New euroCRIS Board for the term 2023/24

Tue, 03/01/2023 - 11:30 euroCRIS Secret...

The elections for the new euroCRIS Board 2023/24 were completed as of Dec 30th, 2022 – thanks to all members that cast their votes in the process. The results have produced three new Board members for the next two years that will replace the three former members that stepped down at the end of 2022. The three newly elected Board members are Sophie Biesenbender (KFiD, Germany), Michael Greil (U Vienna, Austria) and Dragan Ivanovic (U Novi Sad, Serbia).

A new euroCRIS President to replace Sadia Vancauwenbergh (U Hasselt, Belgium) will next be chosen by the new Board and will be announced in the forthcoming weeks.