Term CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
1-Star CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 89644214-e41f-4c30-befb-ab5d9443c08b
Class Scheme: Output Quality Levels
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Quality that is recognised nationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour. (Source: http://www.ref.ac.uk/panels/assessmentcriteriaandleveldefinitions/)
2-Star CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7f1998ce-ddfa-4ece-af02-2eed9a48c8d2
Class Scheme: Output Quality Levels
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Quality that is recognised internationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour. (Source: http://www.ref.ac.uk/panels/assessmentcriteriaandleveldefinitions/)
3-Star CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9e93db57-3349-4bb9-bfba-9481302b4784
Class Scheme: Output Quality Levels
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Quality that is internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour but which falls short of the highest standards of excellence. (Source: http://www.ref.ac.uk/panels/assessmentcriteriaandleveldefinitions/)
4-Star CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f9237eb5-a5c9-433f-887d-e2eac703bc18
Class Scheme: Output Quality Levels
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Quality that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour. (Source: http://www.ref.ac.uk/panels/assessmentcriteriaandleveldefinitions/)
Academic Institute CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2ec-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: An academic institution is an educational institution dedicated to education and research, which grants academic degrees. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_institution)
Academic Research CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fd742fb8-fa7f-40b4-a015-c7deb93902f6
Class Scheme: Person Employment Types
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A permanent research and teaching staff. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Academic Teaching only CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7a642fac-777a-43b7-a0c1-90b88428e125
Class Scheme: Person Employment Types
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A permanent teaching stuff. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Access Policy Document CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2dd-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Access
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Equip; cfResPubl_Facil; cfResPubl_Srv
Definition: The document specifying the access policy for the equipment, facility or service. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Access Terms and Conditions CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 80be3ed3-5677-4676-b466-fa9f61d8af42
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Access
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Equip; cfResPubl_Facil; cfResPubl_Srv
Definition: The document specifying the access terms and conditions for the equipment, facility or service. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Acquisition CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Mereotopological Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: An acquisition is the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=acquisition)
UUID: eda28bc3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: An acquisition is the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=acquisition)
Administrator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b9bd41f0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Employment Types
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: An administrator directly employed on an activity or a person not directly involved in the activity but with information related to the activity (e.g. finance, computing, hr), where they are not a contact. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: b9bd41f0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: An administrator directly employed on an activity or a person not directly involved in the activity but with information related to the activity (e.g. finance, computing, hr), where they are not a contact. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Advisor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 81d0d105-216f-42f0-8c96-a87ba2adfa41
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Pers
Definition: A person that has an adhoc, informal input into the work of the supervisory team. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Affiliation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 980965b0-1cd5-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: An affiliation is a formal connection, (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Analyst CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cd5bb616-a187-4600-b2d2-0eac76a3be63
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
Definition: Someone who is skilled at analyzing data. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=analyst)
Annotation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f8-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Anthology CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: An anthology is a collection of extracts or complete works by various authors, selected by an editor for publication in a single volume or multivolume set. Anthologies are often limited to a specific literary form or genre (short stories, poetry, plays) or to a national literature, theme, time period, or category of author. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_A.cfm#anthology)
Applicant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 33551370-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_ResPat
Definition: An applicant is also called proposer. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: 33551370-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_ResPat
Definition: An applicant is also called proposer. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: 33551370-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_ResPat
Definition: An applicant is also called proposer. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: 33551370-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_ResPat
Definition: An applicant is also called proposer. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: 33551370-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_ResPat
Definition: An applicant is also called proposer. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Artefact CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 93a40595-c066-4cb3-99a1-68f451e3a7cc
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Artist CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 97fb8809-d23d-4826-b99d-6b5d666e1f33
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
Definition: An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts and/or demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse is a practitioner in the visual arts only. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist)
Assistant Professor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 45aec210-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: An assistant professor is a university teacher lower in rank than an associate professor. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/assistant+professor)
Associate CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a27e5ca7-3d20-4272-9054-7db550e2a053
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cPers_OrgUnit; cfPers_Class
Definition: An associate is a person with subordinate membership in a society, institution, or commercial enterprise. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=associate)
UUID: a27e5ca7-3d20-4272-9054-7db550e2a053
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cPers_OrgUnit; cfPers_Class
Definition: An associate is a person with subordinate membership in a society, institution, or commercial enterprise. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=associate)
Assumed Unsuccessful CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 0bb4df81-4e9a-41ae-947c-5ae3bde26abd
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The funder has not (yet) responded although the elapsed time since submission implies that the proposal has not been successful. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Attendance CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1d4e7a48-d5f9-427a-bd16-e5b503967071
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: Attending an event (e.g conference). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Auditor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c9a24a22-d3f2-4b15-aa06-cb512b2f1341
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: An official whose job it is to carefully check the accuracy of business records. An auditor can be either an independent auditor unaffiliated with the company being audited or a captive auditor, and some are elected public officials. The term is sometimes synonymous with "comptroller." Auditors are used to ensure that organizations are maintaining accurate and honest financial records and statements. (Source: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/auditor.asp#ixzz238Yb6H7h)
Author CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 49815870-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl
Definition: An author is the person or corporate entity responsible for producing a written work (essay, monograph, novel, play, poem, screenplay, short story, etc.) whose name is printed on the title page of a book or given elsewhere in or on a manuscript or other item and in whose name the work is copyrighted. A work may have two or more joint authors. In library cataloging, the term is used in its broadest sense to include editor, compiler, composer, creator, etc (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_e.cfm#author)
UUID: 49815870-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl
Definition: An author is the person or corporate entity responsible for producing a written work (essay, monograph, novel, play, poem, screenplay, short story, etc.) whose name is printed on the title page of a book or given elsewhere in or on a manuscript or other item and in whose name the work is copyrighted. A work may have two or more joint authors. In library cataloging, the term is used in its broadest sense to include editor, compiler, composer, creator, etc (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_e.cfm#author)
Author (numbered) CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 505eb340-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl
Definition: In CERIF this role requires a cfFraction attribute to indicate the number of authorschip. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Author (percentage) CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5a4c3440-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl
Definition: In CERIF this role requires a cfFraction attribute to indicate the percentage of authorschip. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Author Institution CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: An author institution is an organization founded and united for a specific purpose where the author has a relationship. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Authored Book CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2522c045-5090-4da2-824c-583e039e23b3
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Books written by a single author or collaboratively based on research or scholarly findings generally derived from peer reviewed funding. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/documents/non-academic-funding-cv/1.1/contributions/outputs/publications/books)
Award CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 17273adf-2529-49c3-a40a-21712d67128c
Class Scheme: Activity Funding Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Fund
Definition: The funding mechanism where discretionary funds are awarded based on an achievement (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Awarded CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The state of awarded is to give as judged due or on the basis of merit. The funder has agreed to fund the proposed activity. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Award)
Being Upgraded CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da05-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class; cfSrv_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Block-Grant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 08431e7e-4a62-42e3-80d7-5941126752c1
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: (The work undertaken by a number of people during) a block of funded research degrees (e.g. a research council block-grant partnership). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Book CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f6-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A book is a collection of leaves of paper, parchment, vellum, cloth, or other material (written, printed, or blank) fastened together along one edge, with or without a protective case or cover. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_B.cfm#book)
Book Chapter Abstract CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f8-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A book chapter abstract is a brief, objective representation of the essential content of a book chapter, presenting the main points in the same order as the original but having no independent literary value. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/index.cfm#abstract)
Book Chapter Review CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A book chapter review is an evaluative account of a recent book chapter, usually written and signed by a qualified person, for publication in a current newspaper, magazine, or journal. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_R.cfm#review)
Book Review CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f7-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A book review is an evaluative account of a recent book, usually written and signed by a qualified person, for publication in a current newspaper, magazine, or journal. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_R.cfm#review)
Building CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fe88ae1b-4eaa-43e6-b8df-479cc0609b8b
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The specification, procurement and installation of buildings. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Built on CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Output Relations
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Proj; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Facil; cfProj_Srv; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResProd_ResProd; cfResPat_ResPat;
Definition: Built on - is a form of succession - informally expressed. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: eda28bc9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Structure
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Proj; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Facil; cfProj_Srv; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResProd_ResProd; cfResPat_ResPat;
Definition: Built on - is a form of succession - informally expressed. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: eda28bc9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Project Research Infrastructure Relations
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Proj; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Facil; cfProj_Srv; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResProd_ResProd; cfResPat_ResPat;
Definition: Built on - is a form of succession - informally expressed. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
CRIS-ID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 708d9118-c4dd-4813-8ff7-b43bf0a493b0
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Call CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e7-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Types
usage with CERIF: cfFund_Class
Definition: no source found (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Call Document CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2da-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Document Relations
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Fund
Definition: The initial call document of a call. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Casual CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a3bf6a80-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A caual is a person without or seeming to be without plan or method. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=casual)
Chapter in Book CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b7ddff91-81b9-42b1-8228-190329ea6557
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Texts written by a single author or collaboratively based on research or scholarly findings and expertise in a field. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/documents/non-academic-funding-cv/1.1/contributions/outputs/publications/book-chapters)
Charity CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ecaac6d5-b281-4f0a-a6fa-2c155aa51002
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization (NPO). It differs from other types of NPOs in that it centers on philanthropic goals (e.g. charitable, educational, religious, or other activities serving the public interest or common good). The legal definition of charitable organization (and of Charity) varies according to the country and in some instances the region of the country in which the charitable organization operates. The regulation, tax treatment, and the way in which charity law affects charitable organizations also varies. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charitable_organization)
Checked CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c3c8c96f-cc0f-47e6-9c6d-4f86949ab984
Class Scheme: Verification Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class; cfProj_Class; cfResPubl_Class; cfResProd_Class; cfResPat_Class; cfFund_Class; cfMeas_Class
Definition: checked (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Choreographer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 92e7478e-5a7c-4c72-a14e-a5770619251e
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_Event
Definition: A Choreographer is a person who creates dances. This person decides what the steps will be, and then a dancer performs the steps. Some people have jobs as choreographers. Some people do it just for fun. This person gets to work with a lot of different dancers, including celebrities. (Source: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choreographer)
UUID: 92e7478e-5a7c-4c72-a14e-a5770619251e
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_Event
Definition: A Choreographer is a person who creates dances. This person decides what the steps will be, and then a dancer performs the steps. Some people have jobs as choreographers. Some people do it just for fun. This person gets to work with a lot of different dancers, including celebrities. (Source: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choreographer)
