First blog published on euroCRIS website

Mon, 27/06/2016 - 10:53 -- euroCRIS Secret...

The euroCRIS Board is pleased to announce the publication of the first blog on our website.

This first blog is on Modelling Article Processing Charges (APCs) payments in CERIF, written by Pablo de Castro  and Jan Dvorak (euroCRIS Board Members). The current change into a gold Open Access system makes it crucial for organisations to get an idea on how much money has to be paid on an annual basis for APCs. Major problems in this respect are the lack of policies for collecting these financial data centrally and the fact that CRIS-systems at the moment are not well equipped to gather and present the APCs. The authors propose a minor adaptation of the CERIF-model, by which a representation of APC-payments in CERIF becomes easy.

euroCRIS wants to intensify the discussions with its members. Unfortunately, commenting this blog is not possible yet. We will let you know when this feature will have been implemented.