CERIF 1.5 Reference

This CERIF 1.5 Reference document is the result of a few hours of collaborative work between Chris Gutteridge and Brigitte Jörg during the GtR hack days in Birmingham, automatically transforming and merging existing CERIF model files into a readable version of the CERIF 1.5 descriptions with the aim to serve in particular the community of developers in saving their time and with getting in touch with the CERIF model, structure and thus, mission.

Chris Gutteridge developed and provided a perl script without restrictions - encouraging its re-use with adjustment for upcoming CERIF release updates. The script merges information from the CERIF 1.5 XML Scheme with information from the TOAD modeler's XML file to generate the following information as its output. The script is openly available with CERIF 1.5 release-related material.

Major Classes

Curriculum Vitae | Citation | Classification | Classification Scheme | Country | Currency | Electronic Address | Equipment | Event | Expertise And Skills | Facility | Federated Identifier | Funding | Geographic Bounding Box | Indicator | Language | Measurement | Medium | Metrics | Organisation Unit | Post Address | Person | Prize Award | Project | Qualification | Result Patent | Result Product | Result Publication | Service

Minor Classes

Citation Description | Citation Title | Classification Definition | Classification Description | Classification Example | Classification Scheme Description | Classification Scheme Name | Classification Term | Country Name | Currency Entity Name | Currency Name | Dublin Core | Dublin Core Audience | Dublin Core Contributor | Dublin Core Coverage | Dublin Core Coverage Spatial | Dublin Core Coverage Temporal | Dublin Core Creator | Dublin Core Date | Dublin Core Description | Dublin Core Format | Dublin Core Language | Dublin Core Provenance | Dublin Core Publisher | Dublin Core Relation | Dublin Core Resource Identifier | Dublin Core Resource Type | Dublin Core Rights Holder | Dublin Core Rights Management | Dublin Core Rights Management Access Rights | Dublin Core Rights Management License | Dublin Core Source | Dublin Core Subject | Dublin Core Title | Equipment Description | Equipment Keywords | Equipment Name | Event Description | Event Keywords | Event Name | Expertise And Skills Description | Expertise And Skills Keywords | Expertise And Skills Name | Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Pricing | Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Privacy | Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Rights | Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Security | Facility Description | Facility Kewords | Facility Name | Funding Description | Funding Keywords | Funding Name | Geographic Bounding Box Description | Geographic Bounding Box Keywords | Geographic Bounding Box Name | Indicator Description | Indicator Keywords | Indicator Name | Language Name | Measurement Description | Measurement Keywords | Measurement Name | Medium Description | Medium Keywords | Medium Title | Metrics Description | Metrics Keywords | Metrics Name | Organisation Unit Keywords | Organisation Unit Name | Organisation Unit Research Activity | Person Keywords | Person Name | Person Research Interest | Prize Award Description | Prize Award Keywords | Prize Award Name | Project Abstract | Project Keywords | Project Title | Qualification Description | Qualification Keywords | Qualification Title | Result Patent Abstract | Result Patent Keywords | Result Patent Title | Result Patent Version Info | Result Product Description | Result Product Keywords | Result Product Name | Result Product Version Info | Result Publication Abstract | Result Publication Bibliographic Note | Result Publication Keywords | Result Publication Name Abbreviation | Result Publication Subtitle | Result Publication Title | Result Publication Version Info | Service Description | Service Keywords | Service Name


Curriculum Vitae (class)

Machine Name: cfCV

A curriculum vitae (cv) is a summary of your academic and work history.

Definition Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=cv

1cfCVIdCurriculum Vitae IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfCVDocCurriculum Vitae Docstring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfPers_CVRelationship with Person
0-NcfCV_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Relationship between Curriculum Vitae and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfCV_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfCVIdCurriculum Vitae IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Citation (class)

Machine Name: cfCite

A citation is an acknowledgment, credit, reference, mention, quotation (a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage).

Definition Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=citation

In CERIF, the citation concept is used for publication references outside from the current information system.

1cfCiteIdCitation IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPubl_CiteRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfCite_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfCite_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Citation Description (class)

Machine Name: cfCiteDescr

1cfCiteIdCitation IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Citation Title (class)

Machine Name: cfCiteTitle

The citation title is equal with the publication title, and only used for references that point towards papers stored outside of the repository.

1cfCiteIdCitation IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Citation and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfCite_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (i.e. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are i.e. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Publication Types), or i.e. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), i.e. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Academic Titles),

i.e. (author, author percentage, editor, ... i.e. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, i.e. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), i.e. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Person-Project Roles).

1cfCiteIdCitation IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Citation and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfCite_Medium

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (i.e. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are i.e. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Publication Types), or i.e. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), i.e. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Academic Titles),

i.e. (author, author percentage, editor, ... i.e. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, i.e. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), i.e. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Person-Project Roles).

1cfCiteIdCitation IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfClass

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrSrcDescription SourceMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfTermTermMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfRoleExprRole ExpressionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfRoleExprOppRole Expression OppositeMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfTermSrcTerm SourceMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDefDefinitionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDefSrcDefinition SourceMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfExExampleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfExSrcExample SourceMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfClass_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Classification Definition (class)

Machine Name: cfClassDef

1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDefDefinitionMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfDefSrcDefinition SourceMulti-lingual text field

Classification Description (class)

Machine Name: cfClassDescr

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

The CERIF classification description entity is physically (cfClassDescr) and logically (cfClassificationDescription) defined as an entity in the ERM, which is linked to the cfClass (cfClassification) entity through the (cfClassId) or (cfClassificationIdentifier) inheritance.

1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfDescrSrcDescription SourceMulti-lingual text field

Classification Example (class)

Machine Name: cfClassEx

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

The CERIF classification example entity is physically (cfClassEx) and logically (cfClassificationExample) defined as an entity in the ERM, which is linked to the cfClass (cfClassification) entity through the (cfClassId) or (cfClassificationIdentifier) inheritance.

1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExExampleMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfExSrcExample SourceMulti-lingual text field

Classification Scheme (class)

Machine Name: cfClassScheme

In CERIF, the concept of Classification Scheme is physically (cfClassScheme) and logically (cfClassificationScheme) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, classification schemes, multilingual classification scheme names, multilingual classification scheme descriptions.

1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrSrcDescription SourceMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfNameSrcName SourceMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfClassScheme_ClassSchemeRelationship with Classification Scheme
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Classification Scheme Description (class)

Machine Name: cfClassSchemeDescr

In CERIF, the concept of Classification Scheme is physically (cfClassScheme) and logically (cfClassificationScheme) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, classification schemes, multilingual classification scheme names, multilingual classification scheme descriptions.

The CERIF classification scheme description entity is physically (cfClassSchemeDescr) and logically (cfClassificationSchemeDescription) defined as an entity in the ERM, which is linked to the cfClass (cfClassification) entity through the (cfClassId) or (cfClassificationIdentifier) inheritance.

1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfDescrSrcDescription SourceMulti-lingual text field

Classification Scheme Name (class)

Machine Name: cfClassSchemeName

In CERIF, the concept of Classification Scheme is physically (cfClassScheme) and logically (cfClassificationScheme) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, classification schemes, multilingual classification scheme names, multilingual classification scheme descriptions.

The CERIF classification scheme name entity is physically (cfClassSchemeName) and logically (cfClassificationSchemeName) defined as an entity in the ERM, which is linked to the cfClass (cfClassification) entity through the (cfClassId) or (cfClassificationIdentifier) inheritance.

1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfNameSrcName SourceMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Classification Scheme and Classification Scheme (class)

Machine Name: cfClassScheme_ClassScheme

The classification scheme identifier (cfClassSchemeId) identifies a classification scheme system internally.

The unique classification (cfClassId) + the unique classification scheme identifier (cfClassSchemeId) propagate to link tables: (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Publication Types), e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ... e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

The binding between cfClass and cfClassSchemeId in the cfClassEntity may be dissolved with the next update of the CERIF model, in that the cfClassSchemeId will not continue to be part of the primary key and therefore not propagate to link tables.

1cfClassSchemeId1Classification Scheme Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeId2Classification Scheme Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Classification Term (class)

Machine Name: cfClassTerm

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

The CERIF classification term entity is physically (cfTerm) and logically (cfClassificationTem) defined as an entity in the ERM, which is linked to the cfClass (cfClassification) entity through the (cfClassId) or (cfClassificationIdentifier) inheritance.

1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfTermTermMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfRoleExprRole ExpressionMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfRoleExprOppRole Expression OppositeMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfTermSrcTerm SourceMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Classification and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfClass_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ... e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfClassId1Classification Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassId2Classification Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeId1Classification Scheme Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeId2Classification Scheme Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Country (class)

Machine Name: cfCountry

1cfCountryCodeCountry Codestring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPers_CountryRelationship with Person
0-NcfCountry_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Country Name (class)

Machine Name: cfCountryName

The country name in a particular language.

1cfCountryCodeCountry Codestring
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Country and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfCountry_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfCountryCodeCountry Codestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Currency (class)

Machine Name: cfCurrency

1cfCurrCodeCurrency Codestring
0-1cfNumCurrCodeNumeric Currency Codestring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEntNameEntity NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfCurrency_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Currency Entity Name (class)

Machine Name: cfCurrencyEntName

The currency entity name in a particular language.

1cfCurrCodeCurrency Codestring
1cfEntNameEntity NameMulti-lingual text field

Currency Name (class)

Machine Name: cfCurrencyName

currency name in a particular language

1cfCurrCodeCurrency Codestring
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Currency and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfCurrency_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfCurrCodeCurrency Codestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Dublin Core (class)

Machine Name: cfDC

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
0-1cfDCSchemeURIDublin Core Scheme Uniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfOrgUnit_DCRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_DCRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_DCRelationship with Project
0-NcfResPubl_DCRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Dublin Core Audience (class)

Machine Name: cfDCAudience

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Contributor (class)

Machine Name: cfDCContributor

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Coverage (class)

Machine Name: cfDCCoverage

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Coverage Spatial (class)

Machine Name: cfDCCoverageSpatial

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring
0-1cfFDCXCoordinateFormalised Dublin Core XCoordinatestring
0-1cfFDCYCoordinateFormalised Dublin Core YCoordinatestring
0-1cfFDCZCoordinateFormalised Dublin Core ZCoordinatestring
0-1cfFDCPrecisionFormalised Dublin Core Precisionstring

Dublin Core Coverage Temporal (class)

Machine Name: cfDCCoverageTemporal

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring
0-1cfFDCStartDateTimeFormalised Dublin Core Start Date TimeISO dateTime
0-1cfFDCEndDateTimeFormalised Dublin Core End Date TimeISO dateTime
0-1cfFDCPrecisionFormalised Dublin Core Precisionstring

Dublin Core Creator (class)

Machine Name: cfDCCreator

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Date (class)

Machine Name: cfDCDate

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring
0-1cfDCDateBeginDublin Core Date BeginISO dateTime
0-1cfDCDateEndDublin Core Date EndISO dateTime

Dublin Core Description (class)

Machine Name: cfDCDescription

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Format (class)

Machine Name: cfDCFormat

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Language (class)

Machine Name: cfDCLanguage

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Provenance (class)

Machine Name: cfDCProvenance

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Publisher (class)

Machine Name: cfDCPublisher

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Relation (class)

Machine Name: cfDCRelation

1cfDCId1Dublin Core Identifier1string
1cfDCId2Dublin Core Identifier2string
1cfDCScheme1Dublin Core Scheme1string
1cfDCScheme2Dublin Core Scheme2string
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
1cfDCStartDateDublin Core Start DateISO dateTime
1cfDCEndDateDublin Core End DateISO dateTime
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Resource Identifier (class)

Machine Name: cfDCResourceIdentifier

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Resource Type (class)

Machine Name: cfDCResourceType

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Rights Holder (class)

Machine Name: cfDCRightsHolder

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Rights Management (class)

Machine Name: cfDCRightsMM

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring

Dublin Core Rights Management Access Rights (class)

Machine Name: cfDCRightsMMAccessRights

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Rights Management License (class)

Machine Name: cfDCRightsMMLicense

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Source (class)

Machine Name: cfDCSource

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Subject (class)

Machine Name: cfDCSubject

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Dublin Core Title (class)

Machine Name: cfDCTitle

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfDCTypeDublin Core Typestring
0-1cfDCValueDublin Core Valuestring

Electronic Address (class)

Machine Name: cfEAddr

An electronic address is a computer address, reference ((computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored).

Definition Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=address

1cfEAddrIdElectronic Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfOrgUnit_EAddrRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_EAddrRelationship with Person
0-NcfEAddr_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Relationship between Electronic Address and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfEAddr_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfEAddrIdElectronic Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip

An equipment is an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service:

Definition Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=equipment

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEquip_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfEquip_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfOrgUnit_EquipRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_EquipRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_EquipRelationship with Project
0-NcfResPubl_EquipRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfEquip_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfEquip_PAddrRelationship with Post Address
0-NcfEquip_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfFacil_EquipRelationship with Facility
0-NcfEquip_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfEquip_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfResPat_EquipRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResProd_EquipRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfEquip_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfEquip_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Equipment Description (class)

Machine Name: cfEquipDescr

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Equipment Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfEquipKeyw

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Equipment Name (class)

Machine Name: cfEquipName

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Equipment and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Class

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Equipment and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Equip

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipId1Equipment Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipId2Equipment Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Equipment and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Event

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Equipment and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Fund

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Equipment and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Indic

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Equipment and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Meas

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Equipment and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Medium

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Equipment and Post Address (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_PAddr

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Equipment and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfEquip_Srv

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Event (class)

Machine Name: cfEvent

An event is something that happens at a given place and time.