Choreography CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 77c9c66f-9e65-4876-8e82-34ac7c50582d
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfEvent_Class
Definition: Dance compositions created for production and dissemination. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/choreography)
Citation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68aa07f0-34c9-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfCite
usage with CERIF: cfCite_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A citation is an acknowledgment, credit, reference, mention, quotation (a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=citation)
Classification CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 613b117e-980e-4051-8876-8524cd498caf
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfClass
usage with CERIF: cfClass_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: In CERIF, the cfClassification (cfClass) entity is of one of the main entities in the Semantic Layer. Its internal identifier cfClassId is used for references from within all CERIF link entities. It has a recursive entity cfClassification_Classification (cfClass_Class) which is formally also a link entity. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Classification Scheme CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 4c93b3b2-d5ff-442c-9b28-4a028305bcf1
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfClassScheme
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: In CERIF, the cfClassificationScheme (cfClassScheme) entity is of one of the main entities in the Semantic Layer. Its internal identifier cfClassSchemId is used for references from within all CERIF link entities. It has a recursive entity cfClassificationScheme_ClassificationScheme (cfClassScheme_ClassScheme) which is formally also a link entity. A classification scheme in CERIF is additionally understandable from the underlying context in which the terms are applied (e.g. Activity Structure in cfProj_Proj; Person Employment Types in cfPers_OrgUnit). (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Closed CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 276a4f0c-6729-47df-b8d3-7cd1cb3c7e67
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The activity is considered completed. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Cluster CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9fc-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Types
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class; cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Co-Investigator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: bc34dc30-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfPers_Pers
Definition: A co-investitagor is also called co-promoter (quite often from different organizations). A co-investigator, fellow worker, workfellow (an associate that one works with). (Source: CERIF Task Group; RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: bc34dc30-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfPers_Pers
Definition: A co-investitagor is also called co-promoter (quite often from different organizations). A co-investigator, fellow worker, workfellow (an associate that one works with). (Source: CERIF Task Group; RMAS Vocabulary)
Co-Researcher CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 78883ba6-a5ac-45d4-a2e2-20b3f7f43a63
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Pers
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Co-Supervisor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ab0ed712-6e50-46a5-8fa2-5d9b87c27e6d
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Pers
Definition: Is an additional member of the supervisory team, that guides a research student through their programme of studies. Often he/she has complementory expertise to the supervisor.
Collaborative CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 37a7dad6-2487-4df8-9b41-d6c6663bba4b
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: (The work undertaken by a person during) a funded research degree which involves an external agency as part of or host to the research work (e.g. a research council collaborative doctoral award). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Collaborator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 541b4224-a784-49b7-a341-8275ce874ada
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Proj
Definition: A person that is formally a member of the project consortium. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Colleague CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1d689234-c537-4bba-b59a-2d85e1efcd1d
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Pers
Definition: A co-worker, fellow worker, workfellow (an associate that one works with. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=colleague)
Colonel CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d0d64e35-d7dd-443d-8d77-96ee4ad8023b
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Commentary CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f7-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A commentary is a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Commentary)
Commercialisation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fb837c4d-73da-448c-a554-383d671bb3eb
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: An activity to (or to support) the transfer of resarch outputs or outcomes into the private sector. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Commissioner CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7ef398b3-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A government administrator, a member of a commission. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_t.cfm#commissioner)
UUID: 7ef398b3-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A government administrator, a member of a commission. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_t.cfm#commissioner)
UUID: 7ef398b3-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A government administrator, a member of a commission. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_t.cfm#commissioner)
Company CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: A company is a form of business organization. In the United States, a company is a corporation—or, less commonly, an association, partnership, or union—that carries on an industrial enterprise." Generally, a company may be a "corporation, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, fund, or organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not, and (in an official capacity) any receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, or similar official, or liquidating agent, for any of the foregoing." In English law, and therefore in the Commonwealth realms, a company is a form of body corporate or corporation, generally registered under the Companies Acts or similar legislation. It does not include a partnership or any other unincorporated group of persons. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company)
Composer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b14b3a56-64c0-4d59-ad64-7d7af09ea529
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
Definition: Someone who composes music as a profession. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=composer)
Composition CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6a49719d-1226-454b-bff5-04b6fd3f141c
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class; cfResProd_Class; cfResPat_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Conceptualised CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 8dc4b088-6e93-4d3a-ab67-60c0d287868b
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The definition of a planned activity is being developed. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Conference CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 909ea9bd-e460-497e-8950-9ad306675ae9
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfEvent_Class; Event_Class
Definition: An activity that brings together people to discuss topics around an agreed theme. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: 909ea9bd-e460-497e-8950-9ad306675ae9
Class Scheme: Event Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfEvent_Class; Event_Class
Definition: An activity that brings together people to discuss topics around an agreed theme. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: 909ea9bd-e460-497e-8950-9ad306675ae9
Class Scheme: Activity Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfEvent_Class; Event_Class
Definition: An activity that brings together people to discuss topics around an agreed theme. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Conference Abstract CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 154e80ab-e825-4f7c-9430-bdf7ee971425
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Texts of a specified length that states the issue to be discussed in a proposed conference paper. It serves as the basis for the acceptance of the paper at a conference. The abstract is published along with the paper. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/conferences/conference-abstracts)
Conference Contribution CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 43afa201-2979-42b0-b283-ed609058d90a
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Conference Poster CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 93aa5afc-19e5-4995-99b5-47ee8c80b3fc
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Posters displayed in a conference setting and conveying research highlights in an efficient manner by compelling graphics. They may be peer-reviewed prior to acceptance and be published in the proceedings. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/conferences/conference-posters)
Conference Proceedings CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9ec-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A conference proceeding is a collection of articles, published abstracs or posters gathered from a conference. Can have several editors. (Source: Pure4 Working group - DK)
Conference Proceedings Article CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9ed-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A conference proceedings article is an article that has been presented at a conference. Articles has been collected and published in a proceeding. (Source: Pure4 Working group - DK)
Confidential Report (for external body). CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ca47658a-322d-4010-94e6-81401dc5b565
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Construction CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da02-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Project Research Infrastructure Relations
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Facil; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Construction Costs CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da08-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Costings
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Meas; cfEquip_Meas; cfSrv_Meas
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Constructor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 62226b46-2ea3-46f4-b924-80ea42055587
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
Definition: Someone who contracts for and supervises construction (as of a building)). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=constructor)
Consultancy CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f81c03f9-7d15-4f61-90e6-bbb5c38c9a6c
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: A specific bounded (time and specification) contribution to an activity. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Consultant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 04c3f400-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A consultant is an expert who gives advice. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=consultant)
UUID: 04c3f400-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A consultant is an expert who gives advice. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=consultant)
Consumables CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fa67d8ad-46eb-499a-9b9b-2b681b3d9485
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The costs associated with small cost items, e.g. a office stationary, software (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Contact CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2af3d7c0-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
Definition: A contact is a communicative interaction. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contact)
UUID: 2af3d7c0-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Research Infrastructure Roles
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
Definition: A contact is a communicative interaction. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contact)
UUID: 2af3d7c0-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
Definition: A contact is a communicative interaction. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contact)
UUID: 2af3d7c0-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
Definition: A contact is a communicative interaction. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contact)
Continuing Professional Development CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2a527079-481f-491a-8e3a-dbc79b271c48
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The support for the career development of Researchers, Research Students or Research Leaders. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Contract CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 125a3e36-a300-449f-abfa-11178d87ba63
Class Scheme: Activity Funding Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Fund
Definition: The funding mechanism where a proposed activity is submitted for consideration and where the funding is approved and will be allocated on successful delivery of the proposed outputs (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Contract Research CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c0441e0d-42e4-4dd1-84bc-9cd345b911f5
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: A project funded for an expected outcome (normally specified by the funder). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Contractor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: abf21190-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A contractor is someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things, (law) a party to a contract. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contractor)
UUID: abf21190-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A contractor is someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things, (law) a party to a contract. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contractor)
UUID: abf21190-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A contractor is someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things, (law) a party to a contract. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contractor)
UUID: abf21190-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A contractor is someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things, (law) a party to a contract. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contractor)
Contributor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: e4d7b130-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_ResPat; cfPers_ResProd; cfPers_Event; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund
Definition: Person contributing (in a generic way) before/during/after an event. An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary; http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/#contributor)
UUID: e4d7b130-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_ResPat; cfPers_ResProd; cfPers_Event; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund
Definition: Person contributing (in a generic way) before/during/after an event. An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary; http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/#contributor)
UUID: e4d7b130-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_ResPat; cfPers_ResProd; cfPers_Event; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund
Definition: Person contributing (in a generic way) before/during/after an event. An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary; http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/#contributor)
UUID: e4d7b130-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_ResPat; cfPers_ResProd; cfPers_Event; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund
Definition: Person contributing (in a generic way) before/during/after an event. An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary; http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/#contributor)
UUID: e4d7b130-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_ResPat; cfPers_ResProd; cfPers_Event; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund
Definition: Person contributing (in a generic way) before/during/after an event. An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary; http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/#contributor)
Cooperation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d7-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Proj; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A cooperation is the collaborative work on a common enterprise or project. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: eda2b2d7-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Structure
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Proj; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A cooperation is the collaborative work on a common enterprise or project. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Coordinator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c31d3380-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A coordinator is someone whose task is to see that work goes harmoniously. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=coordinator)
UUID: c31d3380-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A coordinator is someone whose task is to see that work goes harmoniously. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=coordinator)
Corporate Access CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9931ac46-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 9931ac46-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Cost Center CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Measurement Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Meas
Definition: In business, a cost centre is a division that adds to the cost of an organization, but only indirectly adds to its profit. Typical examples include research and development, marketing and customer service. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_centre_%28business%29)
Course CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: e88f9cfd-b786-40cb-9163-4718dbb865ff
Class Scheme: Education Domain Terms
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class
Definition: A course text is a type of study text used as a support for students.
