Presentations from the euroCRIS Strategic Membership Meeting in Athens available at the repository

Tue, 11/04/2017 - 15:45 -- euroCRIS Secret...
Pablo de Castro
The presentations for the euroCRIS SMM held in Athens last November are now available at the euroCRIS repository (they were previously hosted at the Helios institutional repository for the Hellenic National Documentation Centre, EKT.


Besides enlightening keynote speeches by representatives of MRC/Science Europe, EARMA and OpenAIRE, the set of slides also presents a comprehensive collection of exciting CERIF-based research information management initiatives being carried out in Greece. These range from the process for building a locally developed national-level research information system to a DSpace-based platform that contains all the scientific production by Greek researchers based anywhere anytime through an observatory of European Research Infrastructures for the RICH2020 project
For the first time a set of euroCRIS SMM presentations have been recorded and made available as a complement to the slides. These are available at the Helios repository, which is linked from the items hosted in the euroCRIS one.

We look forward to collecting a similarly exciting snapshot of what's going on in Ireland in the research information management arena at the forthcoming Membership Meeting in Dublin next May.