The files below constitute the specification of a standard API that enables third party software programs to access and reuse Research Information maintained in Current Research Information Systems (CRIS).
The primary objectives of the CERIF API v1.0 are the following:
- To facilitate the interoperability of CRIS systems and their integration with other information systems.
- To enable the development of applications, services and components that can access and reuse information across different CRIS systems in a standard, unified way.
The CERIF API v1.0 is mainly addressed to the following types of stakeholders:
- Organisations and individuals (e.g. software developers, product managers, CRIS managers) involved in the implementation of CRIS software platforms, individual CRIS systems and related services.
- Organisations and individuals (e.g. software developers, product managers) involved in the development of software applications, services and components that can benefit from retrieving and reusing the information stored in CRIS systems.
The material that comprises the CERIF API v1.0 is as follows:
- CERIF API document (v1.0)
- XML Schema Definition files (v1.0)
- CERIF API Entities XSD (v1.0)
- CERIF API Header XSD (v1.0)
- CERIF API Main XSD (v1.0)
- CERIF API Payload XSD (v1.0)
- XML Example files