Course Presentation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 300592ee-e671-4054-a852-ab37b0d744c1
Class Scheme: Education Domain Terms
usage with CERIF: cfEvent_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Creator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 60f2a090-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl
Definition: An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. (Source: http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/#creator)
Curator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: A person responsible for the development, care, organization, and supervision of a museum, gallery, or other exhibit space and all the objects stored or displayed in it, a role requiring considerable knowledge and experience when items are selected on the basis of artistic merit or connoisseurship. Also, a person in charge of a special collection, trained to assist users in locating and interpreting its holdings. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/search.cfm)
Curatorial/Museum Exhibitions CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 8b5e666b-6121-4b4d-b446-9ed6ad7ed35c
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Collection of information records that, in combination, represent a full and up-to-date history of the intellectual property owned by the person and resulting from, or related to, the person's research activities. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/conferences)
Curriculum Vitae CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68aa07f1-34c9-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfCV
usage with CERIF: cfCV_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A curriculum vitae (cv) is a summary of your academic and work history. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=cv)
DNR CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: e093fb4c-4d5e-4602-8878-22e7dc360c36
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
DOI CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 31d222b4-11e0-434b-b5ae-088119c51189
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Dame CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a944b6ae-e2be-40e0-a33e-e5da5db6ea89
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Data Storage CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 59c67182-270e-4ade-8edb-9cdf16d2e1b1
Class Scheme: Open Science Costs
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Fund
Definition: The cost of depositing a version of the research data for free public access in a CRIS/institutional repository. The cost may not be zero. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Dean CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 57f7a7d0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A dean is an administrator in charge of a division of a university or college. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=dean)
Deputy Director CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 885eeb00-1cf6-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A deputy director is a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of the director (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=deputy)
Derived from CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc8-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Mereotopological Structure
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_ResPubl
Definition: A derivation is the source or origin from which something derives. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=derivation)
UUID: eda28bc8-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Publication Relations
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_ResPubl
Definition: A derivation is the source or origin from which something derives. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=derivation)
Design CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ab0efef8-6ef2-4509-ae10-8ccce30075d9
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class; cfResProd_Class; cfResPat_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Design Costs CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da09-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Costings
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Meas; cfEquip_Meas; cfSrv_Meas
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Designer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d03c6c91-1c65-442e-82e2-a2194b0e1907
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
Definition: Someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=designer)
Development CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da03-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Project Research Infrastructure Relations
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Srv; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Facil; cfResPat_Facil; cfResPat_Equip; cfResPat_Srv; cfResProd_Facil; cfResProd_Equip; cfResProd_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: eda2da03-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Research Infrastructure Relations
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Srv; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Facil; cfResPat_Facil; cfResPat_Equip; cfResPat_Srv; cfResProd_Facil; cfResProd_Equip; cfResProd_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Devices and products CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2a10d453-7128-45dc-b5b0-040c0d06c7d7
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Dictionary Entry CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 71361e1a-03f1-4577-b91b-01cb87a2c280
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Entries of new words, new meanings of existing words, changes in spelling and hyphenation over a longer period of time, and grammatical changes. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/dictionary-entries)
Digital or visual media CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3c610d3c-b62a-4889-811b-dc9dbe40b847
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Director CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68971130-1cd8-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A director is someone who controls resources and expenditures (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=director)
Disclosure CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 170136af-8bec-4b17-af16-c738633a3b96
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Publications that establish inventions as prior art thereby preventing others from patenting the same invention or concept. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/intellectual-property/disclosures)
Distributed CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Types
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class; cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Doctor (med) CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5d1534c0-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A doctor (med) is a licensed medical practitioner. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Doctor)
Doctoral Thesis CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A Doctoral Thesis is a Dissertation/Thesis that leads to the acquirement of a doctoral degree. (Source: Pure4 Working group - DK)
Doctorate CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f7d5892b-8be3-42fa-8d4b-e18fe9bed062
Class Scheme: Person Degree Levels of Study
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Srv
Definition: A degree above Masters level, that normally takes 3 to 4 years of effort. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Dr CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 8f558c1a-be74-4d3c-8f19-fdd645b61c0a
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
EU Commerce & Public Corporations CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7c32bcd0-0c34-4103-8d10-a3908b041b06
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from commercial companies and public corporations (defined as publicly owned trading bodies, usually statutory corporations, with a substantial degree of financial independence) operating in the EU outside of the UK. Such income received from a multinational company should be coded depending on the location of the office making the award, e.g. a multinational with a French subsidiary making the award would be coded EU other, where UK is excluded from the EU. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
EU Government Bodies (including EC) CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3a48310a-fb4a-4177-bb92-cf1aeb0efebb
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from all government bodies operating in the EU, which includes the European Commission but excludes bodies in the UK. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
EU Other CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c54a63e9-d59d-4bf9-9b81-23b538de8fd6
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: EU-based non-competitive charities and any other EU income that cannot otherwise be allocated more specifically. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
EU-based Charities CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: bf682b89-0ce7-4fdc-ac67-35bfd2be436e
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from an EU body with exclusively charitable purposes consistent with the definition set out in the Charities Act 2006 and which exists for the public benefit in a manner which is consistent with the Public Benefit Guidance published by the Charity Commission for England and Wales (http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/publicbenefit/publicbenefit.asp ). (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
EU-based Industry CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b2a4dd0d-2bbb-4089-8826-99894262e7b3
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from industrial companies operating in the EU outside of the UK. Such income received from a multinational company should be coded depending on the location of the office making the award, e.g. a multinational with a French subsidiary making the award would be coded EU other, where UK is excluded from the EU. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Early Career Research Project CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 28de21fc-ab80-49dc-8725-41d033e81028
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: A project undertaken by an early career researcher, for example someone in the first four years of their academic post. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Edited Book CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f5e38c52-d56a-4878-879c-31526788b19d
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Books edited by a single author or collaboratively for the dissemination of research or scholarly findings that generally result from peer reviewed funding. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/documents/non-academic-funding-cv/1.1/contributions/outputs/publications/edited-books)
Editor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 708b3df0-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl
Definition: A person who prepares for publication the work(s) of one or more other authors. An editor may be responsible for selecting material included in a collection or for preparing manuscript copy for the printer, including annotation of the text, verification of the accuracy of facts and bibliographic citations, polishing grammar and style, organizing front and back matter, etc. Periodicals and large reference works often have a general editor or editor-in-chief who supervises the work of an editorial staff. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_e.cfm#editor)
Electronic Address CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68aa07f2-34c9-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfEAddr
usage with CERIF: cfEAddr_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An electronic address is a computer address, reference ((computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=address)
Email CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9931ac42-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 9931ac42-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Emeritus CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1e83ced2-47e7-4e01-a7b9-ec78291d979c
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Employee CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c302c2f0-1cd7-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A worker who is hired to perform a job (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Employee)
Encyclopedia CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: An enzyclopedia is a book or numbered set of books containing authoritative summary information about a variety of topics in the form of short essays, usually arranged alphabetically by headword or classified in some manner. An entry may be signed or unsigned, with or without illustration or a list of references for further reading. Headwords and text are usually revised periodically for publication in a new edition. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_E.cfm#encyclopedia)
Encyclopedia Entry CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3f8f2c15-fbea-4b38-b517-3901378a9f1b
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Authored entries in a reference work or a compendium focusing on a particular domain or on all branches of knowledge. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/encyclopedia-entries)
Engineer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 057a7d50-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=engineer)
UUID: 057a7d50-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=engineer)
Enterprise CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6ee92d54-322f-4a55-b2c6-4388ad890754
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The activity to support working with the private sector. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Equipment CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e8-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfEquip
usage with CERIF: cfEquip_Class; cfProj_Meas; cfProj_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: Equipment is an instrumentality needed for undertaking or to perform a service (CERIF Entity). The costs associated with the purchase of equipment normally above a price threshold, e.g 1.000 GBP (Activity Finance Category). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=equipment; RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: cf7799e8-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
cerifERM-Entity: cfEquip
usage with CERIF: cfEquip_Class; cfProj_Meas; cfProj_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: Equipment is an instrumentality needed for undertaking or to perform a service (CERIF Entity). The costs associated with the purchase of equipment normally above a price threshold, e.g 1.000 GBP (Activity Finance Category). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=equipment; RMAS Vocabulary)
Estates CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fb8a8939-0659-4cdf-b186-f8430566e845
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The full economic cost associated with the running of the institutional physical estate (Activity Finance Category). (Source: http://www.jcpsg.ac.uk/guidance/)
Event CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68aa07f4-34c9-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfEvent
usage with CERIF: cfEvent_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An event is something that happens at a given place and time. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=event)
Exhibition CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 71e46c84-243c-410f-9f61-63ec75323c8b
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfEvent_Class
Definition: Showings of works of art under the direction of a curator, an artist or as a graduation exhibition. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/artistic-exhibitions)
Expenditure-Actual CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fe050c5b-2760-4c67-b5b6-6252257b7c61
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Category Amounts
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The amount of actual expenditure on an activity, e.g. the cost incurred in undertaking the research (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Expenditure-Budget CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d2c2d808-bd02-4ffc-8a76-76c3d0c9cc1f
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Category Amounts
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The amount of expected expenditure necessary to undertake the activity, e.g. the full economic cost (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Expenditure-Commitment CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 8db551b3-e630-48a0-9164-d177f4ec3602
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Category Amounts
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The amount of expenditure committed but not yet spent, e.g an order placed but not yet paid for ((Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Expert CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a9fc3f90-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: An expert is a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=expert)
External Organisation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d6-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: An external organisation an organization founded and united for a specific purpose that is happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=External; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=institution)
External Supervisor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3ccd035b-bc79-477e-aa6c-0bd3606f85c8
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Pers
Definition: A co-supervisor that is external to the host institution of the research student. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Facebook CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: beb680a9-4504-417f-b444-65ff289c5952
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: beb680a9-4504-417f-b444-65ff289c5952
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Facility CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e7-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfFacil
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Class; Proj_Meas; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A facility is a space or equipment necessary for conducting research (CERIF Entity). The full economic cost associated with the running of the institutional research facilities and equipment used in an activity (Activity Finance Category). The specification, procurement and installation of a facility (Activity Subtype). (Source: CERIF Task Group; http://www.jcpsg.ac.uk/guidance/)
UUID: cf7799e7-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
cerifERM-Entity: cfFacil
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Class; Proj_Meas; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A facility is a space or equipment necessary for conducting research (CERIF Entity). The full economic cost associated with the running of the institutional research facilities and equipment used in an activity (Activity Finance Category). The specification, procurement and installation of a facility (Activity Subtype). (Source: CERIF Task Group; http://www.jcpsg.ac.uk/guidance/)
UUID: cf7799e7-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
cerifERM-Entity: cfFacil
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Class; Proj_Meas; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A facility is a space or equipment necessary for conducting research (CERIF Entity). The full economic cost associated with the running of the institutional research facilities and equipment used in an activity (Activity Finance Category). The specification, procurement and installation of a facility (Activity Subtype). (Source: CERIF Task Group; http://www.jcpsg.ac.uk/guidance/)
Fax CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9931ac41-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 9931ac41-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Federated Identifier CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a1e51365-b7c4-4bdb-bbd1-0530840148be
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfFedId
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: A federated identifier supports with additional information sources extractions. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Fellow CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 94d55210-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A fellow is a member of a learned society. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=fellow)
Fellowship CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d7fe4a84-93a2-46f1-b1fa-165d518fba47
Class Scheme: Activity Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: An award for an individual allowing to undertake generic or specific research. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Finance-ID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7916dbe8-9264-4810-92df-7c21ab733338
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Financier CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e4-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Fund
Definition: Financier (pronounced /fɪnənˈsɪər/, French: [finɑ̃ˈsje]) is a term for a person who handles typically large sums of money, usually involving money lending, financing projects, large-scale investing, or large-scale money management. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financier)
Fixedphone CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 341b4fcc-9fe4-4760-a9c8-0f36ffa4d614
Class Scheme: Electronic Address Types
usage with CERIF: cfEAddr_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Funder CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event; cfResPubl_Fund; cfResPat_Fund; cfResProd_Fund; cfEvent_Fund; cfFacil_Fund; cfEquip_Fund; cfSrv_Fund
Definition: Individual or organization financing a part or all of a project's cost as a grant, investment, or loan. (Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/funder.html)
UUID: eda28bc0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event; cfResPubl_Fund; cfResPat_Fund; cfResProd_Fund; cfEvent_Fund; cfFacil_Fund; cfEquip_Fund; cfSrv_Fund
Definition: Individual or organization financing a part or all of a project's cost as a grant, investment, or loan. (Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/funder.html)
UUID: eda28bc0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event; cfResPubl_Fund; cfResPat_Fund; cfResProd_Fund; cfEvent_Fund; cfFacil_Fund; cfEquip_Fund; cfSrv_Fund
Definition: Individual or organization financing a part or all of a project's cost as a grant, investment, or loan. (Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/funder.html)
UUID: eda28bc0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event; cfResPubl_Fund; cfResPat_Fund; cfResProd_Fund; cfEvent_Fund; cfFacil_Fund; cfEquip_Fund; cfSrv_Fund
Definition: Individual or organization financing a part or all of a project's cost as a grant, investment, or loan. (Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/funder.html)
UUID: eda28bc0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event; cfResPubl_Fund; cfResPat_Fund; cfResProd_Fund; cfEvent_Fund; cfFacil_Fund; cfEquip_Fund; cfSrv_Fund
Definition: Individual or organization financing a part or all of a project's cost as a grant, investment, or loan. (Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/funder.html)
Funding CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e6-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfFund
usage with CERIF: cfFund_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: Funding is an amount of money or an inkind equivalent value. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Funding Programme CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e6-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Types
usage with CERIF: cfFund_Class
Definition: A Funding Programme is the source of financial means to a project, programme, equipment, event or any other structured scientific activity. A Funding Programme is managed by a Funding Organisation. (Source: http://www.eurocris.org/Uploads/Web%20pages/members_meetings/200905_-_Athens__Greece/Funding_Program_Workshop._Introduction_-_Geert_van_Grootel.ppt)
Funding Programme Document CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Document Relations
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Fund
Definition: The initial funding programme document of a funding programme. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
General Fellowship CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ee8f08de-b0be-4e2b-a90c-63d08433a56d
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: A fellowship awarded to an institution for which an individual can subsequently apply to. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
General Studentship CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 65c07ebe-0836-49af-be78-82a36a629b30
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: (The work undertaken by a person during) a funded research degree. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Gift CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Types
usage with CERIF: cfFund_Class
Definition: A gift or a present is the transfer of something without the expectation of receiving something in return. Although gift-giving might involve an expectation of reciprocity, a gift is meant to be free. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gift)
Gift Document CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2dc-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Document Relations
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Fund
Definition: The initial gift document of a gift. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Gold Open Access CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 98072417-c98b-46dc-99aa-364bb672cd63
Class Scheme: Open Science Costs
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Fund
Definition: The cost charged by a publisher to make an individual output freely available. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Government CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: A government is the organization, or agency through which a political unit exercises its authority, controls and administers public policy, and directs and controls the actions of its members or subjects. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government)
Grant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 4e664be9-100d-481c-b60f-b62a94078bac
Class Scheme: Activity Funding Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Fund
Definition: The funding mechanism where a proposed activity is submitted for consideration and where the funding is approved (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Green Open Access CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7cfe736a-73bb-4324-b3dd-34228e5dbe7d
Class Scheme: Open Science Costs
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Fund
Definition: The cost of depositing a version of the publication for free public access in a CRIS/institutional repository. Normally this cost will be zero. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Group Authors CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7ef398b4-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_ResPat; cfPers_ResProd
Definition: Any number of authors considered as a unit. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Group Leader CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7210b760-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A group leader is a person who rules or guides or inspires others or any number of entities (members) considered as a unit. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=group; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=leader)
Guest Editor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5282d01e-f788-42b5-9ccb-eb8cc0626d4b
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl
Definition: As guest-editing can be a demanding and time-consuming project, most volumes are organized by a team of people rather than an individual. Two or three editors tends to work best.
