The CRIS2024 Conference

was held May 15-17, 2024 at the TU Wien in Vienna. The submitted extended abstracts and the presentations delivered at the event are available


euroCRIS maintains the DRIS (Directory of Research Information Systems) to provide a snapshot of the CRIS infrastructure worldwide

euroCRIS Repository

Did you know that euroCRIS maintains a Repository that holds hundreds of publications on CRISs, including all the papers presented at euroCRIS events.



The presentation "Research Information Management Systems: an Overview from Europe" delivered by the euroCRIS Technical Secretary within the FSCI 2024 training course on RIMS is already available in the euroCRIS repository.


On Tue Jul 16th the Jisc will hold a webinar on the issues associated with the procurement of CRIS systems and repositories. The discussion will elaborate on the poster on the Jisc Research Management Systems Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) that was recently presented at the CRIS2024 Conference in Vienna.


Update on forthcoming euroCRIS events

After a successful and well-attended May 15-17 CRIS2024 Conference at the Technical University in Vienna (TU Wien), we are already preparing the next euroCRIS event. This will be the Autumn 2024 Strategic Membership Meeting (SMM2024), to be held Nov 26-28, 2024 at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). The preliminary event website will be announced when available.

This SMM2024 will mean euroCRIS's return to Paris almost ten years after the Spring 2015 Membership Meeting was hosted by AMUE.


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