June 2024

An update on the CRIS2024 conference proceedings

Sun, 16/06/2024 - 20:18 -- euroCRIS Secret...

A webpage is now available summarising the list of CRIS2024 presentations whose authors confirmed their intention to submit a full paper for its publications in the CRIS2024 proceedings. Full papers – ideally including a PDF and the original docm or LaTeX version, should be sent to euroCRIS by June 30th, 2024 either by uploading them into the easyChair record used for the original submission or by directly sending it via email to cris2024-proceedings [at] eurocris.org.

CRIS2024 conference photographs and sketches available

Sat, 15/06/2024 - 14:52 -- euroCRIS Secret...

A few weeks after the May 15-17 CRIS2024 conference at TU Wien came to an end, a carousel of 50 conference pictures taken by the event photographer Sviatlana Bubnevich has been made available on the conference website. A high-res version of the CRIS2024 group photo is also available for Day III attendees (Fri May 17th) to be able to spot themselves on the pic.

euroCRIS supports the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information

Tue, 04/06/2024 - 16:36 -- euroCRIS Secret...

euroCRIS, the international not-for-profit association of research information management and its associated systems, welcomes and supports the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information. euroCRIS encourages not only its members but also other institutions that produce research information to take up and implement the Declaration. This initiative contributes to further international cooperation and knowledge-sharing across the research information community and to increased levels of openness, transparency, standardisation, and interoperability of research information and related infrastructures.