Guest Lecturer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 33661fe0-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A guest lecturer is someone who lectures professionally, a public lecturer at certain universities and is a visitor to whom hospitality is extended. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=guest; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=lecturer)
HR-ID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ba36c17a-c056-4d7b-aa26-b62bb04cdfc6
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
HUSID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68e498fb-c8ee-4a08-a647-b191df5cac39
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: The Student identifier is to be unique to each student. It is intended that the identifier is to be transferred with the student to each institution of higher education he/she may attend. The medium term objective is that the use of this number will allow the accurate tracking of students throughout their life within the sector for which HESA collects data. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_collns&Itemid=233&task=show_manuals&r=96011&f=004)
Handle CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: baaa59e1-745b-46e3-b068-aaa3dae9eef9
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Head CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6125f750-1cd7-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A person who is in charge (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=head)
Head of Department CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68cdce40-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A head of department is a person who is in charge of a specialized division of a large organization. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=department; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=headhttp://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=department; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=head)
Higher Doctorate CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 73451d3c-9afa-4484-8404-cd1518ef508b
Class Scheme: Person Degree Levels of Study
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Srv
Definition: A degree above doctorate level, that normally is associated with a life-time achievement. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Higher Education CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f4-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Higher education or post-secondary education refers to a level of education that is provided at academies, universities, colleges, seminaries, institutes of technology, and certain other collegiate- level institutions, such as vocational schools, trade schools, and career colleges, that award academic degrees or professional certifications. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_education)
Highly Qualified Personel CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 65c14308-310c-4198-be0b-43a6a1697038
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Proj
Definition: A person whose role on an activity is research and development (e.g. Researcher, PostDoc; PostGrad Research Assistant). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Holder CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 74e43aa3-233d-4a59-b9bf-0bd733c9e9f8
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPat
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Honorary Professor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 4dfbb270-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: An honorary professor is given an honor without the normal duties of a professor, someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=honorary; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=professor)
Host CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9ff-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Facil; cfOrgUnit_Equip; cfOrgUnit_Srv; cfOrgUnit_Event
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: eda2d9ff-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Research Infrastructure Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Facil; cfOrgUnit_Equip; cfOrgUnit_Srv; cfOrgUnit_Event
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Hosting CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6cc796c4-84f4-448c-9018-7efc47197627
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: Hosting an event (e.g conference). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
INSTID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 872e7b38-e11b-4b0f-b68b-6c6279c92e53
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: The institution identifier of the reporting institution. The institution is identified by two fields, field 2, HESA institution identifier (a four digit number relating to the institution) and field 3, Campus identifier, a single alphanumeric character. The Campus identifier character 'A' will be designated the default for the whole institution. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_collns&task=show_manuals&Itemid=233&r=96011&f=2)
IPR Claim CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: 1. The rights of creative workers in literary, artistic, industrial and scientific fields which can be protected either by copyright or trademarks, patents, etc. 2. Tangible products of the human mind and intelligence entitled to the legal status of personal property, especially works protected by copyright, inventions that have been patented, and registered trademarks. An idea is considered the intellectual property of its creator only after it has been recorded or made manifest in specific form. (Source: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/service/library/tutorials/infoskills/glossary.html)
ISI-Number CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 008f9358-61db-46e2-8157-beb55e972aa6
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
ISNI CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c7e9afa5-02ce-4222-88f8-b717051fed39
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: The International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) is an ISO Standard (ISO 27729) whose scope is the identification of Public Identities of parties: that is, the identities used publicly by parties involved throughout the media content industries in the creation, production, management, and content distribution chains. The ISNI system uniquely identifies Public Identities across multiple fields of creative activity. The ISNI provides a tool for disambiguating Public Identities that might otherwise be confused. ISNI is not intended to provide direct access to comprehensive information about a Public Identity but can provide links to other systems where such information is held. (Source: http://www.isni.org/)
Illustrator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7e2e67e4-e085-406c-a9c3-2a3df2bfc376
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl
Definition: An artist who makes illustrations (for books or magazines or advertisements etc.). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=illustrator)
In Operation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da06-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class; cfSrv_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
In Preparation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1bb29e6d-d282-415f-920d-9b6148933a35
Class Scheme: Publication Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A (planned) output. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
In Press CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: da636eb4-efe2-4112-a4ee-7ce4a99e2374
Class Scheme: Publication Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: An accepted but not yet published output. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Inbook CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: An inbook is a part of a book, usually untitled. May be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX#Entry_Types)
Income-Actual CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: df27417c-bb3c-4881-9a46-cc6403b2ca39
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Category Amounts
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The amount of actual income received from the funder for an activity (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Income-Budget CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7655a603-a4d7-4b92-8c87-d7e767d2c7a7
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Category Amounts
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The amount of income expected from the funder for an activity, e.g the amount awarded by the funder (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Income-Commitment CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: df1c9f14-6b87-43a1-9a5a-2d0ade88ad0b
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Category Amounts
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The amount of income expected from the funder for an activity but not yet received (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Indicator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ed96ef79-f77d-4aaf-8c19-f727bbb49937
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfIndic
usage with CERIF: cfIndic_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An indicator can be defined as something that helps us to understand where we are, where we are going and how far we are from the goal. Therefore it can be a sign, a number, a graphic and so on. It must be a clue, a symptom, a pointer to something that is changing. Indicators are presentations of measurements. They are bits of information that summarize the characteristics of systems or highlight what is happening in a system. A more rigorous definition is given by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD): " An indicator quantifies and simplifies phenomena and helps us understand complex realities. Indicators are aggregates of raw and processed data but they can be further aggregated to form complex indices." Example of traditional indicators or indices used in measuring the social, economic and environmental welfare are: the Gross National Product, the unemployment rates, the price index, the life expectancy (ESEMPIO DI INDICATORE AMBIENTALE)
Indirect Costs CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6d81aa21-e667-4778-bc97-c59e0cc3fa18
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The full economic cost associated with the other indirect costs associated with research, e.g. a proportion of HR, Finance, IT, Library, etc. ((Activity Finance Category). (Source: http://www.jcpsg.ac.uk/guidance/)
Infrastructure CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 4af214d4-579f-4396-aef6-9e3ce879c6be
Class Scheme: Activity Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: An activity to develop or maintain equipment, facilities, services or buildings. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Initials CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5f3df96e-eb12-46b1-8458-c85914e2fc4c
Class Scheme: Person Names
usage with CERIF: cfPersName_Pers
Definition: The initials deduced from a person's name. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Inkind-Contributor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 69948e23-7c53-4437-a33e-17c051b9281b
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: An organisation that provides a non-monetary contribution towards an activity (e.g. staff time, use of facilities). (Source: RMAS project)
Institution-based CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 78e3de8c-ee32-4ec8-8cc0-6b5f664e6ca1
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants allocated by the institution. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Intellectual Property CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 64b9ce43-e5ed-4df2-86d5-01bc46939fd5
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Collection of information records that, in combination, represent a full and up-to-date history of the intellectual property owned by the person and resulting from, or related to, the person's research activities. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/intellectual-property)
Intergovernmental CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 13d1fa53-18f0-4bf2-88ca-2d2df474f404
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: An intergovernmental organization, sometimes rendered as an international governmental organization and both abbreviated as IGO, is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states (referred to as member states), or of other intergovernmental organizations. Intergovernmental organizations are often called international organizations, although that term may also include international nongovernmental organization such as international non-profit organizations or multinational corporations. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intergovernmental_organization)
Internal Funding CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 40d72109-28ba-4110-a3e9-23ecca3bb795
Class Scheme: Funding Source Types
usage with CERIF: cfFund_Class
Definition: Where the source of funding comes from the institution itself (e.g. a university-wide conference-attendance scheme). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Internal-Reviewed CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: edb73a76-2b48-4eca-991e-1b0b6fbe524a
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The definition of a planned activity has been sucessfully reviewed including for example a peer review, ethical review, health and safety review, etc. If not sucessfully reviewed, then the proposal needs adjustment for internal re-review or might change status to not submitted. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Interviewee CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2b3ba8f1-5620-42c9-8549-7d34ed37f968
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: Person that is interviewed at an event. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Invention CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 76cf4c24-7f15-41b9-995f-889cec876b30
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Practical and original outputs arising from research. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/other-outputs/inventions)
Investigator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: e7036eeb-aca5-48d6-9ba1-c4c1d8fd96eb
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers
Definition: Someone who investigates (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=investigator)
Issuer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfFedId_Srv
Definition: An issuer is an institution that issues something (securities or publications or currency etc.). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=issuer;)
UUID: eda2b2e2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Identifier Service Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfFedId_Srv
Definition: An issuer is an institution that issues something (securities or publications or currency etc.). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=issuer;)
Journal CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e8-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A journal is a periodical devoted to disseminating original research and commentary on current developments in a specific discipline, subdiscipline, or field of study (example: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology), usually published in quarterly, bimonthly, or monthly issues sold by subscription (click here to see an example). Journal articles are usually written by the person (or persons) who conducted the research. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_J.cfm#journal)
Journal Article CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e9-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A journal article is a self-contained nonfiction prose composition on a fairly narrow topic or subject, written by one or more authors and published under a separate title in a collection or periodical containing other works of the same form. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_A.cfm#article)
Journal Article Abstract CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9ea-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A journal article abstract is a brief, objective representation of the essential content of an article, presenting the main points in the same order as the original but having no independent literary value. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/index.cfm#abstract)
Journal Article Review CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9eb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A journal article review is an evaluative account of a recent of a newly published literary or scholarly work, usually written and signed by a qualified person, for publication in a current newspaper, magazine, or journal. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_R.cfm#review)
Journal Issue CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a85940d9-ad65-4a8d-ae54-23dda97c406e
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
Definition: Periodical publications aimed at fostering intellectual debate and inquiry. Special journal issues are produced by editors with an established record of scholarship in the field and able to provide the direction of the theme. Journal issues bear a unique number of reference for publication. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/journal-issues)