Definition Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=event

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfCountryCodeCountry Codestring
0-1cfCityTownCity Townstring
0-1cfFeeOrFreeFee Or Freestring
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEvent_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfEvent_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfResPubl_EventRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfOrgUnit_EventRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_EventRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_EventRelationship with Project
0-NcfEvent_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfEvent_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfFacil_EventRelationship with Facility
0-NcfSrv_EventRelationship with Service
0-NcfEquip_EventRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfEvent_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfEvent_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Event Description (class)

Machine Name: cfEventDescr

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Event Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfEventKeyw

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Event Name (class)

Machine Name: cfEventName

The event name in a particular language.

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Event and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfEvent_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Event and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfEvent_Event

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfEventId1Event Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventId2Event Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Event and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfEvent_Fund

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Event and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfEvent_Indic

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Event and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfEvent_Meas

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Event and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfEvent_Medium

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Expertise And Skills (class)

Machine Name: cfExpSkills

The expertise and skills unique identifier (cfExpSkillsId) propagates to i.e.

1cfExpSkillsIdExpertise And Skills IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_ExpSkillsRelationship with Person
0-NcfExpSkills_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Expertise And Skills Description (class)

Machine Name: cfExpSkillsDescr

1cfExpSkillsIdExpertise And Skills IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Expertise And Skills Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfExpSkillsKeyw

1cfExpSkillsIdExpertise And Skills IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Expertise And Skills Name (class)

Machine Name: cfExpSkillsName

The formalised expertise and skills name or pharase in a particular language.

1cfExpSkillsIdExpertise And Skills IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Expertise And Skills and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfExpSkills_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfExpSkillsIdExpertise And Skills IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Pricing (class)

Machine Name: cfFDCRightsMMPricing

To be defined.

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfFDCTransFormalised Dublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfFDCPriceConstraintFormalised Dublin Core Price Constraintstring

Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Privacy (class)

Machine Name: cfFDCRightsMMPrivacy

To be defined.

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfFDCTransFormalised Dublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfFDCPrivacyConstraintFormalised Dublin Core Privacy Constraintstring

Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Rights (class)

Machine Name: cfFDCRightsMMRights

To be defined.

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfDCTransDublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfFDCRightsConstraintFormalised Dublin Core Rights Constraintstring

Formalised Dublin Core Rights Management Security (class)

Machine Name: cfFDCRightsMMSecurity

To be defined.

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfDCLangTagDublin Core Language Tagstring
1cfFDCTransFormalised Dublin Core Translationstring
0-1cfFDCSecurityConstraintFormalised Dublin Core Security Constraintstring

Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil

A facility is a space or equipment necessary for conducting research.

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfFacil_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFacil_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfOrgUnit_FacilRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_FacilRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_FacilRelationship with Project
0-NcfResPubl_FacilRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfFacil_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfFacil_PAddrRelationship with Post Address
0-NcfFacil_FacilRelationship with Facility
0-NcfFacil_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfFacil_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfFacil_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfResPat_FacilRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResProd_FacilRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfFacil_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfFacil_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Facility Description (class)

Machine Name: cfFacilDescr

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Facility Kewords (class)

Machine Name: cfFacilKeyw

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Facility Name (class)

Machine Name: cfFacilName

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Facility and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Class

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Equip

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Event

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Facil

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilId1Facility Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilId2Facility Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Fund

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Facility and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Indic

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Meas

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Medium

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Post Address (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_PAddr

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Facility and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfFacil_Srv

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Federated Identifier (class)

Machine Name: cfFedId

1cfFedIdIdFederated Identifier IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfInstIdInstance IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedIdFederate Identifierstring
0-1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-NcfFedId_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedId_SrvRelationship with Service

Relationship between Federated Identifier and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfFedId_Class

In CERIF, the cfFederatedIdentifier entity is an hybrid entity in the sense that it connects the internal world with an outside world, of which we do not know what can be assumed to be known.

For consistency, this entity has its own cfFederatedIdentifier identifier - namely in short cfFedIdId as an ID and primary key (PK). Finally, the entity has the cfInstanceIdentifier as a character, identifying the record for which this federate identifier is required - in short cfFedInstId. These two just introduced identifiers, in sort cfFedIdId, and cfFedIdInstId represent the internal world of the system. However, following the CERIF link entity style, the linked entity identifier is also required; pointing to the outside world, namely this is the cfFedId or cfFederatedIdentifier as such.

It can possibly have a role that is applicable with Relation. We assume that currrently the only role applied is "same as", where for future applications it may be useful to have the usual cfClassId/cfClassSchemeId reference optionally available (e.g. for possible constraints such as - the fed-id-link is valid only for a person in the role of an author). However, especially with the CERIF XML, we currently recommend to omit it, because in the cfFedId entity is embeded in the base entity and thus, the same-as attribute is implictly known from the structure of the XML record (see examples and specification documents).

Examples of federated identifiers are DOI or ORCID, but also VAT registration numbers or URLs.

1cfFedIdIdFederated Identifier IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfFund

Funding is an amount of money or inkind equivalent value.

1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEquip_FundRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfEvent_FundRelationship with Event
0-NcfFacil_FundRelationship with Facility
0-NcfFund_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFund_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfOrgUnit_FundRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_FundRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_FundRelationship with Project
0-NcfResProd_FundRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfResPubl_FundRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResPat_FundRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfSrv_FundRelationship with Service
0-NcfMedium_FundRelationship with Medium
0-NcfFund_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFund_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Funding Description (class)

Machine Name: cfFundDescr

1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Funding Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfFundKeyw

1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Funding Name (class)

Machine Name: cfFundName

The funding programme, call, tender, i.e. name in a particular language.

1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Funding and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfFund_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Funding and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfFund_Fund

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfFundId1Funding Id1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundId2Funding Id2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Funding and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfFund_Indic

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Relationship between Funding and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfFund_Meas

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Geographic Bounding Box (class)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBox

In CERIF, the concept of Geographic Bounding Box is physically (cfGeoBBox) and logically (cfGeographicBoundingBox) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: geographic bounding boxes, classifications, postal addresses.

A geographic bounding box is the extent of the resource in the geographic space, given as a bounding box.

Definition Source: http://inspire-registry.jrc.ec.europa.eu/registers/GLOSSARY/items/167;jsessionid=23867F8AABA4DE08237EF7A868CB16AA

1cfGeoBBoxIdGeographic Bounding Box IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfWBLongWest Bound LongitudeFloating-point number
0-1cfEBLongEast Bound LongitudeFloating-point number
0-1cfSBLatSouth Bound LatitudeFloating-point number
0-1cfNBLatNorth Bound LatitudeFloating-point number
0-1cfMinElevMinimum ElevationFloating-point number
0-1cfMaxElevMaximum ElevationFloating-point number
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPAddr_GeoBBoxRelationship with Post Address
0-NcfGeoBBox_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxRelationship with Geographic Bounding Box
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Geographic Bounding Box Description (class)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBoxDescr

1cfGeoBBoxIdGeographic Bounding Box IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Geographic Bounding Box Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBoxKeyw

1cfGeoBBoxIdGeographic Bounding Box IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Geographic Bounding Box Name (class)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBoxName

facility name in a particular language

1cfGeoBBoxIdGeographic Bounding Box IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Geographic Bounding Box and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBox_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfGeoBBoxIdGeographic Bounding Box IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Geographic Bounding Box and Geographic Bounding Box (class)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBox_GeoBBox

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfGeoBBoxId1Geographic Bounding Box Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBoxId2Geographic Bounding Box Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfIndic

An indicator is a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time.

Definition Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/indicator

1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfIndic_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfIndic_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfPers_IndicRelationship with Person
0-NcfOrgUnit_IndicRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfProj_IndicRelationship with Project
0-NcfResPubl_IndicRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResPat_IndicRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResProd_IndicRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfFacil_IndicRelationship with Facility
0-NcfSrv_IndicRelationship with Service
0-NcfEquip_IndicRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfEvent_IndicRelationship with Event
0-NcfMedium_IndicRelationship with Medium
0-NcfIndic_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFund_IndicRelationship with Funding
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Indicator Description (class)

Machine Name: cfIndicDescr

The metrics name in a particular language.

1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Indicator Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfIndicKeyw

The metrics name in a particular language.

1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Indicator Name (class)

Machine Name: cfIndicName

The indicator name in a particular language.

1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Indicator and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfIndic_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Indicator and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfIndic_Indic

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfIndicId1Indicator Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicId2Indicator Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Indicator and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfIndic_Meas

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Language (class)

Machine Name: cfLang

Often used and standardised: i.e. the ISO 639-1 two-letter language codes. We recommend a two-letter language code with regional subtags, see: http://www.w3.org/International/articles/bcp47/

For German language in Austria, this would look like: DE-AT

For English in the UK, this would look like: EN-GB

1cfLangCodeLanguage Codestring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPers_LangRelationship with Person
0-NcfLang_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Language Name (class)

Machine Name: cfLangName

The language name itself in a particular language.

1cfLangCodeOfLangNameLanguage Code Of Language Namestring
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Language and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfLang_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfLangCodeLanguage Codestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfMeas

A measurement is the dimension, quantity, or capacity determined by measuring.

Definition Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/measurement

1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfCountIntCount Integerinteger
0-1cfValFloatPValue Floating PointFloating-point number
0-1cfValJudgeNumValue Judgemental NumericFloating-point number
0-1cfCountIntChangeCount Integer Changeinteger
0-1cfCountFloatPChangeCount Floating Point ChangeFloating-point number
0-1cfValJudgeNumChangeValue Judgemental Numeric ChangeFloating-point number
0-1cfValJudgeTextValue Judgemental Textstring
0-1cfValJudgeTextChangeValue Judgemental Text Changestring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfIndic_MeasRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfMeas_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfPers_MeasRelationship with Person
0-NcfOrgUnit_MeasRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfProj_MeasRelationship with Project
0-NcfResPubl_MeasRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResPat_MeasRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResProd_MeasRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfFacil_MeasRelationship with Facility
0-NcfSrv_MeasRelationship with Service
0-NcfEquip_MeasRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfEvent_MeasRelationship with Event
0-NcfMedium_MeasRelationship with Medium
0-NcfMeas_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfFund_MeasRelationship with Funding
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Measurement Description (class)

Machine Name: cfMeasDescr

The metrics name in a particular language.

1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Measurement Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfMeasKeyw

The metrics name in a particular language.

1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Measurement Name (class)

Machine Name: cfMeasName

The indicator name in a particular language.

1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Measurement and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfMeas_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Measurement and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfMeas_Meas

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMeasd1Measurement Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasId2Measurement Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfMedium

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfMediumCreationDateMedium Creation Datestring
0-1cfSizeSizeFloating-point number
0-1cfMimeTypeMime Typestring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPubl_MediumRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResPat_MediumRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResProd_MediumRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfFacil_MediumRelationship with Facility
0-NcfEquip_MediumRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfSrv_MediumRelationship with Service
0-NcfMedium_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfProj_MediumRelationship with Project
0-NcfPers_MediumRelationship with Person
0-NcfOrgUnit_MediumRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfMedium_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfEvent_MediumRelationship with Event
0-NcfMedium_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfCite_MediumRelationship with Citation
0-NcfMedium_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfMedium_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Medium Description (class)

Machine Name: cfMediumDescr

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Medium Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfMediumKeyw

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Medium Title (class)

Machine Name: cfMediumTitle

The metrics name in a particular language.

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Medium and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfMedium_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Medium and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfMedium_Fund

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Medium and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfMedium_Indic

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Medium and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfMedium_Meas

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Medium and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfMedium_Medium

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMediumId1Medium Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumId2Medium Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Metrics (class)

Machine Name: cfMetrics

The metrics unique identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to i.e.

1cfMetricsIdMetrics IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMetrics_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfResPubl_MetricsRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Metrics Description (class)

Machine Name: cfMetricsDescr

1cfMetricsIdMetrics IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Metrics Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfMetricsKeyw

metrics name in a particular language

1cfMetricsIdMetrics IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Metrics Name (class)

Machine Name: cfMetricsName

The metrics name in a particular language.

1cfMetricsIdMetrics IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Metrics and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfMetrics_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfMetricsIdMetrics IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Organisation Unit (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit

An organization (or organisation - see spelling differences) is a social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal. The word itself is derived from the Greek word organon, itself derived from the better-known word ergon - as we know `organ` - and it means a compartment for a particular job.

Definition Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfTurnTurnoverCurrency amount field
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResActResearch ActivityMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnit_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfOrgUnit_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfOrgUnit_EAddrRelationship with Electronic Address
0-NcfOrgUnit_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsRelationship with Expertise And Skills
0-NcfOrgUnit_FacilRelationship with Facility
0-NcfOrgUnit_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfOrgUnit_OrgUnitRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfOrgUnit_PrizeRelationship with Prize Award
0-NcfOrgUnit_ResPatRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfOrgUnit_ResProdRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfOrgUnit_ResPublRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfOrgUnit_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfPers_OrgUnitRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_OrgUnitRelationship with Project
0-NcfOrgUnit_PAddrRelationship with Post Address
0-NcfOrgUnit_DCRelationship with Dublin Core
0-NcfOrgUnit_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfOrgUnit_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfOrgUnit_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Organisation Unit Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnitKeyw

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Organisation Unit Name (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnitName

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Organisation Unit Research Activity (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnitResAct

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResActResearch ActivityMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Class

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Dublin Core (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_DC

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Electronic Address (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_EAddr

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEAddrIdElectronic Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Equip

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Event

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Expertise And Skills (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_ExpSkills

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkillsIdExpertise And Skills IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Facil

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Fund

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Indic

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Meas

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Medium

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Organisation Unit (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitId1Organisation Unit Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnitId2Organisation Unit Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Post Address (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_PAddr

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Prize Award (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Prize

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Result Patent (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_ResPat

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Result Product (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_ResProd

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Result Publication (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_ResPubl

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Organisation Unit and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnit_Srv

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Post Address (class)

Machine Name: cfPAddr

An address is the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with.

Definition Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=address

1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfCountryCodeCountry Codestring
0-1cfPostCodePost Codestring
0-1cfCityTownCity Townstring
0-1cfStateOfCountryState Of Countrystring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfOrgUnit_PAddrRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_PAddrRelationship with Person
0-NcfPAddr_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfPAddr_GeoBBoxRelationship with Geographic Bounding Box
0-NcfEquip_PAddrRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfFacil_PAddrRelationship with Facility
0-NcfSrv_PAddrRelationship with Service
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Relationship between Post Address and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfPAddr_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Post Address and Geographic Bounding Box (class)

Machine Name: cfPAddr_GeoBBox

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBoxIdGeographic Bounding Box IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Person (class)

Machine Name: cfPers

A person (plural: persons or people; from Latin: persona, meaning "mask") is a being, such as a human, that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood, the precise definition of which is the subject of much controversy.

Definition Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfBirthdateBirthdateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfGenderGenderGender field
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfResIntResearch InterestMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPers_PersRelationship with Person
0-NcfPers_EAddrRelationship with Electronic Address
0-NcfPers_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfPers_CVRelationship with Curriculum Vitae
0-NcfPers_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfPers_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfPers_ExpSkillsRelationship with Expertise And Skills
0-NcfPers_FacilRelationship with Facility
0-NcfPers_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfPers_LangRelationship with Language
0-NcfPers_CountryRelationship with Country
0-NcfPers_OrgUnitRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_PrizeRelationship with Prize Award
0-NcfPers_ResPatRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfPers_ResProdRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfPers_ResPublRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfPers_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfProj_PersRelationship with Project
0-NcfPers_PAddrRelationship with Post Address
0-NcfPers_DCRelationship with Dublin Core
0-NcfPers_QualRelationship with Qualification
0-NcfPersName_PersRelationship with Person Name
0-NcfPers_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfPers_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfPers_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Person Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfPersKeyw

The person identifier (cfPersId) identies the person entity. It propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Person Name (class)

Machine Name: cfPersName

1cfPersNameIdPerson Name IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfFamilyNamesFamily Namesstring
0-1cfFirstNamesFirst Namesstring
0-1cfOtherNamesOther Namesstring
0-NcfPersName_PersRelationship with Person

Relationship between Person Name and Person (class)

Machine Name: cfPersName_Pers

The cfPersName_Pers link entity connects the person identifier with the name identifier. This construct has been agreed with the latest CERIF release to allow for the request with respect to multiple structured person names. An application therefore implies a vocabulary term (e.g. cfClassificationId="Person Preferred Name") for reference.

1cfPersNameIdPerson Name IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFamilyNamesFamily Namesstring
0-1cfFirstNamesFirst Namesstring
0-1cfOtherNamesOther Namesstring

Person Research Interest (class)

Machine Name: cfPersResInt

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResIntResearch InterestMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Person and Curriculum Vitae (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_CV

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCVIdCurriculum Vitae IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Class

The person identifier (cfPersId) identies the person entity. It propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Country (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Country

The person identifier (cfPersId) identifies person entities. It propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCountryCodeCountry Codestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Dublin Core (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_DC

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Electronic Address (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_EAddr

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEAddrIdElectronic Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Equip

The person identifier (cfPersId) identifies person entities. It propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Person and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Event

The person identifier (cfPersId) identifies person entities. It propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Expertise And Skills (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_ExpSkills

The person identifier (cfPersId) identies the person entity. It propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkillsIdExpertise And Skills IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Person and Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Facil

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Person and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Fund

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Person and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Indic

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Language (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Lang

The person identifier (cfPersId) identifies person entities. It propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfLangCodeLanguage Codestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfSkillReadingSkill Readingstring
0-1cfSkillSpeakingSkill Speakingstring
0-1cfSkillWritingSkill Writingstring

Relationship between Person and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Meas

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Medium

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Organisation Unit (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_OrgUnit

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Post Address (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_PAddr

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Person (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Pers

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersId1Person Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersId2Person Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Prize Award (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Prize

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Qualification (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Qual

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQualIdQualification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Result Patent (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_ResPat

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Result Product (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_ResProd

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field
0-1cfIPRIntellectual Property Rightsstring

Relationship between Person and Result Publication (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_ResPubl

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Person and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfPers_Srv

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Prize Award (class)

Machine Name: cfPrize

Something offered or won as an award for superiority or victory, as in a contest or competition.

Definition Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/prize

1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnit_PrizeRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_PrizeRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_PrizeRelationship with Project
0-NcfPrize_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Prize Award Description (class)

Machine Name: cfPrizeDescr

1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Prize Award Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfPrizeKeyw

1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Prize Award Name (class)

Machine Name: cfPrizeName

1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Prize Award and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfPrize_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Project (class)

Machine Name: cfProj

A project in business and science is typically defined as a collaborative enterprise, frequently involving research or design, that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. Projects can be further defined as temporary rather than permanent social systems that are constituted by teams within or across organizations to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints.

Definition Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfAbstrAbstractMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfProj_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfProj_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfProj_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfProj_FacilRelationship with Facility
0-NcfProj_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfProj_OrgUnitRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfProj_PersRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_PrizeRelationship with Prize Award
0-NcfProj_ResPatRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfProj_ProjRelationship with Project
0-NcfProj_ResProdRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfProj_ResPublRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfProj_DCRelationship with Dublin Core
0-NcfProj_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfProj_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfProj_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfProj_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Project Abstract (class)

Machine Name: cfProjAbstr

A short description of the project activity and goals.

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfAbstrAbstractMulti-lingual text field

Project Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfProjKeyw

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Project Title (class)

Machine Name: cfProjTitle

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Project and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Class

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Dublin Core (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_DC

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Equip

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Project and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Event

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Facil

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Relationship between Project and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Fund

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Project and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Indic

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Meas

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Medium

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Organisation Unit (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_OrgUnit

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnitIdOrgisation Unit IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Person (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Pers

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersIdPerson IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Prize Award (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Prize

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrizeIdPrize Award IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPrizeDatePrize Award DateISO dateTime

Relationship between Project and Project (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Proj

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjId1Project Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProjId2Project Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Result Patent (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_ResPat

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Result Product (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_ResProd

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Result Publication (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_ResPubl

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Project and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfProj_Srv

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

1cfProjIdProject IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfPricePriceCurrency amount field

Qualification (class)

Machine Name: cfQual

A qualification is an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something.

Definition Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=qualification

1cfQualIdQualification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPers_QualRelationship with Person
0-NcfQual_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Qualification Description (class)

Machine Name: cfQualDescr

1cfQualIdQualification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Qualification Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfQualKeyw

1cfQualIdQualification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Qualification Title (class)

Machine Name: cfQualTitle

facility name in a particular language

1cfQualIdQualification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Qualification and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfQual_Class

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

1cfQualIdQualification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Result Patent (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat

A patent is a form of intellectual property. It consists of a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of an invention.

Definition Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patent

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfCountryCodeCountry Codestring
0-1cfRegistrDateRegistration DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfApprovDateApproval DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfPatentNumPatent Numberstring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfAbstrAbstractMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfVersInfoVersion InfoMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnit_ResPatRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_ResPatRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_ResPatRelationship with Project
0-NcfResPat_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfResPat_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfResPubl_ResPatRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResPat_ResPatRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResPat_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfResPat_FacilRelationship with Facility
0-NcfResPat_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfResPat_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfResPat_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfResPat_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Result Patent Abstract (class)

Machine Name: cfResPatAbstr

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfAbstrAbstractMulti-lingual text field

Result Patent Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfResPatKeyw

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Result Patent Title (class)

Machine Name: cfResPatTitle

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field

Result Patent Version Info (class)

Machine Name: cfResPatVersInfo

The cfResultPatentVersionInfo entity (cfResPatVersInf) is a pending entity.

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfVersInfoVersion InfoMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Result Patent and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Class

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Patent and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Equip

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Patent and Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Facil

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Patent and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Fund

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Result Patent and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Indic

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Patent and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Meas

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Patent and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Medium

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Patent and Result Patent (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_ResPat

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatId1Result Patent Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatId2Result Patent Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Patent and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfResPat_Srv

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Result Product (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd

In CERIF, the concept of product is physially (cfResProd) and logically (cfResultProduct) defined as an entity in the ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classifications, fundings, products, projects, organisations, persons, facilities, equipments, services, media, indicators, measurements.

The entity product in CERIF has often caused confusion, it was maybe not stressed enough, that a CERIF product is considered a result in general, achieved through some effort - and not at all is it a commercial or physical product only. It was intended to also represent i.e. software or 'research data'.

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfVersInfoVersion InfoMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnit_ResProdRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_ResProdRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_ResProdRelationship with Project
0-NcfResProd_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfResProd_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfResPubl_ResProdRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResProd_ResProdRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfResProd_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfResProd_FacilRelationship with Facility
0-NcfResProd_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfResProd_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfResProd_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfResProd_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Result Product Description (class)

Machine Name: cfResProdDescr

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Result Product Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfResProdKeyw

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Result Product Name (class)

Machine Name: cfResProdName

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Result Product Version Info (class)

Machine Name: cfResProdVersInfo

The cfResultProductVersionInfo entity (cfResProdVersInf) is a pending entity.

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfVersInfoVersion InfoMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Result Product and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Class

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Product and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Equip

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Product and Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Facil

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Product and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Fund

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Result Product and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Indic

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Product and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Meas

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Product and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Medium

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Product and Result Product (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_ResProd

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdId1Result Product Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdId2Result Product Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Product and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfResProd_Srv

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Result Publication (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl

Collection of information records that, in combination, represent a full and up-to-date history of research or scholarly published outputs resulting from, or related to, the person's research activities.

Definition Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/1.1.0/contributions/outputs/publications

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfResPublDateResult Publication DateISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfStartPageStart Pagestring
0-1cfEndPageEnd Pagestring
0-1cfTotalPagesTotal Pagesstring
0-1cfISBNInternational Standard Book Numberstring
0-1cfISSNInternational Standard Serial Numberstring
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfAbstrAbstractMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfBiblNoteBibliographic NoteMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfNameAbbrevName AbbreviationMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfSubtitleSubtitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfVersInfoVersion InfoMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPubl_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfOrgUnit_ResPublRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_ResPublRelationship with Person
0-NcfProj_ResPublRelationship with Project
0-NcfResPubl_ResPublRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResPubl_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfResPubl_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfResPubl_DCRelationship with Dublin Core
0-NcfResPubl_FacilRelationship with Facility
0-NcfResPubl_EquipRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfResPubl_ResProdRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfResPubl_ResPatRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResPubl_CiteRelationship with Citation
0-NcfResPubl_MetricsRelationship with Metrics
0-NcfResPubl_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfResPubl_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfResPubl_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfResPubl_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Result Publication Abstract (class)

Machine Name: cfResPublAbstr

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfAbstrAbstractMulti-lingual text field

Result Publication Bibliographic Note (class)

Machine Name: cfResPublBiblNote

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfBiblNoteBibliographic NoteMulti-lingual text field

Result Publication Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfResPublKeyw

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Result Publication Name Abbreviation (class)

Machine Name: cfResPublNameAbbrev

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameAbbrevName AbbreviationMulti-lingual text field

Result Publication Subtitle (class)

Machine Name: cfResPublSubtitle

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSubtitleSubtitleMulti-lingual text field

Result Publication Title (class)

Machine Name: cfResPublTitle

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfTitleTitleMulti-lingual text field

Result Publication Version Info (class)

Machine Name: cfResPublVersInfo

The cfResultPublicationVersionInfo entity (cfResPublVersInf) is a pending entity.

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfVersInfoVersion InfoMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Result Publication and Citation (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Cite

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCiteIdCitation IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfCountCountFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Class

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Dublin Core (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_DC

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDCIdDublin Core Identifierstring
1cfDCSchemeDublin Core Schemestring
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Equipment (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Equip

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipIdEquipment IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Event

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Facility (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Facil

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilIdFacility IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Fund

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Result Publication and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Indic

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Meas

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Medium

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Metrics (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Metrics

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMetricsIdMetrics IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfCountCountFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Result Patent (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_ResPat

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatIdResult Patent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Result Product (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_ResProd

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdIdResult Product IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Result Publication (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_ResPubl

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublId1Result Publication Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublId2Result Publication Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Result Publication and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfResPubl_Srv

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

1cfResPublIdResult Publication IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Service (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv

A service is an exchange for money or other commodities where an enduser receives for money from a supplier.

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfURIUniform Resource Identifierstring
0-NcfNameNameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnit_SrvRelationship with Organisation Unit
0-NcfPers_SrvRelationship with Person
0-NcfSrv_ClassRelationship with Classification
0-NcfProj_SrvRelationship with Project
0-NcfSrv_FundRelationship with Funding
0-NcfSrv_MediumRelationship with Medium
0-NcfSrv_PAddrRelationship with Post Address
0-NcfSrv_SrvRelationship with Service
0-NcfFacil_SrvRelationship with Facility
0-NcfEquip_SrvRelationship with Equipment
0-NcfSrv_EventRelationship with Event
0-NcfResPubl_SrvRelationship with Result Publication
0-NcfResPat_SrvRelationship with Result Patent
0-NcfResProd_SrvRelationship with Result Product
0-NcfSrv_MeasRelationship with Measurement
0-NcfSrv_IndicRelationship with Indicator
0-NcfFedIdFederate Identifier??????

Service Description (class)

Machine Name: cfSrvDescr

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfDescrDescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Service Keywords (class)

Machine Name: cfSrvKeyw

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfKeywKeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Service Name (class)

Machine Name: cfSrvName

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfNameNameMulti-lingual text field

Relationship between Service and Classification (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_Class

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Service and Event (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_Event

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventIdEvent IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Service and Funding (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_Fund

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundIdFunding IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number
0-1cfAmountAmountCurrency amount field

Relationship between Service and Indicator (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_Indic

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIdIndicator IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Service and Measurement (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_Meas

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasIdMeasurement IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Service and Medium (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_Medium

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumIdMedium IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Service and Post Address (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_PAddr

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvIdService IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddrIdPost Address IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number

Relationship between Service and Service (class)

Machine Name: cfSrv_Srv

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

1cfSrvId1Service Identifier1Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvId2Service Identifier2Identifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassIdClassification IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeIdClassification Scheme IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfStartDateStart DateISO dateTime
0-1cfEndDateEnd DateISO dateTime
0-1cfFractionFractionFloating-point number


Abstract (property)

Machine Name: cfAbstr

idOn Classtype
0-NcfProjProjectMulti-lingual text field
1cfProjAbstrProject AbstractMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPatResult PatentMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPatAbstrResult Patent AbstractMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPublResult PublicationMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPublAbstrResult Publication AbstractMulti-lingual text field

Acronym (property)

Machine Name: cfAcro

idOn Classtype
0-1cfOrgUnitOrganisation Unitstring

Addressline1 (property)

Machine Name: cfAddrline1

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

Addressline2 (property)

Machine Name: cfAddrline2

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

Addressline3 (property)

Machine Name: cfAddrline3

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

Addressline4 (property)

Machine Name: cfAddrline4

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

Addressline5 (property)

Machine Name: cfAddrline5

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

Amount (property)

Machine Name: cfAmount

idOn Classtype
0-1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfFundFundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorCurrency amount field
0-1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementCurrency amount field
0-1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfProj_FundProject_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingCurrency amount field
0-1cfSrv_FundService_FundingCurrency amount field

Approval Date (property)

Machine Name: cfApprovDate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPatResult PatentISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)

Availability (property)

Machine Name: cfAvailability

idOn Classtype
0-1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_Equipmentstring
0-1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And Skillsstring
0-1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_Facilitystring
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result Productstring
0-1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_Servicestring
0-1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And Skillsstring
0-1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result Productstring

Bibliographic Note (property)

Machine Name: cfBiblNote

miscellaneous extra information

idOn Classtype
0-NcfResPublResult PublicationMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPublBiblNoteResult Publication Bibliographic NoteMulti-lingual text field

Birthdate (property)

Machine Name: cfBirthdate

the date of birth.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPersPersonISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)

Curriculum Vitae Doc (property)

Machine Name: cfCVDoc

A short account of one's career, qualifications and skills.

A CV can be stored in any digital format eg.

MS-Word (DOC),

Adobe Acrobat (PDF),

MS-PowerPoint (PPT).

idOn Classtype
0-1cfCVCurriculum Vitaestring

Curriculum Vitae Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfCVId

idOn Classtype
1cfCVCurriculum VitaeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCV_ClassCurriculum Vitae_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_CVPerson_Curriculum VitaeIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Citation Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfCiteId

idOn Classtype
1cfCiteCitationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCiteDescrCitation DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCiteTitleCitation TitleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCite_ClassCitation_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCite_MediumCitation_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

City Town (property)

Machine Name: cfCityTown

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

????? (property)

Machine Name: cfClass

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassSchemeClassification SchemeNO-TYPE

Classification Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfClassId

idOn Classtype
1cfCV_ClassCurriculum Vitae_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCite_ClassCitation_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCite_MediumCitation_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassDefClassification DefinitionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassDescrClassification DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassExClassification ExampleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassScheme_ClassSchemeClassification Scheme_Classification SchemeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassTermClassification TermIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCountry_ClassCountry_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCurrency_ClassCurrency_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEAddr_ClassElectronic Address_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_ClassEquipment_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_EquipEquipment_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_EventEquipment_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_IndicEquipment_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_MeasEquipment_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_MediumEquipment_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_PAddrEquipment_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_SrvEquipment_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_ClassEvent_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_EventEvent_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_IndicEvent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MeasEvent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MediumEvent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkills_ClassExpertise And Skills_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_ClassFacility_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EquipFacility_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EventFacility_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_FacilFacility_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_IndicFacility_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MeasFacility_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MediumFacility_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_PAddrFacility_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_SrvFacility_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfFedIdFederated IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId_ClassFederated Identifier_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId_SrvNO-LABELIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfFedId__EmbTypeNO-LABELIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_ClassFunding_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_FundFunding_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBox_ClassGeographic Bounding Box_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_ClassIndicator_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_IndicIndicator_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_MeasIndicator_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfLang_ClassLanguage_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeas_ClassMeasurement_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeas_MeasMeasurement_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_ClassMedium_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_IndicMedium_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_MeasMedium_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_MediumMedium_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMetrics_ClassMetrics_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ClassOrganisation Unit_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EAddrOrganisation Unit_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EventOrganisation Unit_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_IndicOrganisation Unit_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MeasOrganisation Unit_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MediumOrganisation Unit_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_OrgUnitOrganisation Unit_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_PAddrOrganisation Unit_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_PrizeOrganisation Unit_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResPatOrganisation Unit_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddr_ClassPost Address_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddr_GeoBBoxPost Address_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_CVPerson_Curriculum VitaeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ClassPerson_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_CountryPerson_CountryIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EAddrPerson_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EventPerson_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_IndicPerson_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_LangPerson_LanguageIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MeasPerson_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MediumPerson_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_OrgUnitPerson_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PAddrPerson_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PersPerson_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PrizePerson_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_QualPerson_QualificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPatPerson_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrize_ClassPrize Award_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ClassProject_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EventProject_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FundProject_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_IndicProject_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MeasProject_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MediumProject_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_OrgUnitProject_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PersProject_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ProjProject_ProjectIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPatProject_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResProdProject_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQual_ClassQualification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_ClassResult Patent_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_EquipResult Patent_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FacilResult Patent_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_IndicResult Patent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MeasResult Patent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MediumResult Patent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_ResPatResult Patent_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_SrvResult Patent_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_ClassResult Product_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_EquipResult Product_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FacilResult Product_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_IndicResult Product_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MeasResult Product_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MediumResult Product_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_ResProdResult Product_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_SrvResult Product_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ClassResult Publication_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EquipResult Publication_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EventResult Publication_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FacilResult Publication_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_IndicResult Publication_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MeasResult Publication_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MediumResult Publication_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResPatResult Publication_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResProdResult Publication_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResPublResult Publication_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_SrvResult Publication_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_ClassService_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_EventService_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_FundService_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_IndicService_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MeasService_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MediumService_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_PAddrService_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_SrvService_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Classification Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfClassId1

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ... e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

idOn Classtype
1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Classification Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfClassId2

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

A classification in the optimum case is uniquely identified through a uuid with the cfClassificationIdentifier (cfClassId) attribute (CERIF 1.3 provides a uuid for every specified term published at the euroCRIS website). A classification (uuid) is always assigned to at least one classification scheme (cfClassificationScheme or cfClassScheme) through the cfClassificationSchemeIdentifier (cfClassSchemeId) which is itself a uuid.

The classification unique identifier (cfClassId) propagates to link tables (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Publication Types), or e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ...e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

idOn Classtype
1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Classification Scheme Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfClassSchemeId

idOn Classtype
1cfCV_ClassCurriculum Vitae_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCite_ClassCitation_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCite_MediumCitation_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassDefClassification DefinitionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassDescrClassification DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassExClassification ExampleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeClassification SchemeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeDescrClassification Scheme DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassSchemeNameClassification Scheme NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassScheme_ClassSchemeClassification Scheme_Classification SchemeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClassTermClassification TermIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCountry_ClassCountry_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfCurrency_ClassCurrency_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEAddr_ClassElectronic Address_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_ClassEquipment_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_EquipEquipment_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_EventEquipment_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_IndicEquipment_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_MeasEquipment_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_MediumEquipment_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_PAddrEquipment_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_SrvEquipment_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_ClassEvent_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_EventEvent_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_IndicEvent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MeasEvent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MediumEvent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkills_ClassExpertise And Skills_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_ClassFacility_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EquipFacility_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EventFacility_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_FacilFacility_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_IndicFacility_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MeasFacility_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MediumFacility_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_PAddrFacility_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_SrvFacility_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfFedIdFederated IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId_ClassFederated Identifier_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId_SrvNO-LABELIdentifier (max 128 chars)
0-1cfFedId__EmbTypeNO-LABELIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_ClassFunding_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_FundFunding_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBox_ClassGeographic Bounding Box_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_ClassIndicator_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_IndicIndicator_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_MeasIndicator_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfLang_ClassLanguage_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeas_ClassMeasurement_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeas_MeasMeasurement_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_ClassMedium_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_IndicMedium_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_MeasMedium_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_MediumMedium_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMetrics_ClassMetrics_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ClassOrganisation Unit_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EAddrOrganisation Unit_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EventOrganisation Unit_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_IndicOrganisation Unit_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MeasOrganisation Unit_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MediumOrganisation Unit_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_OrgUnitOrganisation Unit_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_PAddrOrganisation Unit_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_PrizeOrganisation Unit_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResPatOrganisation Unit_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddr_ClassPost Address_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddr_GeoBBoxPost Address_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_CVPerson_Curriculum VitaeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ClassPerson_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_CountryPerson_CountryIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EAddrPerson_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EventPerson_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_IndicPerson_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_LangPerson_LanguageIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MeasPerson_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MediumPerson_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_OrgUnitPerson_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PAddrPerson_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PersPerson_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PrizePerson_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_QualPerson_QualificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPatPerson_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrize_ClassPrize Award_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ClassProject_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EventProject_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FundProject_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_IndicProject_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MeasProject_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MediumProject_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_OrgUnitProject_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PersProject_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ProjProject_ProjectIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPatProject_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResProdProject_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQual_ClassQualification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_ClassResult Patent_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_EquipResult Patent_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FacilResult Patent_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_IndicResult Patent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MeasResult Patent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MediumResult Patent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_ResPatResult Patent_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_SrvResult Patent_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_ClassResult Product_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_EquipResult Product_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FacilResult Product_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_IndicResult Product_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MeasResult Product_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MediumResult Product_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_ResProdResult Product_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_SrvResult Product_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ClassResult Publication_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EquipResult Publication_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EventResult Publication_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FacilResult Publication_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_IndicResult Publication_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MeasResult Publication_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MediumResult Publication_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResPatResult Publication_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResProdResult Publication_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResPublResult Publication_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_SrvResult Publication_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_ClassService_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_EventService_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_FundService_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_IndicService_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MeasService_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MediumService_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_PAddrService_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_SrvService_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Classification Scheme Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfClassSchemeId1

The classification scheme identifier (cfClassSchemeId) identifies a classification scheme system internally.

The unique classification (cfClassId) + the unique classification scheme identifier (cfClassSchemeId) propagate to link tables: (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Publication Types), e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ... e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

The binding between cfClass and cfClassSchemeId in the cfClassEntity may be dissolved with the next update of the CERIF model, in that the cfClassSchemeId will not continue to be part of the primary key and therefore not propagate to link tables.

idOn Classtype
1cfClassScheme_ClassSchemeClassification Scheme_Classification SchemeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Classification Scheme Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfClassSchemeId2

The classification scheme identifier (cfClassSchemeId) identifies a classification scheme system internally.

The unique classification (cfClassId) + the unique classification scheme identifier (cfClassSchemeId) propagate to link tables: (e.g. cfOrganisationUnit_ResultProduct, cfEquipment_Funding, cfProject_ResultPatent, cfProject_Project, cfPerson_Classification, cfOrganisationUnit_ElectronicAddress, cfPerson_Service, ...).

Some classification examples grouped by example schemes are e.g. (Article, Book, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Publication Types), e.g. (Academic Institution, Company, Society, Associationl, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Organisation Types), e.g. (Prof., Dr., PhD, ... belonging to a scheme i.e. Academic Titles), e.g. (author, author percentage, editor, ... e.g. belonging to a scheme Person-Publication Roles, e.g. (ceo, director, head of department, ... belonging to a scheme Person-Organisation Roles), e.g. investigator, co-ordinator, manager, ... belonging to a scheme e.g. Person-Project Roles).

The binding between cfClass and cfClassSchemeId in the cfClassEntity may be dissolved with the next update of the CERIF model, in that the cfClassSchemeId will not continue to be part of the primary key and therefore not propagate to link tables.

idOn Classtype
1cfClassScheme_ClassSchemeClassification Scheme_Classification SchemeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Conditions (property)

Machine Name: cfConditions

idOn Classtype
0-1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_Equipmentstring
0-1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And Skillsstring
0-1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_Facilitystring
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result Productstring
0-1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_Servicestring
0-1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And Skillsstring
0-1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result Productstring

Copyright (property)

Machine Name: cfCopyright

Collection of information records that, in combination, represent a full and up-to-date history of research or scholarly published outputs resulting from, or related to, the person's research activities.

Definition Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/1.1.0/contributions/outputs/publications

idOn Classtype
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result Publicationstring
0-1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result Publicationstring
0-1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result Publicationstring

Count (property)

Machine Name: cfCount

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsFloating-point number

Count Floating Point Change (property)

Machine Name: cfCountFloatPChange

idOn Classtype
0-1cfMeasMeasurementFloating-point number

Count Integer (property)

Machine Name: cfCountInt

idOn Classtype

Count Integer Change (property)

Machine Name: cfCountIntChange

idOn Classtype

Country Code (property)

Machine Name: cfCountryCode

idOn Classtype
1cfCountryNameCountry Namestring
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring
0-1cfResPatResult Patentstring

Currency Code (property)

Machine Name: cfCurrCode

idOn Classtype
1cfCurrencyEntNameCurrency Entity Namestring
1cfCurrencyNameCurrency Namestring

Dublin Core Date Begin (property)

Machine Name: cfDCDateBegin

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCDateDublin Core DateISO dateTime

Dublin Core Date End (property)

Machine Name: cfDCDateEnd

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCDateDublin Core DateISO dateTime

Dublin Core End Date (property)

Machine Name: cfDCEndDate

idOn Classtype
1cfDCRelationDublin Core RelationISO dateTime

Dublin Core Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfDCId

idOn Classtype
1cfDCDublin Corestring
1cfDCAudienceDublin Core Audiencestring
1cfDCContributorDublin Core Contributorstring
1cfDCCoverageDublin Core Coveragestring
1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring
1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage Temporalstring
1cfDCCreatorDublin Core Creatorstring
1cfDCDateDublin Core Datestring
1cfDCDescriptionDublin Core Descriptionstring
1cfDCFormatDublin Core Formatstring
1cfDCLanguageDublin Core Languagestring
1cfDCProvenanceDublin Core Provenancestring
1cfDCPublisherDublin Core Publisherstring
1cfDCResourceIdentifierDublin Core Resource Identifierstring
1cfDCResourceTypeDublin Core Resource Typestring
1cfDCRightsHolderDublin Core Rights Holderstring
1cfDCRightsMMDublin Core Rights Managementstring
1cfDCRightsMMAccessRightsDublin Core Rights Management Access Rightsstring
1cfDCRightsMMLicenseDublin Core Rights Management Licensestring
1cfDCSourceDublin Core Sourcestring
1cfDCSubjectDublin Core Subjectstring
1cfDCTitleDublin Core Titlestring
1cfFDCRightsMMPricingFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Pricingstring
1cfFDCRightsMMPrivacyFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Privacystring
1cfFDCRightsMMRightsFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Rightsstring
1cfFDCRightsMMSecurityFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Securitystring
1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin Corestring
1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin Corestring
1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin Corestring
1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin Corestring

Dublin Core Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfDCId1

idOn Classtype
1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring

Dublin Core Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfDCId2

idOn Classtype
1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring

Dublin Core Language Tag (property)

Machine Name: cfDCLangTag

idOn Classtype
1cfDCAudienceDublin Core Audiencestring
1cfDCContributorDublin Core Contributorstring
1cfDCCoverageDublin Core Coveragestring
1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring
1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage Temporalstring
1cfDCCreatorDublin Core Creatorstring
1cfDCDateDublin Core Datestring
1cfDCDescriptionDublin Core Descriptionstring
1cfDCFormatDublin Core Formatstring
1cfDCLanguageDublin Core Languagestring
1cfDCProvenanceDublin Core Provenancestring
1cfDCPublisherDublin Core Publisherstring
1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring
1cfDCResourceIdentifierDublin Core Resource Identifierstring
1cfDCResourceTypeDublin Core Resource Typestring
1cfDCRightsHolderDublin Core Rights Holderstring
1cfDCRightsMMDublin Core Rights Managementstring
1cfDCRightsMMAccessRightsDublin Core Rights Management Access Rightsstring
1cfDCRightsMMLicenseDublin Core Rights Management Licensestring
1cfDCSourceDublin Core Sourcestring
1cfDCSubjectDublin Core Subjectstring
1cfDCTitleDublin Core Titlestring
1cfFDCRightsMMPricingFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Pricingstring
1cfFDCRightsMMPrivacyFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Privacystring
1cfFDCRightsMMRightsFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Rightsstring
1cfFDCRightsMMSecurityFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Securitystring

Dublin Core Scheme (property)

Machine Name: cfDCScheme

idOn Classtype
1cfDCDublin Corestring
1cfDCAudienceDublin Core Audiencestring
1cfDCContributorDublin Core Contributorstring
1cfDCCoverageDublin Core Coveragestring
1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring
1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage Temporalstring
1cfDCCreatorDublin Core Creatorstring
1cfDCDateDublin Core Datestring
1cfDCDescriptionDublin Core Descriptionstring
1cfDCFormatDublin Core Formatstring
1cfDCLanguageDublin Core Languagestring
1cfDCProvenanceDublin Core Provenancestring
1cfDCPublisherDublin Core Publisherstring
1cfDCResourceIdentifierDublin Core Resource Identifierstring
1cfDCResourceTypeDublin Core Resource Typestring
1cfDCRightsHolderDublin Core Rights Holderstring
1cfDCRightsMMDublin Core Rights Managementstring
1cfDCRightsMMAccessRightsDublin Core Rights Management Access Rightsstring
1cfDCRightsMMLicenseDublin Core Rights Management Licensestring
1cfDCSourceDublin Core Sourcestring
1cfDCSubjectDublin Core Subjectstring
1cfDCTitleDublin Core Titlestring
1cfFDCRightsMMPricingFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Pricingstring
1cfFDCRightsMMPrivacyFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Privacystring
1cfFDCRightsMMRightsFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Rightsstring
1cfFDCRightsMMSecurityFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Securitystring
1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin Corestring
1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin Corestring
1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin Corestring
1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin Corestring

Dublin Core Scheme1 (property)

Machine Name: cfDCScheme1

idOn Classtype
1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring

Dublin Core Scheme2 (property)

Machine Name: cfDCScheme2

idOn Classtype
1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring

Dublin Core Scheme Uniform Resource Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfDCSchemeURI

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCDublin Corestring

Dublin Core Start Date (property)

Machine Name: cfDCStartDate

idOn Classtype
1cfDCRelationDublin Core RelationISO dateTime

Dublin Core Translation (property)

Machine Name: cfDCTrans

idOn Classtype
1cfDCAudienceDublin Core Audiencestring
1cfDCContributorDublin Core Contributorstring
1cfDCCoverageDublin Core Coveragestring
1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring
1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage Temporalstring
1cfDCCreatorDublin Core Creatorstring
1cfDCDateDublin Core Datestring
1cfDCDescriptionDublin Core Descriptionstring
1cfDCFormatDublin Core Formatstring
1cfDCLanguageDublin Core Languagestring
1cfDCProvenanceDublin Core Provenancestring
1cfDCPublisherDublin Core Publisherstring
1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring
1cfDCResourceIdentifierDublin Core Resource Identifierstring
1cfDCResourceTypeDublin Core Resource Typestring
1cfDCRightsHolderDublin Core Rights Holderstring
1cfDCRightsMMDublin Core Rights Managementstring
1cfDCRightsMMAccessRightsDublin Core Rights Management Access Rightsstring
1cfDCRightsMMLicenseDublin Core Rights Management Licensestring
1cfDCSourceDublin Core Sourcestring
1cfDCSubjectDublin Core Subjectstring
1cfDCTitleDublin Core Titlestring
1cfFDCRightsMMRightsFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Rightsstring

Dublin Core Type (property)

Machine Name: cfDCType

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCAudienceDublin Core Audiencestring
0-1cfDCContributorDublin Core Contributorstring
0-1cfDCCoverageDublin Core Coveragestring
0-1cfDCCreatorDublin Core Creatorstring
0-1cfDCDateDublin Core Datestring
0-1cfDCDescriptionDublin Core Descriptionstring
0-1cfDCFormatDublin Core Formatstring
0-1cfDCLanguageDublin Core Languagestring
0-1cfDCProvenanceDublin Core Provenancestring
0-1cfDCPublisherDublin Core Publisherstring
0-1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring
0-1cfDCResourceIdentifierDublin Core Resource Identifierstring
0-1cfDCResourceTypeDublin Core Resource Typestring
0-1cfDCRightsHolderDublin Core Rights Holderstring
0-1cfDCRightsMMDublin Core Rights Managementstring
0-1cfDCSourceDublin Core Sourcestring
0-1cfDCSubjectDublin Core Subjectstring
0-1cfDCTitleDublin Core Titlestring

Dublin Core Value (property)

Machine Name: cfDCValue

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCAudienceDublin Core Audiencestring
0-1cfDCContributorDublin Core Contributorstring
0-1cfDCCoverageDublin Core Coveragestring
0-1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring
0-1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage Temporalstring
0-1cfDCCreatorDublin Core Creatorstring
0-1cfDCDateDublin Core Datestring
0-1cfDCDescriptionDublin Core Descriptionstring
0-1cfDCFormatDublin Core Formatstring
0-1cfDCLanguageDublin Core Languagestring
0-1cfDCProvenanceDublin Core Provenancestring
0-1cfDCPublisherDublin Core Publisherstring
0-1cfDCRelationDublin Core Relationstring
0-1cfDCResourceIdentifierDublin Core Resource Identifierstring
0-1cfDCResourceTypeDublin Core Resource Typestring
0-1cfDCRightsHolderDublin Core Rights Holderstring
0-1cfDCRightsMMDublin Core Rights Managementstring
0-1cfDCRightsMMAccessRightsDublin Core Rights Management Access Rightsstring
0-1cfDCRightsMMLicenseDublin Core Rights Management Licensestring
0-1cfDCSourceDublin Core Sourcestring
0-1cfDCSubjectDublin Core Subjectstring
0-1cfDCTitleDublin Core Titlestring

Definition (property)

Machine Name: cfDef

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
1cfClassDefClassification DefinitionMulti-lingual text field

Definition Source (property)

Machine Name: cfDefSrc

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassDefClassification DefinitionMulti-lingual text field

Description (property)

Machine Name: cfDescr

idOn Classtype
0-NcfCiteCitationMulti-lingual text field
1cfCiteDescrCitation DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
1cfClassDescrClassification DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfClassSchemeClassification SchemeMulti-lingual text field
1cfClassSchemeDescrClassification Scheme DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEquipEquipmentMulti-lingual text field
1cfEquipDescrEquipment DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEventEventMulti-lingual text field
1cfEventDescrEvent DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfExpSkillsExpertise And SkillsMulti-lingual text field
1cfExpSkillsDescrExpertise And Skills DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfFacilFacilityMulti-lingual text field
1cfFacilDescrFacility DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfFundFundingMulti-lingual text field
1cfFundDescrFunding DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxMulti-lingual text field
1cfGeoBBoxDescrGeographic Bounding Box DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfIndicIndicatorMulti-lingual text field
1cfIndicDescrIndicator DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMeasMeasurementMulti-lingual text field
1cfMeasDescrMeasurement DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMediumMediumMulti-lingual text field
1cfMediumDescrMedium DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMetricsMetricsMulti-lingual text field
1cfMetricsDescrMetrics DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPrizePrize AwardMulti-lingual text field
1cfPrizeDescrPrize Award DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfQualQualificationMulti-lingual text field
1cfQualDescrQualification DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResProdResult ProductMulti-lingual text field
1cfResProdDescrResult Product DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfSrvServiceMulti-lingual text field
1cfSrvDescrService DescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Description Source (property)

Machine Name: cfDescrSrc

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassDescrClassification DescriptionMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfClassSchemeClassification SchemeMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassSchemeDescrClassification Scheme DescriptionMulti-lingual text field

Electronic Address Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfEAddrId

idOn Classtype
1cfEAddrElectronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEAddr_ClassElectronic Address_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EAddrOrganisation Unit_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EAddrPerson_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)

East Bound Longitude (property)

Machine Name: cfEBLong

Eastern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees (positive east).

idOn Classtype
0-1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number

Edition (property)

Machine Name: cfEdition

The edition of a book, long form (such as "first" or "second").

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

End Date (property)

Machine Name: cfEndDate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfCV_ClassCurriculum Vitae_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCite_ClassCitation_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCite_MediumCitation_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfClassClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfClassScheme_ClassSchemeClassification Scheme_Classification SchemeISO dateTime
0-1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCountry_ClassCountry_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCurrency_ClassCurrency_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEAddr_ClassElectronic Address_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_ClassEquipment_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_EquipEquipment_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_EventEquipment_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_IndicEquipment_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_MeasEquipment_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_MediumEquipment_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_PAddrEquipment_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_SrvEquipment_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfEventEventISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfEvent_ClassEvent_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_EventEvent_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_IndicEvent_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_MeasEvent_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_MediumEvent_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfExpSkills_ClassExpertise And Skills_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_ClassFacility_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_EquipFacility_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_EventFacility_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_FacilFacility_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_IndicFacility_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_MeasFacility_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_MediumFacility_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_PAddrFacility_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_SrvFacility_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfFedIdFederated IdentifierISO dateTime
0-1cfFedId_ClassFederated Identifier_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFedId_SrvNO-LABELISO dateTime
0-1cfFedId__EmbTypeNO-LABELISO dateTime
0-1cfFundFundingISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfFund_ClassFunding_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFund_FundFunding_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfGeoBBox_ClassGeographic Bounding Box_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box_Geographic Bounding BoxISO dateTime
0-1cfIndic_ClassIndicator_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfIndic_IndicIndicator_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfIndic_MeasIndicator_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfLang_ClassLanguage_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfMeas_ClassMeasurement_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfMeas_MeasMeasurement_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_ClassMedium_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_IndicMedium_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_MeasMedium_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_MediumMedium_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfMetrics_ClassMetrics_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ClassOrganisation Unit_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_EAddrOrganisation Unit_Electronic AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_EventOrganisation Unit_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_IndicOrganisation Unit_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_MeasOrganisation Unit_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_MediumOrganisation Unit_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_OrgUnitOrganisation Unit_Organisation UnitISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_PAddrOrganisation Unit_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_PrizeOrganisation Unit_Prize AwardISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResPatOrganisation Unit_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfPAddr_ClassPost Address_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfPAddr_GeoBBoxPost Address_Geographic Bounding BoxISO dateTime
0-1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_PersonISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_CVPerson_Curriculum VitaeISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ClassPerson_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_CountryPerson_CountryISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_EAddrPerson_Electronic AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_EventPerson_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_IndicPerson_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_LangPerson_LanguageISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_MeasPerson_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_MediumPerson_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_OrgUnitPerson_Organisation UnitISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_PAddrPerson_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_PersPerson_PersonISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_PrizePerson_Prize AwardISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_QualPerson_QualificationISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ResPatPerson_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfPrize_ClassPrize Award_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfProjProjectISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfProj_ClassProject_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_EventProject_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_FundProject_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_IndicProject_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_MeasProject_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_MediumProject_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_OrgUnitProject_Organisation UnitISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_PersProject_PersonISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ProjProject_ProjectISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ResPatProject_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ResProdProject_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfQual_ClassQualification_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_ClassResult Patent_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_EquipResult Patent_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_FacilResult Patent_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_IndicResult Patent_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_MeasResult Patent_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_MediumResult Patent_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_ResPatResult Patent_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_SrvResult Patent_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_ClassResult Product_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_EquipResult Product_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_FacilResult Product_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_IndicResult Product_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_MeasResult Product_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_MediumResult Product_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_ResProdResult Product_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_SrvResult Product_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ClassResult Publication_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_EquipResult Publication_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_EventResult Publication_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_FacilResult Publication_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_IndicResult Publication_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_MeasResult Publication_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_MediumResult Publication_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ResPatResult Publication_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ResProdResult Publication_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ResPublResult Publication_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_SrvResult Publication_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_ClassService_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_EventService_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_FundService_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_IndicService_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_MeasService_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_MediumService_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_PAddrService_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_SrvService_ServiceISO dateTime

End Page (property)

Machine Name: cfEndPage

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

Entity Name (property)

Machine Name: cfEntName

The currency entity name in a particular language.

idOn Classtype
0-NcfCurrencyCurrencyMulti-lingual text field
1cfCurrencyEntNameCurrency Entity NameMulti-lingual text field

Equipment Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfEquipId

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfEquipEquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipDescrEquipment DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipKeywEquipment KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquipNameEquipment NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_ClassEquipment_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_EventEquipment_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_IndicEquipment_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_MeasEquipment_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_MediumEquipment_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_PAddrEquipment_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_SrvEquipment_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EquipFacility_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_EquipResult Patent_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_EquipResult Product_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EquipResult Publication_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Equipment Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfEquipId1

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfEquip_EquipEquipment_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Equipment Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfEquipId2

The equipment identifier (cfEquipId) propagates to system-internal equipment-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfEquip_EquipEquipment_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Event Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfEventId

idOn Classtype
1cfEquip_EventEquipment_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventEventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventDescrEvent DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventKeywEvent KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEventNameEvent NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_ClassEvent_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_IndicEvent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MeasEvent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MediumEvent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EventFacility_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EventOrganisation Unit_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EventPerson_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EventProject_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EventResult Publication_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_EventService_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Event Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfEventId1

idOn Classtype
1cfEvent_EventEvent_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Event Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfEventId2

idOn Classtype
1cfEvent_EventEvent_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Example (property)

Machine Name: cfEx

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
1cfClassExClassification ExampleMulti-lingual text field

Example Source (property)

Machine Name: cfExSrc

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassExClassification ExampleMulti-lingual text field

Expertise And Skills Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfExpSkillsId

idOn Classtype
1cfExpSkillsExpertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkillsDescrExpertise And Skills DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkillsKeywExpertise And Skills KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkillsNameExpertise And Skills NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfExpSkills_ClassExpertise And Skills_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Formalised Dublin Core End Date Time (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCEndDateTime

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage TemporalISO dateTime

Formalised Dublin Core Precision (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCPrecision

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring
0-1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage Temporalstring

Formalised Dublin Core Price Constraint (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCPriceConstraint

To be defined.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfFDCRightsMMPricingFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Pricingstring

Formalised Dublin Core Privacy Constraint (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCPrivacyConstraint

To be defined.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfFDCRightsMMPrivacyFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Privacystring

Formalised Dublin Core Rights Constraint (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCRightsConstraint

To be defined.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfFDCRightsMMRightsFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Rightsstring

Formalised Dublin Core Security Constraint (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCSecurityConstraint

To be defined.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfFDCRightsMMSecurityFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Securitystring

Formalised Dublin Core Start Date Time (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCStartDateTime

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCCoverageTemporalDublin Core Coverage TemporalISO dateTime

Formalised Dublin Core Translation (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCTrans

idOn Classtype
1cfFDCRightsMMPricingFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Pricingstring
1cfFDCRightsMMPrivacyFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Privacystring
1cfFDCRightsMMSecurityFormalised Dublin Core Rights Management Securitystring

Formalised Dublin Core XCoordinate (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCXCoordinate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring

Formalised Dublin Core YCoordinate (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCYCoordinate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring

Formalised Dublin Core ZCoordinate (property)

Machine Name: cfFDCZCoordinate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfDCCoverageSpatialDublin Core Coverage Spatialstring

Facility Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfFacilId

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfFacilFacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilDescrFacility DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilKeywFacility KewordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacilNameFacility NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_ClassFacility_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EquipFacility_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_EventFacility_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_IndicFacility_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MeasFacility_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MediumFacility_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_PAddrFacility_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_SrvFacility_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FacilResult Patent_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FacilResult Product_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FacilResult Publication_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Facility Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfFacilId1

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfFacil_FacilFacility_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Facility Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfFacilId2

The facility identifier (cfFacilId) propagates to system-internal facility-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfFacil_FacilFacility_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Family Names (property)

Machine Name: cfFamilyNames

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPersNamePerson Namestring
0-1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_Personstring

Federate Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfFedId

idOn Classtype
0-NcfCVCurriculum Vitae??????
0-NcfClassSchemeClassification Scheme??????
0-NcfDCDublin Core??????
0-NcfEAddrElectronic Address??????
0-NcfExpSkillsExpertise And Skills??????
1cfFedIdFederated Identifierstring
0-NcfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box??????
0-NcfOrgUnitOrganisation Unit??????
0-NcfPAddrPost Address??????
0-NcfPrizePrize Award??????
0-NcfResPatResult Patent??????
0-NcfResProdResult Product??????
0-NcfResPublResult Publication??????

Federated Identifier Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfFedIdId

idOn Classtype
1cfFedIdFederated IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId_ClassFederated Identifier_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId_SrvNO-LABELIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId__EmbTypeNO-LABELIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Fee Or Free (property)

Machine Name: cfFeeOrFree

The free or fee attributes indicates whether the event charges a fee or is a free event: p=for a fee paying event, f=for a free event

idOn Classtype

First Names (property)

Machine Name: cfFirstNames

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPersNamePerson Namestring
0-1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_Personstring

Fraction (property)

Machine Name: cfFraction

idOn Classtype
0-1cfCV_ClassCurriculum Vitae_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfCite_ClassCitation_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfCite_MediumCitation_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfClassScheme_ClassSchemeClassification Scheme_Classification SchemeFloating-point number
0-1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfCountry_ClassCountry_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfCurrency_ClassCurrency_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfEAddr_ClassElectronic Address_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_ClassEquipment_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_EquipEquipment_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_EventEquipment_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_IndicEquipment_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_MeasEquipment_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_MediumEquipment_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_PAddrEquipment_Post AddressFloating-point number
0-1cfEquip_SrvEquipment_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfEvent_ClassEvent_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfEvent_EventEvent_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfEvent_IndicEvent_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfEvent_MeasEvent_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfEvent_MediumEvent_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfExpSkills_ClassExpertise And Skills_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_ClassFacility_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_EquipFacility_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_EventFacility_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_FacilFacility_FacilityFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_IndicFacility_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_MeasFacility_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_MediumFacility_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_PAddrFacility_Post AddressFloating-point number
0-1cfFacil_SrvFacility_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfFedId_ClassFederated Identifier_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfFedId_SrvNO-LABELFloating-point number
0-1cfFund_ClassFunding_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfFund_FundFunding_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfGeoBBox_ClassGeographic Bounding Box_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box_Geographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number
0-1cfIndic_ClassIndicator_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfIndic_IndicIndicator_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfIndic_MeasIndicator_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfLang_ClassLanguage_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfMeas_ClassMeasurement_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfMeas_MeasMeasurement_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfMedium_ClassMedium_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfMedium_IndicMedium_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfMedium_MeasMedium_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfMedium_MediumMedium_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfMetrics_ClassMetrics_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_ClassOrganisation Unit_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin CoreFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_EAddrOrganisation Unit_Electronic AddressFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_EventOrganisation Unit_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_IndicOrganisation Unit_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_MeasOrganisation Unit_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_MediumOrganisation Unit_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_OrgUnitOrganisation Unit_Organisation UnitFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_PAddrOrganisation Unit_Post AddressFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_PrizeOrganisation Unit_Prize AwardFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResPatOrganisation Unit_Result PatentFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result PublicationFloating-point number
0-1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfPAddr_ClassPost Address_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfPAddr_GeoBBoxPost Address_Geographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_CVPerson_Curriculum VitaeFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_ClassPerson_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_CountryPerson_CountryFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin CoreFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_EAddrPerson_Electronic AddressFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_EventPerson_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_IndicPerson_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_LangPerson_LanguageFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_MeasPerson_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_MediumPerson_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_OrgUnitPerson_Organisation UnitFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_PAddrPerson_Post AddressFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_PersPerson_PersonFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_PrizePerson_Prize AwardFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_QualPerson_QualificationFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_ResPatPerson_Result PatentFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result PublicationFloating-point number
0-1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfPrize_ClassPrize Award_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_ClassProject_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin CoreFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_EventProject_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_FundProject_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_IndicProject_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_MeasProject_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_MediumProject_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_OrgUnitProject_Organisation UnitFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_PersProject_PersonFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_ProjProject_ProjectFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_ResPatProject_Result PatentFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_ResProdProject_Result ProductFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result PublicationFloating-point number
0-1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfQual_ClassQualification_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_ClassResult Patent_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_EquipResult Patent_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_FacilResult Patent_FacilityFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_IndicResult Patent_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_MeasResult Patent_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_MediumResult Patent_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_ResPatResult Patent_Result PatentFloating-point number
0-1cfResPat_SrvResult Patent_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_ClassResult Product_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_EquipResult Product_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_FacilResult Product_FacilityFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_IndicResult Product_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_MeasResult Product_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_MediumResult Product_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_ResProdResult Product_Result ProductFloating-point number
0-1cfResProd_SrvResult Product_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_ClassResult Publication_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin CoreFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_EquipResult Publication_EquipmentFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_EventResult Publication_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_FacilResult Publication_FacilityFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_IndicResult Publication_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_MeasResult Publication_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_MediumResult Publication_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_ResPatResult Publication_Result PatentFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_ResProdResult Publication_Result ProductFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_ResPublResult Publication_Result PublicationFloating-point number
0-1cfResPubl_SrvResult Publication_ServiceFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_ClassService_ClassificationFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_EventService_EventFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_FundService_FundingFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_IndicService_IndicatorFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_MeasService_MeasurementFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_MediumService_MediumFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_PAddrService_Post AddressFloating-point number
0-1cfSrv_SrvService_ServiceFloating-point number

Funding Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfFundId

idOn Classtype
1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundFundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundDescrFunding DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundKeywFunding KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFundNameFunding NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_ClassFunding_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FundProject_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_FundService_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Funding Id1 (property)

Machine Name: cfFundId1

idOn Classtype
1cfFund_FundFunding_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Funding Id2 (property)

Machine Name: cfFundId2

idOn Classtype
1cfFund_FundFunding_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Gender (property)

Machine Name: cfGender

The gender of a human person:




idOn Classtype
0-1cfPersPersonGender field

Geographic Bounding Box Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBoxId

idOn Classtype
1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBoxDescrGeographic Bounding Box DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBoxKeywGeographic Bounding Box KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBoxNameGeographic Bounding Box NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfGeoBBox_ClassGeographic Bounding Box_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddr_GeoBBoxPost Address_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Geographic Bounding Box Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBoxId1

idOn Classtype
1cfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Geographic Bounding Box Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfGeoBBoxId2

idOn Classtype
1cfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Headcount (property)

Machine Name: cfHeadcount

The count of working staff in an organisation.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfOrgUnitOrganisation Unitinteger

Intellectual Property Rights (property)

Machine Name: cfIPR

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result Productstring

International Standard Book Number (property)

Machine Name: cfISBN

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

International Standard Serial Number (property)

Machine Name: cfISSN

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

Indicator Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfIndicId

idOn Classtype
1cfEquip_IndicEquipment_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_IndicEvent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_IndicFacility_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicIndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicDescrIndicator DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicKeywIndicator KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndicNameIndicator NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_ClassIndicator_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_MeasIndicator_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_IndicMedium_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_IndicOrganisation Unit_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_IndicPerson_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_IndicProject_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_IndicResult Patent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_IndicResult Product_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_IndicResult Publication_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_IndicService_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Indicator Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfIndicId1

idOn Classtype
1cfIndic_IndicIndicator_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Indicator Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfIndicId2

idOn Classtype
1cfIndic_IndicIndicator_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Instance Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfInstId

idOn Classtype
1cfFedIdFederated IdentifierIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Issue (property)

Machine Name: cfIssue

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

Keywords (property)

Machine Name: cfKeyw

idOn Classtype
0-NcfEquipEquipmentMulti-lingual text field
1cfEquipKeywEquipment KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEventEventMulti-lingual text field
1cfEventKeywEvent KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfExpSkillsExpertise And SkillsMulti-lingual text field
1cfExpSkillsKeywExpertise And Skills KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfFacilFacilityMulti-lingual text field
1cfFacilKeywFacility KewordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfFundFundingMulti-lingual text field
1cfFundKeywFunding KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxMulti-lingual text field
1cfGeoBBoxKeywGeographic Bounding Box KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfIndicIndicatorMulti-lingual text field
1cfIndicKeywIndicator KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMeasMeasurementMulti-lingual text field
1cfMeasKeywMeasurement KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMediumMediumMulti-lingual text field
1cfMediumKeywMedium KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMetricsMetricsMulti-lingual text field
1cfMetricsKeywMetrics KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnitOrganisation UnitMulti-lingual text field
1cfOrgUnitKeywOrganisation Unit KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPersPersonMulti-lingual text field
1cfPersKeywPerson KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPrizePrize AwardMulti-lingual text field
1cfPrizeKeywPrize Award KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfProjProjectMulti-lingual text field
1cfProjKeywProject KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfQualQualificationMulti-lingual text field
1cfQualKeywQualification KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPatResult PatentMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPatKeywResult Patent KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResProdResult ProductMulti-lingual text field
1cfResProdKeywResult Product KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPublResult PublicationMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPublKeywResult Publication KeywordsMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfSrvServiceMulti-lingual text field
1cfSrvKeywService KeywordsMulti-lingual text field

Language Code (property)

Machine Name: cfLangCode

idOn Classtype

Language Code Of Language Name (property)

Machine Name: cfLangCodeOfLangName

idOn Classtype
1cfLangNameLanguage Namestring

Maximum Elevation (property)

Machine Name: cfMaxElev

The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point[citation needed], most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface (see Geodetic system, vertical datum). Elevation, or geometric height, is mainly used when referring to points on the Earth's surface, while altitude or geopotential height is used for points above the surface, such as an aircraft in flight or a spacecraft in orbit, and depth is used for points below the surface.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number

Measurement Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfMeasId

idOn Classtype
1cfEquip_MeasEquipment_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MeasEvent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MeasFacility_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfIndic_MeasIndicator_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasMeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasDescrMeasurement DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasKeywMeasurement KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeasNameMeasurement NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMeas_ClassMeasurement_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_MeasMedium_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MeasOrganisation Unit_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MeasPerson_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MeasProject_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MeasResult Patent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MeasResult Product_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MeasResult Publication_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MeasService_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Measurement Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfMeasId2

idOn Classtype
1cfMeas_MeasMeasurement_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Measurement Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfMeasd1

idOn Classtype
1cfMeas_MeasMeasurement_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Medium Creation Date (property)

Machine Name: cfMediumCreationDate

idOn Classtype

Medium Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfMediumId

idOn Classtype
1cfCite_MediumCitation_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_MediumEquipment_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEvent_MediumEvent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_MediumFacility_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumMediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumDescrMedium DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumKeywMedium KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMediumTitleMedium TitleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_ClassMedium_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_IndicMedium_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMedium_MeasMedium_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MediumOrganisation Unit_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MediumPerson_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MediumProject_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MediumResult Patent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MediumResult Product_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MediumResult Publication_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MediumService_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Medium Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfMediumId1

idOn Classtype
1cfMedium_MediumMedium_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Medium Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfMediumId2

idOn Classtype
1cfMedium_MediumMedium_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Metrics Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfMetricsId

idOn Classtype
1cfMetricsMetricsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMetricsDescrMetrics DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMetricsKeywMetrics KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMetricsNameMetrics NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfMetrics_ClassMetrics_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Mime Type (property)

Machine Name: cfMimeType

idOn Classtype

Minimum Elevation (property)

Machine Name: cfMinElev

The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point[citation needed], most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface (see Geodetic system, vertical datum). Elevation, or geometric height, is mainly used when referring to points on the Earth's surface, while altitude or geopotential height is used for points above the surface, such as an aircraft in flight or a spacecraft in orbit, and depth is used for points below the surface.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number

North Bound Latitude (property)

Machine Name: cfNBLat

Northern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in latitude in decimal degrees (positive north).

idOn Classtype
0-1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number

Name (property)

Machine Name: cfName

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassSchemeClassification SchemeMulti-lingual text field
1cfClassSchemeNameClassification Scheme NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfCountryCountryMulti-lingual text field
1cfCountryNameCountry NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfCurrencyCurrencyMulti-lingual text field
1cfCurrencyNameCurrency NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEquipEquipmentMulti-lingual text field
1cfEquipNameEquipment NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfEventEventMulti-lingual text field
1cfEventNameEvent NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfExpSkillsExpertise And SkillsMulti-lingual text field
1cfExpSkillsNameExpertise And Skills NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfFacilFacilityMulti-lingual text field
1cfFacilNameFacility NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfFundFundingMulti-lingual text field
1cfFundNameFunding NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxMulti-lingual text field
1cfGeoBBoxNameGeographic Bounding Box NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfIndicIndicatorMulti-lingual text field
1cfIndicNameIndicator NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfLangLanguageMulti-lingual text field
1cfLangNameLanguage NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMeasMeasurementMulti-lingual text field
1cfMeasNameMeasurement NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMetricsMetricsMulti-lingual text field
1cfMetricsNameMetrics NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfOrgUnitOrganisation UnitMulti-lingual text field
1cfOrgUnitNameOrganisation Unit NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfPrizePrize AwardMulti-lingual text field
1cfPrizeNamePrize Award NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResProdResult ProductMulti-lingual text field
1cfResProdNameResult Product NameMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfSrvServiceMulti-lingual text field
1cfSrvNameService NameMulti-lingual text field

Name Abbreviation (property)

Machine Name: cfNameAbbrev

a formal abbreviation system used for service provision

idOn Classtype
0-NcfResPublResult PublicationMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPublNameAbbrevResult Publication Name AbbreviationMulti-lingual text field

Name Source (property)

Machine Name: cfNameSrc

In CERIF, the concept of Class is physically (cfClass) and logically (cfClassification) defined as an entity in an ERM, represented by attributes and through maintaining relationships with other entities: classes, multilingual descriptions, multilingual examples, multilingual definitions, multilingual terms, and all so-called CERIF link entities.

The CERIF classification example entity is physically (cfClassEx) and logically (cfClassificationExample) defined as an entity in the ERM, which is linked to the cfClass (cfClassification) entity through the (cfClassId) or (cfClassificationIdentifier) inheritance.

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassSchemeClassification SchemeMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassSchemeNameClassification Scheme NameMulti-lingual text field

Number (property)

Machine Name: cfNum

The number of a journal, magazine, or technical report, if applicable. (Most publications have a volume, but no number field.)

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

Numeric Currency Code (property)

Machine Name: cfNumCurrCode

idOn Classtype

Orgisation Unit Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnitId

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfOrgUnitOrganisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnitKeywOrganisation Unit KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnitNameOrganisation Unit NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnitResActOrganisation Unit Research ActivityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ClassOrganisation Unit_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EAddrOrganisation Unit_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_EventOrganisation Unit_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_IndicOrganisation Unit_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MeasOrganisation Unit_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_MediumOrganisation Unit_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_PAddrOrganisation Unit_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_PrizeOrganisation Unit_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResPatOrganisation Unit_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_OrgUnitPerson_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_OrgUnitProject_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Organisation Unit Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnitId1

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfOrgUnit_OrgUnitOrganisation Unit_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Organisation Unit Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfOrgUnitId2

The organisation identifier (cfOrgUnitId) propagates to system-internal organisation-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfOrgUnit_OrgUnitOrganisation Unit_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Other Names (property)

Machine Name: cfOtherNames

The cfPersName_Pers link entity connects the person identifier with the name identifier. This construct has been agreed with the latest CERIF release to allow for the request with respect to multiple structured person names. An application therefore implies a vocabulary term (e.g. cfClassificationId="Person Preferred Name") for reference.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPersNamePerson Namestring
0-1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_Personstring

Post Address Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfPAddrId

idOn Classtype
0-1cfEAddrElectronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfEquip_PAddrEquipment_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_PAddrFacility_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_PAddrOrganisation Unit_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddrPost AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddr_ClassPost Address_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPAddr_GeoBBoxPost Address_Geographic Bounding BoxIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PAddrPerson_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_PAddrService_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Patent Number (property)

Machine Name: cfPatentNum

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPatResult Patentstring

Person Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfPersId

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfPersPersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersKeywPerson KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersResIntPerson Research InterestIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_CVPerson_Curriculum VitaeIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ClassPerson_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_CountryPerson_CountryIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EAddrPerson_Electronic AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_EventPerson_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_IndicPerson_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_LangPerson_LanguageIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MeasPerson_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_MediumPerson_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_OrgUnitPerson_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PAddrPerson_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PrizePerson_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_QualPerson_QualificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPatPerson_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PersProject_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Person Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfPersId1

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfPers_PersPerson_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Person Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfPersId2

The person identifier (cfPersId) propagates to system-internal person-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfPers_PersPerson_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Person Name Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfPersNameId

idOn Classtype
1cfPersNamePerson NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Post Code (property)

Machine Name: cfPostCode

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

Price (property)

Machine Name: cfPrice

idOn Classtype
0-1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentCurrency amount field
0-1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsCurrency amount field
0-1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityCurrency amount field
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductCurrency amount field
0-1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceCurrency amount field
0-1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentCurrency amount field
0-1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsCurrency amount field
0-1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityCurrency amount field
0-1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductCurrency amount field
0-1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceCurrency amount field
0-1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentCurrency amount field
0-1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityCurrency amount field
0-1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceCurrency amount field

Prize Award Date (property)

Machine Name: cfPrizeDate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardISO dateTime

Prize Award Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfPrizeId

idOn Classtype
1cfOrgUnit_PrizeOrganisation Unit_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_PrizePerson_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrizePrize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrizeDescrPrize Award DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrizeKeywPrize Award KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrizeNamePrize Award NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPrize_ClassPrize Award_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Project Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfProjId

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfProjProjectIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProjAbstrProject AbstractIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProjKeywProject KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProjTitleProject TitleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ClassProject_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_EventProject_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_FundProject_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_IndicProject_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MeasProject_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_MediumProject_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_OrgUnitProject_Organisation UnitIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PersProject_PersonIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPatProject_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResProdProject_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Project Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfProjId1

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfProj_ProjProject_ProjectIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Project Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfProjId2

The project identifier (cfProjId) propagates to system-internal project-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfProj_ProjProject_ProjectIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Qualification Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfQualId

idOn Classtype
1cfPers_QualPerson_QualificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQualQualificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQualDescrQualification DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQualKeywQualification KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQualTitleQualification TitleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfQual_ClassQualification_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Registration Date (property)

Machine Name: cfRegistrDate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPatResult PatentISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)

Research Activity (property)

Machine Name: cfResAct

idOn Classtype
0-NcfOrgUnitOrganisation UnitMulti-lingual text field
1cfOrgUnitResActOrganisation Unit Research ActivityMulti-lingual text field

Research Interest (property)

Machine Name: cfResInt

idOn Classtype
0-NcfPersPersonMulti-lingual text field
1cfPersResIntPerson Research InterestMulti-lingual text field

Result Patent Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfResPatId

idOn Classtype
1cfOrgUnit_ResPatOrganisation Unit_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPatPerson_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPatProject_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatResult PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatAbstrResult Patent AbstractIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatKeywResult Patent KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatTitleResult Patent TitleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPatVersInfoResult Patent Version InfoIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_ClassResult Patent_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_EquipResult Patent_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FacilResult Patent_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_IndicResult Patent_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MeasResult Patent_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_MediumResult Patent_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_SrvResult Patent_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResPatResult Publication_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Patent Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfResPatId1

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfResPat_ResPatResult Patent_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Patent Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfResPatId2

The patent identifier (cfResPatId) propagates to system-internal patent-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfResPat_ResPatResult Patent_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Product Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfResProdId

idOn Classtype
1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResProdProject_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdResult ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdDescrResult Product DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdKeywResult Product KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdNameResult Product NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProdVersInfoResult Product Version InfoIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_ClassResult Product_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_EquipResult Product_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FacilResult Product_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_IndicResult Product_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MeasResult Product_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_MediumResult Product_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_SrvResult Product_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResProdResult Publication_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Product Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfResProdId1

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfResProd_ResProdResult Product_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Product Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfResProdId2

The product identifier (cfResProdId) propagates to system-internal product-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfResProd_ResProdResult Product_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Publication Date (property)

Machine Name: cfResPublDate

The minimum: year of publication (or, if unpublished, the year of creation). In CERIF the datatype of PublicationDate has been specified as a date. That means at the application, the often not available month and day values have to be filled by the application with default values. A string value would not allow required computation related to years.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult PublicationISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)

Result Publication Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfResPublId

idOn Classtype
1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublResult PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublAbstrResult Publication AbstractIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublBiblNoteResult Publication Bibliographic NoteIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublKeywResult Publication KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublNameAbbrevResult Publication Name AbbreviationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublSubtitleResult Publication SubtitleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublTitleResult Publication TitleIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPublVersInfoResult Publication Version InfoIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ClassResult Publication_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin CoreIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EquipResult Publication_EquipmentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_EventResult Publication_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FacilResult Publication_FacilityIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_IndicResult Publication_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MeasResult Publication_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MediumResult Publication_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResPatResult Publication_Result PatentIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_ResProdResult Publication_Result ProductIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_SrvResult Publication_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Publication Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfResPublId1

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfResPubl_ResPublResult Publication_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Result Publication Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfResPublId2

The publication identifier (cfResPublId) propagates to system-internal publication-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfResPubl_ResPublResult Publication_Result PublicationIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Role Expression (property)

Machine Name: cfRoleExpr

We understand, that a term describes the function of a role or the properties of a role associated with an entity, where (i.e.) in a person-publication relationship the role 'authoring' leads to a role expression (cfRoleExpr) 'is author of', and inversely (cfRoleExprOpp) 'is authored by*, and where the property in the person entity is 'author', and in the publication entity it is 'authored'.

