CERIF 2008

Finally, the CERIF 2008-1.2 release has been frozen, including as a major upgrade, an enhanced formalized Semantics for a defined current core, comprising the entities: project, person, organisation, publication and funding and the relationships between them. The released version is considered the last one in the 2008 series of the CERIF model, where the full release now is composed of the following components:

CERIF 2008–1.2 FDM: Model Introduction and Specification

CERIF 2008–1.2 FDM: SQL scripts for most common databases (currently: MSSQL7, PostgreSQL8.1, DB2_UDBv.8, mySQL5, Access2000, oracle9i)
for members only

CERIF 2008–1.2 XML: Data Exchange Format Specification

CERIF 2008–1.2 XML Examples 
for members only

CERIF 2008–1.2 XML Schema Files
for validating the CERIF XML files 

CERIF 2008–1.2 Semantics
a formalized collection of the currently defined core terms in the research context

CERIF 2008-1.2 Toad Files (.dm2)
for members only

CERIF 2008-1.2 Toad XML Files (.dmx) 
for members only

CERIF 2008-1.2 HTML Report for online navigation
 Logical CERIF ERM Model
 Physical CERIF ERM Model  

Compared to its preceding version (CERIF 2008–1.1), the current release CERIF 2008–1.2 incorporates or leaves out the following features:
Pending Entities have been discussed with the following results:
No cfCall and no cfGrant entity and related entities will be added. Instead, the cfFunding entity will be renamed and via the cfClass and cfClassScheme entities, a typification for FundingProgramme, Call, Tender, etc. can be realized.
Deletion of Entities in the Context of Funding:
cfCall (so far pending, now removed)
cfCall_FundingProgramme (so far pending, now removed)
cfCallDescription (so far pending, now removed)
cfCallKeywords (so far pending, now removed)
cfCallName (so far pending, now removed)
cfGrant (so far pending, now removed)
cfGrant_FundingProgramme (so far pending, now removed)
cfGrantDescription (so far pending, now removed)
cfGrantKeywords (so far pending, now removed)
cfGrantName (so far pending, now removed) 
Renaming of Funding Programme entity and its related entities:
cfFundingProgramme -> cfFunding
cfFundingProgramme_Classification -> cfFunding_Classification
cfFundingProgramme_FundingProgramme -> cfFunding_Funding
cfFundingProgrammeDescription -> cfFundingDescription
cfFundingProgrammeKeywords -> cfFundingKeywords
cfFundingProgrammeName -> cfFundingName
cfFundingProgramme_Equipment -> cfFunding_Equipment
cfEvent_FundingProgramme -> cfEvent_Funding
cfFacility_FundingProgramme -> cfFacility_Funding
cfService_FundingProgramme -> cfService_Funding
cfOrganisationUnit_FundingProgramme -> cfOrganisationUnit_Funding
cfPerson_FundingProgramme -> cfPerson_Funding
cfProject_FundingProgramme -> cfProject_Funding
cfResultPatent_FundingProgramme -> cfPatent_Funding
cfResultProduct_FundingProgramme -> cfProduct_Funding
cfResultPublication_FundingProgramme -> cfResultPublication_Funding
Renaming of Attributes:
cfSex -> cfGender
cfFundProgId -> cfFundId
cfFundProgId -> cfFundId
cfFundProgId1 -> cfFundId1
cfFundProgId2 -> cfFundId2 
Renaming of Relationships: "(...)FProg" -> "(...)Fund" // for all 
CERIF Semantics (not physically a part of the model):
The terms for relationships between current, core CERIF entities have been collected and definitions provided for a better understanding.
A next CERIF TG meeting in the beginning of December will mainly be concerned with improving the quality of the collected core terms within the research context. The next major release of CERIF is planned for the year 2011


The CERIF 2008 - 1.1 Release

Updates in CERIF 2008 - 1.1 since its previous version CERIF 2008 - 1.0:

Concerning Entities:
- cfCall (pending)
- cfCall_FundingProgramme (pending)
- cfCallName (pending)
- cfCallKeywords (pending)
- cfCallDescription (pending)
- cfGrant (pending)
- cfGrant_FundingProgramme (pending)
- cfGrantName (pending)
- cfGrantKeywords (pending)
- cfGrantDescription (pending)
- cfService_FundingProgramme
- cfResultPatent_ResultPatent
- cfResultProduct_ResultProduct 

Concerning Entities:
- cfOrgUnit_Prize
- cfProj_Prize
- cfPers_Prize

Concerning Attributes:
- cfBirthdate (added)
- cfProductInternId (non mandatory)
- cfFraction in all Link Entities (added)
- all Identifiers now have IDs of Char(128) instead of Char(32)
- default values removed from
    cfTranslation (o,m,h)
    cfSex (u,m,f)
    cfSkillReading (m,f,w)
    cfSkillSpeaking (m,f,w)
    cfSkillWriting (m,f,w)

Concerning CERIF Semantics (not part of the model):
- (is part of) added to cfResultPublication-ResultPublication Roles
- towards a CORE Semantics (to be reviewed!!) 



The CERIF 2008 - 1.0 Release (Archive):

Last Modified: ,23 November 2010
by CERIF TG Leader 
Brigitte Joerg


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