Junior Consultant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 0bb17b70-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A junior consultant is an expert who gives advice and that is younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=junior; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=consultant)
Junior Lecturer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 23b16f00-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A junior lecturer is someone who lectures professionally, a public lecturer at certain universities and is younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=lecturer; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=junior)
Junior Researcher CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f401a3b0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A junior researcher is a scientist who devotes himself to doing research but younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Junior; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=researcher)
KTP CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7b20769e-cbf6-4955-9844-bdb6b1cd2bf6
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The specific activity type defined by the technology strategy board of the UK government. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
KTP Grants CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 62d67cb9-2fc5-4afb-a95f-582d55ed916b
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Income from Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) apart from any portion in respect of studentships or tuition fees. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Lecturer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1a3c5250-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A lecturer is someone who lectures professionally, a public lecturer at certain universities. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=lecturer)
Letter CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9ee-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A letter (also known as "communication") is a brief description of important new research. (Source: Pure4 Working group - DK)
Letter to Editor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9ef-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A letter, usually printed at the discretion of the publisher on the editorial page of a newspaper or magazine, in which a reader expresses his or her views on the subject of a previously published article or editorial, or on the editorial policy of the publication in general, sometimes followed by a brief response from the editor(s). (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_l.cfm#lettereditor)
License CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2d8d91dc-00ef-4982-a6d2-0700b34b47fd
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Signed agreements to exploit a piece of IP such as a process, product, data, or software. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/intellectual-property/licenses)
Light Design CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 41555114-5fdb-4ee9-b5e7-b3acb574310d
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Works done within theatre or in relation to an art installation to design a production. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/light-design)
LinkedIn CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 48ed3997-8f3b-41bd-94c5-ba37df71c263
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 48ed3997-8f3b-41bd-94c5-ba37df71c263
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Litigation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 88478041-0fa4-4396-9246-6985ec0e9e6e
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: The act or process of contesting at law. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/other-outputs/litigation)
Logo CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9931ac47-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Media Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Medium; cResProd_Medium; cfProj_Medium
Definition: The logo representing an entity, such as organisation, product, project. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Magazine Article CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d4753dda-e7a0-4837-ae7d-648a8d85b62c
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Articles in thematic publications published at fixed intervals. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/magazine-articles)
Manager CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 79a2e340-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund
Definition: A manager is someone who controls resources and expenditures. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: 79a2e340-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund
Definition: A manager is someone who controls resources and expenditures. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: 79a2e340-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund
Definition: A manager is someone who controls resources and expenditures. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
UUID: 79a2e340-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Fund
Definition: A manager is someone who controls resources and expenditures. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Manual CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e6-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A manual refers to a book or pamphlet containing practical instructions, rules, or steps for performing a task or operation, assembling a manufactured object, or using a system or piece of equipment. Used synonymously with handbook (ODLIS Dictionary). A manual is a book that tells you how to do or operate something, especially one that comes with a machine (Grey Literature Typology. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_M.cfm#manual (ODLIS Dicationary); http://purl.org/ntk/gltype#manual (Grey Literature Typology))
Master CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a32a9785-0d15-48ba-aca8-0be319578e5e
Class Scheme: Person Degree Levels of Study
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Srv
Definition: A degree above Bachelor level, that normally takes 1 to 2 years of effort. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Measurement CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1cc0fbd8-a160-41df-9af8-d436e6a5296f
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfMeas
usage with CERIF: cfMeas_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A measurement is the dimension, quantity, or capacity determined by measuring. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/measurement)
Medium CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a9332fbf-e5a9-430f-8e78-26bc3610dfe3
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfQual
usage with CERIF: cfMedium_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=medium)
Member CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cb3e0010-1cd7-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A member is anything that belongs to a set or class. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=member)
UUID: cb3e0010-1cd7-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A member is anything that belongs to a set or class. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=member)
UUID: cb3e0010-1cd7-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A member is anything that belongs to a set or class. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=member)
Mentor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6b2b7d22-3491-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Pers
Definition: A mentor is a wise and trusted guid and advisor. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=mentor)
Merger CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc7-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A merger is a voluntary amalgamation of two firms on roughly equal terms into one new legal entity. Mergers are effected by exchange of the pre-merger stock (shares) for the stock of the new firm. Owners of each pre-merger firm continue as owners, and the resources of the merging entities are pooled for the benefit of the new entity. If the merged entities were competitors, the merger is called horizontal integration, if they were supplier or customer of one another, it is called vertical integration. (Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/merger.html)
Miss CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: bd2600ce-3bcf-4193-be07-8beaa76b91dd
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
MobilePhone CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 44651010-00b1-4543-ae6f-b5983b704742
Class Scheme: Electronic Address Types
usage with CERIF: cfEAddr_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Monograph CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A monograph is a relatively short book or treatise on a single subject, complete in one physical piece, usually written by a specialist in the field. Monographic treatment is detailed and scholarly but not extensive in scope. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_M.cfm#monograph)
Mr CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3bd6c3dd-7132-465e-923b-d7ceeeda93d6
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Mrs CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2e7190cc-51b9-49d3-a11d-bc739e3dabfb
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Ms CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 09bc5967-6b4c-4815-ac8e-1a5a5eb8ee03
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Musical Composition CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d7e9d33a-20d4-447c-bd3f-6774afa23f4e
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Original musical scores available in a format for dissemination. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/musical-compositions)
Musical Performance CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 849fcbfa-f863-4e80-b7b9-811ccc1fb9c1
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Original musical scores available in a format for dissemination. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/musical-performances)
National Health Service CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1d9ffa49-8af2-4844-a228-5498846b8da2
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Hospitals, trusts and other bodies receiving funding from central governement through the national insurance scheme. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Network CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9fa-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Types
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class; cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Networking CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 67f2c93f-37c9-4311-99e7-61d40d53b265
Class Scheme: Activity Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfProj_Class
Definition: An activity which brings together either physically or virtually groups of people, normally over a period of time to meet and exchange information and good practice. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: 67f2c93f-37c9-4311-99e7-61d40d53b265
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfProj_Class
Definition: An activity which brings together either physically or virtually groups of people, normally over a period of time to meet and exchange information and good practice. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Newsclipping CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f6-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A newsclipping is an article published in a newspaper, newsmagazine, or online news service, reporting the details of a current event or the latest information on a topic of general interest. News stories are usually short and often unattributed. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_N.cfm#newsstory)
No CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 0c7c83d0-5513-4eaa-b5cf-d01374c3d2eb
Class Scheme: Peer Reviews
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Where the output has not been subject to assessment and critique by independent experts. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Non-EU Other CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 94b8e8e8-5279-4bc2-8b15-b96dc3dc7ff5
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Non-EU-based non-competitive charities and any other Non-EU income that cannot otherwise be allocated more specifically. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Non-EU-based Charities CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 92c1c6c0-b3ba-4edf-b34c-bc6ee14bc756
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from a Non-EU body with exclusively charitable purposes consistent with the definition set out in the Charities Act 2006 and which exists for the public benefit in a manner which is consistent with the Public Benefit Guidance published by the Charity Commission for England and Wales (http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/publicbenefit/publicbenefit.asp). Grants and contracts income from overseas charity bodies operating outside the EU. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Non-EU-based Commerce & Public Corporations CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b1ec752b-de87-4377-9c28-87b84ac17845
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from commercial companies and public corporations (defined as publicly owned trading bodies, usually statutory corporations, with a substantial degree of financial independence) operating outside of the EU. Such income received from a multinational company should be coded depending on the location of the office making the award, e.g. a multinational with a US subsidiary making the award would be coded Other overseas, i.e. from outside the EU. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Non-EU-based Industry CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 46df9200-e355-45e7-84e7-fdda25dc14ac
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from industrial and commercial companies and public corporations (defined as publicly owned trading bodies, usually statutory corporations, with a substantial degree of financial independence) operating outside of the EU. Such income received from a multinational company should be coded depending on the location of the office making the award, e.g. a multinational with a US subsidiary making the award would be coded Other overseas. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Not Submitted CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 444ababa-bfe8-42fc-af0c-15464545ef98
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The proposed activity has not been and is not expected to be submitted to a funder for consideration. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
ORCID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 716bcc9a-c9dd-4b8b-b4ab-6c140e578ec3
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, and not-for-profit organization created for the benefit of all stakeholders, including research institutions, funding organizations, publishers, and researchers to enhance the scientific discovery process and improve collaboration and the efficiency of research funding. (Source: http://about.orcid.org/)
Online Resource CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: db7bca87-379e-4854-a0d6-f9567226b1a6
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Information accessible only on the web via traditional technical methods (ie hyperlinks). (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/online-resources)
Operating Costs CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da0a-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Costings
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Meas; cfEquip_Meas; cfSrv_Meas
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Organisation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e2-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfOrgUnit
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class; cfProject_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An organization (or organisation — see spelling differences) is a social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal. The word itself is derived from the Greek word organon, itself derived from the better-known word ergon - as we know `organ` - and it means a compartment for a particular job. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization; RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: cf7799e2-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
cerifERM-Entity: cfOrgUnit
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class; cfProject_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An organization (or organisation — see spelling differences) is a social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal. The word itself is derived from the Greek word organon, itself derived from the better-known word ergon - as we know `organ` - and it means a compartment for a particular job. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization; RMAS Vocabulary)
Organisation Financial Postal Address CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: e103718b-c1b3-4cfd-ae53-d4b5c1d1fcae
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_PAddr
Definition: The address to which financial queries should be sent
Organisation Legal Postal Address CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3e480ccf-15cd-4e73-bdcc-d0d3c73a405c
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_PAddr
Definition: The address to which legal notices may be served.
