slovenia Lidija Curk Y Available Available
Session 3 Implementation of the OpenAIRE CERIF-XML guidelines in Pure Anna Clements et al Y Available N
Session 9 Institutional scoring with PURE at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Gunnar Weidt Y Available N
Session 11 Integrating a local CRIS with the PTCRIS synchronisation ecosystem António Lopes Y Available Available
Session 12 Introducing CRIS in Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Kostadin Mishev, Boro Jakimovski and Vujica Zivkovic Y DNS N
Session 14 Let’s Talk Some More – Interoperability between University CRIS/IR and Researchfish Gavin Reddick Y Missing N
Session 11 Linking funding to research output and facilities through the Finnish Research Information Hub Hanna-Mari Puuska Y Available Available
Keynote Maria Nilsson Maria Nilsson N/A Missing N/A
Session 1 Measuring Research in the University (TCD) Kevin Kiely, Niamh Brennan and Ashling Hayes Y Available Available
Session 5 Next generation Institutional Repositories The case of the CUT Institutional Repository KTISIS Marios Zervas, Alexia Kounoudes and Petros Artemi Y Available Available
Session 3 OpenAIRE compatibility for CRIS systems: recent progress Pablo de Castro et al Y Available Available
Session 7 Practical CRIS Interoperability Jan Dvořák, Tomáš Chudlarský and Josef Špaček Y Available Available
Session 4 Preliminary Findings from the euroCRIS/OCLC Research Survey of Research Information Management Practices Rebecca Bryant et al Y Available N
Session 14 Presenting DARAT: Developing the TCD’s linked CRIS and institutional repository Ashling Hayes, Edurne Garcia Iriarte and Kevin Kiely Y Available N
Session 2 Principles and Pragmatics of “as open as possible” Clifford Tatum, Josh Brown Y Available N
Session 7 Proof of Concept of a European database for Social Sciences and Humanities publications: The VIRTA-ENRESSH pilot Hanna-Mari Puuska et al Y Available Available
Keynote PTCRIS: Planning and implementing a national CRIS ecosystem João Moreira, Catia Laranjeira N/A Available N/A
Session 10 Quality Issues of CRIS Data Otmane Azeroual, Joachim Schöpfel Y DNS N
Session 12 Regional Research Portal UnityFVG: an OpenScience portal Jordan Piščanc Y Available Available
Session 9 Research assessment and evaluation in Russian fundamental science Denis Kosyakov Y Available Available
Session 8 Research data management at the Flemish universities: state-of-affairs Sadia Vancauwenbergh et al Y Available N
Poster Research Explorer – Your Guide to the German Research Landscape Christian Fischer, Jürgen Güdler, Holger Hahnen N/A Available N/A
Business presentation Sigma   N/A Missing N/A
Session 4 Support structures to facilitate the dissemination and implementation of a national standard for research information – the German case of the Research Core Dataset Sophie Biesenbender, Sebastian Herwig Y Available Available
Workshop Supporting FAIRness with eVRE, a solution for easier Collaboration within Research Communities Laurent Remy N/A Missing N/A
Keynote SweCRIS: A national CRIS in Sweden – a developer’s and a researcher’s perspective Jonas Gurell and Gustaf Nelhans N/A Missing N/A
Poster The creation of a harmonized, semantically enriched Flemish research discipline list Sadia Vancauwenbergh, Hanne Poelmans N/A Missing N/A
Session 5 The creation of the Flemish research discipline list Sadia Vancauwenbergh, Hanne Poelmans Y Available Available
Session 7 The CRIS’ role in the Evolution of Trust in Science Caroline Birkle Y N/A N/A
Session 10 The new version of Government Research Bulletin (GRB) website applying visualization and text-mining tools Wan-Hsu Tsai et al Y Missing Available
Session 8 The past, present and future role of CRIS’s in the research data life cycle Mijke Jetten, Jan Rijnders and Ed Simons Y Available Available
Session 12 The registration of art and design research outcomes: Visualizing the invisible Birgitte Martens, Steven Van Den Berghe Y Missing Available
Session 11 The Research Core Dataset (KDSF) in Linked Data context Tatiana Walther, Christian Hauschke Y Available Available
Session 8 The role of CERIF in a national research data shared service Anna Clements, Dom Fripp, Jan Dvorak Y Available N
Keynote The Swedish National Data Service Max Petzold Y Missing N/A
Session 3 Towards interoperability between Omega-PSIR and OpenAIRE Jakub Koperwas et al Y Available N
Session 4 Use of National and International Research Infrastructures in Evaluation of International Project Award Potential of Slovak Research Institutions Adriana Shearman, Danica Zendulková Y Missing Available
Session 5 Using Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) to showcase national and institutional research (potential) Sophie Biesenbender, Sabrina Petersohn, Christoph Thiedig Y Available Available


June 20, 2018

Post-proceedings information and dates

Following the communication at the conference, these are the important dates for next steps in the post-proceedings of CRIS2018:

1) July 15th (extension of deadline): Authors interested in submitting for post-proceedings and having presented their work at the event should upload the full contribution in PDF formatted according to Procedia guidelines via EasyChair. 

These contributions should take into account feedback from reviewers and (if any) from conference attendees.

2) September 15th: Authors receive feedback. This may include mandatory revisions or extension. 

3) November 1st: Authors upload their final ZIP with PDF + source files + copyright camera ready. Instructions for this final step will be provided. 




Feb 5, 2018

The Call for Papers for CRIS 2018 has recently been launched and can be found on the web site of the conference at:

CRIS 2018 is the fourteenth edition in a biennial series of conferences devoted to improving the availability of and access to research information across Europe. The target audience includes managers of research-performing and/or funding institutions, evaluators, librarians, ICT experts, as well as policy makers. euroCRIS is a non-profit professional association of CRIS experts and custodian of the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF).

More information can be found at the conference website:
