Call for Proposals for SMM2024 Paris

As announced at the CRIS2024 Conference in Vienna earlier this year, the Autumn 2024 euroCRIS Strategic Membership meeting will be held Nov 26-28 at INRAE in Paris. A preliminary event website has already been made available. The programme is not there yet beyond a basic placeholder info and we will gradually update the details about the various areas (including possible accommodations) in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, in order to gradually put together the SMM2024 programme, we would like to invite any euroCRIS member interested in submitting a contribution to this meeting to please prepare a (minimum) 2-page description of the work they'd like to present and send it to before the 13th of October. This will hopefully allow us to announce the programme with sufficient time for those of you interested in attending the event to be able to proceed with your travel arrangements.

This CfP is mainly for presentations to be delivered within the "Contributions from euroCRIS members" session on Day II (Thu Nov 28th), but other kinds of contributions such as workshops or tutorials are also welcome. For the SMM2024 programme we will try to prioritise those initiatives and projects who were not represented in the CRIS2024 programme, but any updates on work already presented in Vienna will also be given due consideration.

We look forward to meeting you again in Paris next Nov!