Organiser CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b4ba809e-60d7-411c-af62-792100c45341
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: The person responsible for organizing the event. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Originator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d8-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Project Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfProj_Event
Definition: A originator is someone who creates new things. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Originator)
Other CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7eb3f358-bfc1-45d4-9ec6-b16d99f0ded6
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Other Non-Staffing CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5845512f-64ce-4cbe-b4c7-4c8794ab0242
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The costs associated with any other directly incurred items (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Other Overseas CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: abb6de22-ad1b-439a-944f-9e90544a2c0f
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from industrial and commercial companies and public corporations (defined as publicly owned trading bodies, usually statutory corporations, with a substantial degree of financial independence) operating from outside the EU. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Other Services CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 0e737bcb-2fec-4c40-90f7-f9aefd8dac8f
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Income services that cannot otherwise be allocated more specifically. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Other Sources CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5ca5a3e7-70b8-4f39-a480-b4989f67e7da
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income not to be allocated more specifically. This should include income from other higher education institutions (HEIs). (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Otherbook CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e7-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Uncertain of definition (Source: To books not specified other places?)
Owner CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9fe-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Research Infrastructure Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Facil; cfOrgUnit_Equip; cfOrgUnit_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
PMCID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 56f4fdbc-39a7-42cd-bd35-9d0d8c95f6da
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Panel Participant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1ca8d2bc-9424-4df4-ae4b-8ce65239c770
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: Member of a discussion panel at an event. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Part CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Publication Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Patent Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Product Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Event Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Facility Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Equipment Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Service Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
UUID: eda28bc1-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv
Definition: A part is a portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/part)
Participant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ddc3dd10-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfPers_Event
Definition: A participant is someone who takes part in an activity (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=participant)
UUID: ddc3dd10-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfPers_Event
Definition: A participant is someone who takes part in an activity (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=participant)
UUID: ddc3dd10-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfPers_Event
Definition: A participant is someone who takes part in an activity (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=participant)
Partner CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c77f9885-b80d-466a-9097-9768720c0fe1
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: An organisation working in collaboration as part of a consortium to undertake an activity. Normally retaining an interest in any IP generated.
Passport Name CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 64f0eb00-462d-4737-8033-7efac82decf3
Class Scheme: Person Names
usage with CERIF: cfPersName_Pers
Definition: The name of the person as printed in the passport (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Patent CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e3-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfResPat
usage with CERIF: cfResPat_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A patent ( /ˈpætənt/ or /ˈpeɪtənt/) is a form of intellectual property. It consists of a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of an invention. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patent)
Patent / published patent application CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 274e99d8-1e36-4b3e-a998-2a3384e79f64
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPat_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Patentee CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5b6b6bf2-c949-4c9e-ab4c-ffaa196b8355
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPat
Definition: The inventor to whom a patent is issued. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=patentee)
Payment-To-Partner CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: dd9bb430-17b3-4064-bd1f-528237bd4e48
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The funding allocated from the funder to project partner, e.g. funds received from the funder by the co-ordinator on behalf of the partners (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Peer Reviewer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d9a6b8e4-38af-4492-b178-3326173ec657
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: Subject expert reviewing content submissions to inform the process for selection of content at the event. This may also involve feedback to contributors to improve content. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Pending Grading CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 19258084-7068-4be1-8cfd-171952060f0c
Class Scheme: Output Quality Levels
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: An assessment has yet to be made of the quality level of the output. (Source: http://www.ref.ac.uk/panels/assessmentcriteriaandleveldefinitions/)
Performance CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2e0a25cd-88b5-4018-8de2-c12b3a702cfe
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfEvent_Class
Definition: Collection of information records that, in combination, represent a full and up-to-date history of artistic or performance outputs resulting from, or related to, the person's research or scholarly activities. Works may be produced alone or collaboratively as a creative practice that lead to production and dissemination. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance)
Performer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ee155a46-9850-48aa-98c2-e70ecb0f5d3b
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_Event
Definition: A person who performs at an event. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: ee155a46-9850-48aa-98c2-e70ecb0f5d3b
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event; cfPers_Event
Definition: A person who performs at an event. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Person CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e0-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfPers
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A person (plural: persons or people; from Latin: persona, meaning "mask") is a being, such as a human, that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood, the precise definition of which is the subject of much controversy. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person)
Person Professional Postal Address CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6947fabb-a277-4f8f-b148-c6b41a936c57
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Paddr
Definition: The work address of a person to which physical correspondance can be delivered. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Personal Email CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 4523402a-0bae-4716-a5d7-77411b74d5f6
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
PhD Student CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 727f6240-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A Phd or doctor's degree; doctorate is usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation; the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=PhD)
UUID: 727f6240-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A Phd or doctor's degree; doctorate is usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation; the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=PhD)
PhD Thesis CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A PhD Thesis, is a Dissertation/Thesis that leads to the acquirement of a Ph.D. Degree. (Source: Pure4 Working group - DK)
Phone CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9931ac44-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 9931ac44-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Postal Address CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68aa07f3-34c9-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfPAddr
usage with CERIF: cfPAddr_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An address is the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=address)
Postdoc CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6c68b2d0-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A PostDoc is a scholar or researcher who is involved in academic study beyond the level of a doctoral degree (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Postdoc)
Poster CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f4-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A poster is a visual presentation of an academic subject presented at a conference. (Source: Pure4 Working group - DK)
Predecessor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bcb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=predecessor)
UUID: eda28bcb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Publication Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=predecessor)
UUID: eda28bcb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Patent Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=predecessor)
UUID: eda28bcb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Product Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=predecessor)
UUID: eda28bcb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Event Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=predecessor)
UUID: eda28bcb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=predecessor)
Presentation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Uncertain of definition (Source: Presentation as in a speech? Paper presentation at a conference?)
