Jan Dvořák,
We recently received an invitation to present CERIF at the kick-off meeting of the newly formed Open Science Graphs Interest Group at the 14th RDA Plenary that was held in the last week of October in Helsinki.

Although scheduled for the last breakout session at the event (i.e., starting on Friday at 16:00), it attracted a good number of attendees. I presented CERIF. We had a good exchange of views with OpenAIRE (represented by Andrea Mannocci of ISTI CNR), Martin Fenner of DataCite, the ERC Executive Agency metadata expert Diego Chialva and Henrik S. Rasmussen and Wouter Haak of Elsevier. There is interest in taking the Open Science Graphs further and CERIF is acknowledged as a valid reference model in trying to harmonise the different graphs that are emerging.
Although not present at the Plenary meeting in person, Keith Jeffery, the founding father of euroCRIS, is participating in many Interest and Working Groups of the RDA, co-chairing some of them. His name was mentioned in several sessions on metadata standards and his work was widely acknowledged.
And also, congratulations to the team of CSC-FI for having organized this hugely successful RDA event! Having also hosted our own Spring Membership Meeting in May this year, 2019 is turning out to be a great year for CSC. And I was happy to see so many people converted to drinking tea at the event!
With this RDA event coming on top of the Pure International Conference the week before in Prague and the ΩΨR (Omega-PsiR) user group meeting in Warsaw on Oct 21st, this has been a really busy period. Now it's finally time to get back to our institutional CRIS at the Czech Technical University, with its own set of tasks and challenges.
Everywhere I've been to, I’ve been advertising our upcoming Strategic Membership Meeting in Münster in two weeks' time. Looking forward to seeing you there!