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassTermClassification TermMulti-lingual text field

Role Expression Opposite (property)

Machine Name: cfRoleExprOpp

We understand, that a term describes the function of a role or the properties of a role associated with an entity, where (i.e.) in a person-publication relationship the role 'authoring' leads to a role expression (cfRoleExpr) 'is author of', and inversely (cfRoleExprOpp) 'is authored by*, and where the property in the person entity is 'author', and in the publication entity it is 'authored'.

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassTermClassification TermMulti-lingual text field

South Bound Latitude (property)

Machine Name: cfSBLat

Southern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in latitude in decimal degrees (positive north).

idOn Classtype
0-1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number

Series (property)

Machine Name: cfSeries

The series of books the book was published in ...

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

Size (property)

Machine Name: cfSize

idOn Classtype
0-1cfMediumMediumFloating-point number

Skill Reading (property)

Machine Name: cfSkillReading

language reading skills

m=mother tongue or native language

f=fluent in the language

w=working knowledge of the language

idOn Classtype

Skill Speaking (property)

Machine Name: cfSkillSpeaking

language speaking skills

m=mother tongue or native language

f=fluent in the language

w=working knowledge of the language

idOn Classtype

Skill Writing (property)

Machine Name: cfSkillWriting

language writing skills

m=mother tongue or native language

f=fluent in the language

w=working knowledge of the language

idOn Classtype

Service Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfSrvId

idOn Classtype
1cfEquip_SrvEquipment_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFacil_SrvFacility_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfFedId_SrvNO-LABELIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPat_SrvResult Patent_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResProd_SrvResult Product_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfResPubl_SrvResult Publication_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvDescrService DescriptionIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvKeywService KeywordsIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrvNameService NameIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_ClassService_ClassificationIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_EventService_EventIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_FundService_FundingIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_IndicService_IndicatorIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MeasService_MeasurementIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_MediumService_MediumIdentifier (max 128 chars)
1cfSrv_PAddrService_Post AddressIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Service Identifier1 (property)

Machine Name: cfSrvId1

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfSrv_SrvService_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Service Identifier2 (property)

Machine Name: cfSrvId2

The service identifier (cfSrvId) propagates to system-internal service-related entities:

idOn Classtype
1cfSrv_SrvService_ServiceIdentifier (max 128 chars)

Start Date (property)

Machine Name: cfStartDate

idOn Classtype
0-1cfCV_ClassCurriculum Vitae_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCite_ClassCitation_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCite_MediumCitation_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfClassClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfClassScheme_ClassSchemeClassification Scheme_Classification SchemeISO dateTime
0-1cfClass_ClassClassification_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCountry_ClassCountry_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfCurrency_ClassCurrency_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEAddr_ClassElectronic Address_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_ClassEquipment_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_EquipEquipment_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_EventEquipment_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_FundEquipment_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_IndicEquipment_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_MeasEquipment_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_MediumEquipment_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_PAddrEquipment_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfEquip_SrvEquipment_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfEventEventISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfEvent_ClassEvent_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_EventEvent_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_FundEvent_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_IndicEvent_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_MeasEvent_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfEvent_MediumEvent_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfExpSkills_ClassExpertise And Skills_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_ClassFacility_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_EquipFacility_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_EventFacility_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_FacilFacility_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_FundFacility_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_IndicFacility_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_MeasFacility_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_MediumFacility_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_PAddrFacility_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfFacil_SrvFacility_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfFedIdFederated IdentifierISO dateTime
0-1cfFedId_ClassFederated Identifier_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFedId_SrvNO-LABELISO dateTime
0-1cfFedId__EmbTypeNO-LABELISO dateTime
0-1cfFundFundingISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfFund_ClassFunding_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfFund_FundFunding_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfFund_IndicFunding_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfFund_MeasFunding_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfGeoBBox_ClassGeographic Bounding Box_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfGeoBBox_GeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Box_Geographic Bounding BoxISO dateTime
0-1cfIndic_ClassIndicator_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfIndic_IndicIndicator_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfIndic_MeasIndicator_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfLang_ClassLanguage_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfMeas_ClassMeasurement_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfMeas_MeasMeasurement_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_ClassMedium_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_FundMedium_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_IndicMedium_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_MeasMedium_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfMedium_MediumMedium_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfMetrics_ClassMetrics_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ClassOrganisation Unit_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_DCOrganisation Unit_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_EAddrOrganisation Unit_Electronic AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_EquipOrganisation Unit_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_EventOrganisation Unit_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ExpSkillsOrganisation Unit_Expertise And SkillsISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_FacilOrganisation Unit_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_FundOrganisation Unit_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_IndicOrganisation Unit_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_MeasOrganisation Unit_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_MediumOrganisation Unit_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_OrgUnitOrganisation Unit_Organisation UnitISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_PAddrOrganisation Unit_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_PrizeOrganisation Unit_Prize AwardISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResPatOrganisation Unit_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResProdOrganisation Unit_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_ResPublOrganisation Unit_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfOrgUnit_SrvOrganisation Unit_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfPAddr_ClassPost Address_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfPAddr_GeoBBoxPost Address_Geographic Bounding BoxISO dateTime
0-1cfPersName_PersPerson Name_PersonISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_CVPerson_Curriculum VitaeISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ClassPerson_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_CountryPerson_CountryISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_DCPerson_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_EAddrPerson_Electronic AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_EquipPerson_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_EventPerson_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ExpSkillsPerson_Expertise And SkillsISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_FacilPerson_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_FundPerson_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_IndicPerson_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_LangPerson_LanguageISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_MeasPerson_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_MediumPerson_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_OrgUnitPerson_Organisation UnitISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_PAddrPerson_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_PersPerson_PersonISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_PrizePerson_Prize AwardISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_QualPerson_QualificationISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ResPatPerson_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ResProdPerson_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_ResPublPerson_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfPers_SrvPerson_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfPrize_ClassPrize Award_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfProjProjectISO Date (nb. not dateTime!)
0-1cfProj_ClassProject_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_DCProject_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_EquipProject_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_EventProject_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_FacilProject_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_FundProject_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_IndicProject_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_MeasProject_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_MediumProject_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_OrgUnitProject_Organisation UnitISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_PersProject_PersonISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_PrizeProject_Prize AwardISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ProjProject_ProjectISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ResPatProject_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ResProdProject_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_ResPublProject_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfProj_SrvProject_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfQual_ClassQualification_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_ClassResult Patent_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_EquipResult Patent_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_FacilResult Patent_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_FundResult Patent_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_IndicResult Patent_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_MeasResult Patent_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_MediumResult Patent_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_ResPatResult Patent_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPat_SrvResult Patent_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_ClassResult Product_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_EquipResult Product_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_FacilResult Product_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_FundResult Product_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_IndicResult Product_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_MeasResult Product_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_MediumResult Product_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_ResProdResult Product_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfResProd_SrvResult Product_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_CitationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ClassResult Publication_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_DCResult Publication_Dublin CoreISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_EquipResult Publication_EquipmentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_EventResult Publication_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_FacilResult Publication_FacilityISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_FundResult Publication_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_IndicResult Publication_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_MeasResult Publication_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_MediumResult Publication_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_MetricsISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ResPatResult Publication_Result PatentISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ResProdResult Publication_Result ProductISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_ResPublResult Publication_Result PublicationISO dateTime
0-1cfResPubl_SrvResult Publication_ServiceISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_ClassService_ClassificationISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_EventService_EventISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_FundService_FundingISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_IndicService_IndicatorISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_MeasService_MeasurementISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_MediumService_MediumISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_PAddrService_Post AddressISO dateTime
0-1cfSrv_SrvService_ServiceISO dateTime

Start Page (property)

Machine Name: cfStartPage

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

State Of Country (property)

Machine Name: cfStateOfCountry

idOn Classtype
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring

Subtitle (property)

Machine Name: cfSubtitle

The publication subtitle in a particular language.

idOn Classtype
0-NcfResPublResult PublicationMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPublSubtitleResult Publication SubtitleMulti-lingual text field

Term (property)

Machine Name: cfTerm

The classification term assigned to a particular classification scheme.

We understand, that a term describes the function of a role or the properties of a role associated with an entity, where (i.e.) in a person-publication relationship the role 'authoring' leads to a role expression (cfRoleExpr) 'is author of', and inversely (cfRoleExprOpp) 'is authored by*, and where the property in the person entity is 'author', and in the publication entity it is 'authored'.

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
1cfClassTermClassification TermMulti-lingual text field

Term Source (property)

Machine Name: cfTermSrc

idOn Classtype
0-NcfClassClassificationMulti-lingual text field
0-1cfClassTermClassification TermMulti-lingual text field

Title (property)

Machine Name: cfTitle

facility name in a particular language

idOn Classtype
0-NcfCiteCitationMulti-lingual text field
1cfCiteTitleCitation TitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfMediumMediumMulti-lingual text field
1cfMediumTitleMedium TitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfProjProjectMulti-lingual text field
1cfProjTitleProject TitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfQualQualificationMulti-lingual text field
1cfQualTitleQualification TitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPatResult PatentMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPatTitleResult Patent TitleMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPublResult PublicationMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPublTitleResult Publication TitleMulti-lingual text field

Total Pages (property)

Machine Name: cfTotalPages

The total number of pages.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

Turnover (property)

Machine Name: cfTurn

In accounting, the number of times an asset is replaced during a financial period.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfOrgUnitOrganisation UnitCurrency amount field

Uniform Resource Identifier (property)

Machine Name: cfURI

idOn Classtype
0-1cfCVCurriculum Vitaestring
0-1cfClassSchemeClassification Schemestring
0-1cfEAddrElectronic Addressstring
0-1cfExpSkillsExpertise And Skillsstring
0-1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding Boxstring
0-1cfOrgUnitOrganisation Unitstring
0-1cfPAddrPost Addressstring
0-1cfPrizePrize Awardstring
0-1cfResPatResult Patentstring
0-1cfResProdResult Productstring
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

Value Floating Point (property)

Machine Name: cfValFloatP

idOn Classtype
0-1cfMeasMeasurementFloating-point number

Value Judgemental Numeric (property)

Machine Name: cfValJudgeNum

idOn Classtype
0-1cfMeasMeasurementFloating-point number

Value Judgemental Numeric Change (property)

Machine Name: cfValJudgeNumChange

idOn Classtype
0-1cfMeasMeasurementFloating-point number

Value Judgemental Text (property)

Machine Name: cfValJudgeText

idOn Classtype

Value Judgemental Text Change (property)

Machine Name: cfValJudgeTextChange

idOn Classtype

Version Info (property)

Machine Name: cfVersInfo

a formal abbreviation system used for service provision

idOn Classtype
0-NcfResPatResult PatentMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPatVersInfoResult Patent Version InfoMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResProdResult ProductMulti-lingual text field
1cfResProdVersInfoResult Product Version InfoMulti-lingual text field
0-NcfResPublResult PublicationMulti-lingual text field
1cfResPublVersInfoResult Publication Version InfoMulti-lingual text field

Volume (property)

Machine Name: cfVol

The volume (book), a single book that is part of a collection.

volume (journals), a bibliographic identifier.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPublResult Publicationstring

West Bound Longitude (property)

Machine Name: cfWBLong

Western-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees (positive east).

idOn Classtype
0-1cfGeoBBoxGeographic Bounding BoxFloating-point number

Year (property)

Machine Name: cfYear

The year in which the metrics counts.

idOn Classtype
0-1cfResPubl_CiteResult Publication_Citationinteger
0-1cfResPubl_MetricsResult Publication_Metricsinteger


Currency Field Type

Fields of this type contain an value expressed as a number plus an additional attribute cfCurr which indicates the standardised currency code.

Multilingual Field Type

Fields of this type may be repeated for different language expressions. Each value must have two additional attributes; cfLangCode which must be a language code eg. "en-gb"; cfTrans which indicates if the text has been translated: "o" it is the original langauge, "m" it has been translated by a machine, "h" it has been translated by a human.

Gender Field Type

Fields of this type contain a value indicating a gender. "m" for Male, "f" for Female, and "u" for unknown.

REMINDER: Add something about Dublin Core stuff.

This document was produced using a script created by Christopher Gutteridge data.ac.uk / University of Southampton.