The CRIS2024 Conference

was held May 15-17, 2024 at the TU Wien in Vienna. The submitted extended abstracts and the presentations delivered at the event are available


euroCRIS maintains the DRIS (Directory of Research Information Systems) to provide a snapshot of the CRIS infrastructure worldwide

euroCRIS Repository

Did you know that euroCRIS maintains a Repository that holds hundreds of publications on CRISs, including all the papers presented at euroCRIS events.



Besides the launch of the live FIS Landkarte portal reported a couple of weeks ago, the Commission for Research Information in Germany (KFiD) has also released version 2.0 of the KDSF standard for research information in Germany. The new KDSF standard shifts the focus from a reporting standard to a basic data and metadata model for research information systems: it contains a model of research information entities and specifies how... Read more


The fourth Expert Finder Systems International Forum will be held Sep 16-18, 2025 in Cleveland, Ohio under the theme "Charting the Research Information Universe". A call for proposals has recently been launched welcoming contributions to the event until Fri Apr 4th.

Dris Form

Sat, 25/01/2020 - 11:08 -- Elonisas Webmaster

DRIS: Directory of Research Information Systems

CRIS type. Possible values: institutional, funder, regional, national, international, aggregation, other
Organisation served by the CRIS or running the CRIS
Name of the CRIS. If there’s also an acronym, it can be added in brackets
CRIS solution. Possible values are in-house-built, Pure, Converis, Symplectic Elements, DSpace-CRIS, Haplo, Worktribe, etc. Details may be added to complete the description for an in-house-built platform, eg “In-house-built (Java/Webservices)”
URL for an open CRIS portal, eg If the CRIS has no open portal, then a URL may be used that provides info on the system itself such as
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.


Thu, 05/10/2017 - 11:37 -- Ed Simons
Two important landmarks for CERIF 1. The CERIF API (version 1.0 - August 2015) The CERIF API  enables 3rd party software programs to access and reuse Research Information maintained in Current Research Information Systems (CRIS).  The primary objectives of the CERIF API are the following:
  1. Facilitate the interoperability of CRIS systems and their integration with other information systems.


Wed, 04/10/2017 - 15:21 -- Elonisas Webmaster

This release makes a few additions based on current experience with CERIF usage. On the other hand, the use of some attributes in the model is deprecated - these attributes will go away in a future release. The more appropriate way of expressing the information now is using a classification or federated identifiers.

See below for a detailed list of changes.

Main features of CERIF

Wed, 04/10/2017 - 15:19 -- Elonisas Webmaster

CERIF (the Common European Research Information Format) is: 

  • A concept about research entities and their relationships – Specification (Conceptual Level) 
  • A description of research entities and their relationships – Model (Logical Level)
  • A formalization of research entities and their relationships – Database Scripts (Physical Level) 

Click on the image below to get an introductory presentation on CERIF (ppt). 


Update on forthcoming euroCRIS events

The presentation "An update from the euroCRIS Board" delivered by the euroCRIS President Jan Dvořák at the end of yet another successful euroCRIS membership meeting an the INRAE in Paris offered information on the venues (and occasionally the dates) for forthcoming euroCRIS events. 

The next euroCRIS meeting will be the Spring 2025 Membership Meeting (MM2025), to be held May 13-15, 2025 in Leuven (Belgium). That will be followed by the Autumn 2025 meeting at the İzmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) in Türkiye. Finally, the host for the CRIS2026 Conference will be the University of Novi Sad in Serbia.

Call for proposals for these events will be put out to euroCRIS members as the meetings draw nearer.


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