News from the HOLA Cloud Project: International Conference "Cloud Forward" in Pisa, October 2015

Wed, 15/07/2015 - 11:38 -- euroCRIS Secret...
Valerie Brasse
euroCRIS, as partner in the HOLA Cloud project, is pleased to announce:
First International Conference on Cloud Forward: From Distributed to Complete Computing (CF2015)
October 6-8, 2015
Pisa, Italy
The Cloud Forward 2015 Conference brings together experts from industry and academia to consider the future of and beyond Cloud Computing. Based on the HOLA Cloud project and platform, which documents European research, development and innovation in CLOUDs – the conference reviews experiences and discusses future directions to overcome problems and provide new opportunities for the utilisation of leading edge CLOUD Computing by industry and academia and for ICT developers providing innovative solutions.
The CF2015 conference will be a scientific forum supported by the European Commission under the framework of the HOLA Cloud project (, featuring a number of core research topics in the area of distributed computing (through the Distributed and CLOUD computing track), as well as new technologies beyond CLOUDs, requirements and future goals (through the COMPLETE computing track), while special emphasis will also be on open-source approaches (through the Open-source track).
Please check the website as Registration will open soon!