June 2023

euroCRIS at EUNIS23 annual conference in Vigo

Fri, 16/06/2023 - 12:33 euroCRIS Secret...

A significant number of euroCRIS Board members attended and presented at the Jun 14-16 annual EUNIS conference 2023 in Vigo (Spain). These presentations included a talk on the RIS Synergy project by Uni Vienna Elena Fürst, Madeleine Harbich and Michael Greil, a talk on CRIS systems and Research.fi by CSC Hanna-Mari Puuska, two talks on VIVO and works by PhD students in CRIS systems by Anna Guillaumet and a presentation on persistent identifiers by Pablo de Castro. CroRIS/Uni Zagreb in Croatia and RAD-on/OPI in Poland were also representing research information management initiatives on the EUNIS23 programme.

MM2023Brussels presentations available in the euroCRIS repository

Thu, 08/06/2023 - 12:58 euroCRIS Secret...

The presentations delivered at the May 30-Jun 1, 2023 Spring membership meeting organised by the EWI Department of the Flemish Government in Brussels are already available in the euroCRIS repository. The repository records, which often include the extended abstracts that event attendees submitted in advance, have also been linked from the MM2023Brussels programme.

Former euroCRIS President Ed Simons awarded medal of exceptional merit

Thu, 08/06/2023 - 01:01 euroCRIS Secret...

During the official dinner of the Spring 2023 membership meeting at the Atomium Restaurant in Brussels, former euroCRIS President Ed Simons was awarded the euroCRIS medal of exceptional merit. The medal was delivered by the current euroCRIS President Jan Dvořák and recognises the massive contribution Ed Simons has made to the research information management community and to euroCRIS over many years.