A new euroCRIS webinar devoted to the Hércules project aimed to build a national CRIS in Spain will be held at 11am CET on Wed Nov 23rd. The session will be moderated by euroCRIS Board member Miguel Ángel Sicilia, will be conducted in Spanish language and will be specifically addressed to research libraries in Spain. The objective of the session – which will feature short presentations by Hércules project team members Reyes Hernández-Mora and José Tomás Palma – is to discuss system interoperability and information exchange mechanisms between the new national CRIS and the already existing institutional research portals at many Spanish universities.
An introductory text for the webinar has been posted on the euroCRIS blog (Spanish language) describing the main two functions of CRIS systems and how systems addressing each of these may be able to complement each other. The registration for the event is still open.