July 2024

euroCRIS at FECYT Workshop on funding Open Science infrastructures

Sat, 06/07/2024 - 22:05 -- euroCRIS Secret...

Several editions of the María de Guzmán (MdG) call issued by the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT) have provided funding for the development of e-infrastructure at Spanish research-perfoming organisations as a means to support Open Science. This covers both Open Access repositories and CRIS systems. A workshop will be held in Madrid on Tue 9 July to discuss this area of activity with some of the funded proposals in different editions of the MdG call.

euroCRIS at CRIS event held by Peruvian Ministry of Education

Wed, 03/07/2024 - 02:28 -- euroCRIS Secret...

A guest presentation by euroCRIS was delivered within the half-day event on "The relevance of CRIS systems for research information management at universities" held by Peruvian Ministry of Education on Fri 28 Jun 2024. The international perspective provided by euroCRIS was complemented on the event programme by presentations from the BrCRIS national project in Brazil and from the team behind the VIVO-based institutional CRIS at Agrosavia in Colombia.

Two pieces on euroCRIS in special issue of 'La collection numérique' (AMUE)

Mon, 01/07/2024 - 00:51 -- euroCRIS Secret...

The June 2024 issue of the magazine "La collection numérique" includes two short pieces on euroCRIS and CRIS systems. The magazine is published by euroCRIS member Amue (Agence de mutualisation des universités et établissements d'enseignement supérieur ou de recherche). This issue 32 is called "Sharing from here and abroad" and showcases a good number of international initiatives.