Presented Name CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 55f90543-d631-42eb-8d47-d8d9266cbb26
Class Scheme: Person Names
usage with CERIF: cfPersName_Pers
Definition: The given and surname of the reference. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-activity-profile-v0.9-draft/1.1.0/funding-requests/references/presented-name)
Previous Family Name CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c54976a0-6793-4e62-b77d-7871ccb6ef0b
Class Scheme: Person Names
usage with CERIF: cfPersName_Pers
Definition: The previous surname of the person if, for example, there has been a change due to marriage. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/1.1.0/identification/person-info/previous-family-name)
Principal Investigator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b0e11470-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers
Definition: A principal investigator (PI) is the lead scientist or engineer for a particular well-defined science (or other research) project, such as a laboratory study or clinical trial. It is often used as a synonym for "head of the laboratory," not just for a particular study. In the context of USA federal funding from agencies such as the NIH or the NSF, the PI is the person who takes direct responsibility for completion of a funded project, directing the research and reporting directly to the funding agency.[1] For small projects (which might involve 1-5 people) the PI is typically the person who conceived of the investigation, but for larger projects the PI may be selected by a team to obtain the best strategic advantage for the project. In the context of a clinical trial a PI may be an academic working with grants from NIH or other funding agencies, or may be effectively a contractor for a pharmaceutical company working on testing the safety and efficacy of new medicines. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_investigator)
Principle CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 612163a0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A principle is a person who empowers another to act as his or her representative; The person having prime responsibility for an obligation as distinguished from one who acts as surety or as an endorser. (law) (Source: http://www.yourdictionary.com/principal)
Private non-profit CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: An organization that is incorporated under state law and whose purpose is not to make profit, but rather to further a charitable, civic, scientific, or other lawful purpose. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Product CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e4-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfResProd
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: In CERIF, the cfResultProduct (cfResProd) entity is meant conceptually to represent research output, such as an artefact, a device, a performance, an exhibition. (Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/product)
Professional Email CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 35d43364-2160-4b6c-a487-5019458321e8
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr; cfEAddr_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 35d43364-2160-4b6c-a487-5019458321e8
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr; cfEAddr_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 35d43364-2160-4b6c-a487-5019458321e8
Class Scheme: Electronic Address Types
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr; cfEAddr_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Professor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3bb53320-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit, cfPers_Class
Definition: A professor is someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=professor)
UUID: 3bb53320-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit, cfPers_Class
Definition: A professor is someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=professor)
Programme Committee Member CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1869a08e-3257-457b-9278-ed32bd915ee8
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: Member of the group of people who organise and manage the content of the event. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Programme Grant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6cad7850-82ea-42d6-9a7c-fbcc6753848e
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: A large-scale activity designed to comprise a number of projects. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Programmer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: aa82a7f8-8713-43f2-b7b4-e4d2196b1a3c
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
Definition: A person who designs and writes and tests computer programs. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=programmer)
Project CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e1-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfProj
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfProj_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An activity with a specific set of anticpated outputs to be produced over a speficic time-frame. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: cf7799e1-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Types
cerifERM-Entity: cfProj
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfProj_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: An activity with a specific set of anticpated outputs to be produced over a speficic time-frame. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Project Officer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 254cb300-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Pers
Definition: A project officer is a person within the funding organsiation responsible for the project. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Project-MM-ID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b52eef12-0dca-4496-ae86-9389de0437f6
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Provision CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da07-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Relations
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Srv; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Equip
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Public Access CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9931ac45-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 9931ac45-3864-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Publication CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e5-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfResPubl
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: Collection of information records that, in combination, represent a full and up-to-date history of research or scholarly published outputs resulting from, or related to, the person's research activities. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/1.1.0/contributions/outputs/publications)
Published CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: e601872f-4b7e-4d88-929f-7df027b226c9
Class Scheme: Publication Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: An output available in the public domain (paid or open access or grey literature, and including but not restricted to "public domain works"). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Publisher CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7ef398b2-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: A person or corporate entity that prepares and issues printed materials for public sale or distribution, normally on the basis of a legal contract in which the publisher is granted certain exclusive rights in exchange for assuming the financial risk of publication and agreeing to compensate the author, usually with a share of the profits. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_t.cfm#publisher)
UUID: 7ef398b2-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: A person or corporate entity that prepares and issues printed materials for public sale or distribution, normally on the basis of a legal contract in which the publisher is granted certain exclusive rights in exchange for assuming the financial risk of publication and agreeing to compensate the author, usually with a share of the profits. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_t.cfm#publisher)
Publisher Institution CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d4-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: A publisher institution is an organization founded and united for a specific purpose where the publisher has a relationship. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Qualification CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68aa07f5-34c9-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfMedium
usage with CERIF: cfQual_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A qualification is an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=qualification)
Radio/TV Program CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ca4665dc-d9da-49c3-950d-f95699e28b10
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Programming produced for and broadcast on radio or TV. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/radiotv-programs)
Rapporteur CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 86bacee1-49d8-429d-97aa-5f4918d3ae88
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: Person to report about the 'technical' content of an event (also implies part of event, e.g. session) for the benefit of people attending or wished to attend (i.e. subject community). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Reader CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 80cae630-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A reader is a public lecturer at certain universities. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=reader)
Referencebook CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A referencebook is a book designed to be consulted when authoritative information is needed, rather than read cover to cover. Reference books often consist of a series of signed or unsigned "entries" listed alphabetically under headwords or headings, or in some other arrangement (classified, numeric, etc.). (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_r.cfm#referencebook)
Registered Copyright CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 0f38dfac-b08c-4ed9-b627-df8f95d74bd5
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Registered ownership of rights under a system of laws for promoting both the creation of and access to artistic, literary, musical, dramatic and other creative works. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/intellectual-property/registered-copyrights)
Rejected CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f97f3ccd-13c0-46ce-9cb3-98ebb58f39fd
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The funder rejected the proposed activity. The state of refused is to refuse to let have. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Award)
Relation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Publication Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Patent Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Product Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Event Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Facility Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Equipment Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Service Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Output Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
UUID: eda28bc2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfFund_Fund; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event; cfFacil_Facil; cfEquip_Equip; cfSrv_Srv; cfResProd_cfResProd; cfResPat_cfResPat; cfFacil_Equip; cfEquip_Srv; cfFacil_Srv; cfEvent_Srv; cfProj_ResPubl; cfProj_ResPat; cfProj_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat; cfResPubl_ResProd; cfResPubl_ResPat;
Definition: An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=Relation)
Report CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A report is a separately published record of research findings, research still in progress, or other technical findings, usually bearing a report number and sometimes a grant number assigned by the funding agency. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_R.cfm#report)
Reporter CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: dc42714f-56de-441f-9161-a51d8edbcb8d
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: Person to report about the event (e.g. journalist) to the general public. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Repository-ID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c02711cd-7cfb-4b20-ba2e-15c8c1179a05
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Research Assistant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7a510820-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A research assistant (in some institutions referred to as research officer) is a researcher employed, often on a temporary contract,[1] by a university or a research institute, for the purpose of assisting in academic research. Research assistants are not independent and not directly responsible for the outcome of the research and are responsible to a supervisor or principal investigator. Research assistants are often educated to degree level[2] and might be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme. Although a research assistant is normally appointed at graduate level, so-called undergraduate research assistant are also sometimes appointed to support research. Similarly a postdoctoral research assistant who has recently been awarded a doctoral degree, may hold a temporary appointment as a research assistant, especially for position without any autonomy and research independence that requires a high degree of reliability. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_assistant)
Research Associate CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: df5ec85e-c645-449f-9473-41c9f9923cb7
Class Scheme: Person Employment Types
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: Research-only, non-teaching staff, not member of permanent staff. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Research Councils CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 032fcb89-8340-4fe3-a5e4-b1191cf6bc31
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: The sources of income from BBSRC, MRC, NERC, EPSRC, ESRC, AHRC, STFC, The Royal Society, British Academy, The Royal Society of Edinburgh (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Research Donations CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 8c6c81e3-6efc-49a6-a7a7-5cd13345d50f
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants received as a Donation. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
Research Fellow CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 64af4fe0-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: The title of research fellow is used to denote a research position at a university or similar institution, usually for academic staff or faculty members. A research fellow may act either as an independent investigator or under the supervision of a principal investigator. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_fellow)
Research Infrastructure CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799ea-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class; cfEquip_Class; cfFacil_Class
Definition: A European Research Infrastructure is a facility or (virtual) platform that provides the scientific community with resources and services to conduct top-level research in their respective fields. These research infrastructures can be single-sited or distributed or an e-infrastructure, and can be part of a national or international network of facilities, or of interconnected scientific instrument networks. The infrastructure should: offer top quality scientific and technological performance, that should be recognised as being of European relevance offer access to scientific users from Europe and beyond through a transparent selection process on the basis of excellence have stable and effective management (Source: http://www.esf.org/activities/science-policy/research-infrastructures/meril-mapping-of-the-european-research-infrastructure-landscape/what-is-meant-by-research-infrastructures.html)
Research Institute CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2ef-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: A research institute is an establishment endowed for doing research. Research institutes may specialize in basic research or may be oriented to applied research. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_institute)
Research Output CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 627e286f-a8ae-46c6-891e-0218e6b2f1a8
Class Scheme: Research Output
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class; cfResPat_Class; cfResProd_Class; cfEvent_Class
Definition: The act of becoming formally connected or joined; a social or business relationship. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=affiliation)
Research Project CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 0bd2d47a-8688-4758-a63c-45e76825a0f6
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: A project with a specific set of anticipated research outputs to be produced over a specific time-frame. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Research Student CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2a9173a6-3725-43f3-aed1-1d754b30f57d
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Proj
Definition: Somebody undertaking a degree by research. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Research Techniques CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b8b97010-577d-4ba2-9195-0b6cba3f0866
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A practical methods or skills applied to particular tasks identified as part of the research. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/other-outputs/research-techniques)
Research Tool CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: a79aca4a-3a43-4809-92a6-9ce690dd7f70
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Series of observations, measurements or facts identified from the research. They include bibliographies, indices and catalogues of research collections; concordances and dictionaries; materials that facilitate access to archival holdings or collections such as repository guides, inventories of a group of manuscripts or of a body of archives, inventories or documentary materials, thematic guides to archival materials, records surveys and special indices; scholarly editions; and data series. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/research-tools)
Research data sets and databases CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b8da9b81-7cd8-4b33-88c5-28b41bbc49c9
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
Definition: A series of structured observations, measurements or facts identified from the research which can be stored in a database medium. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/other-outputs/data-sets)
Research report for external body. CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 032f0d65-2461-492d-b718-2788ef5db869
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Researcher CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ebd55ab0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A researcher is a scientist who devotes himself to doing research (Wordnet). Permanent research, non-teaching staff (RMAS Project). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=researcher)
UUID: ebd55ab0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A researcher is a scientist who devotes himself to doing research (Wordnet). Permanent research, non-teaching staff (RMAS Project). (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=researcher)
ResearcherID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b4a7caf0-5257-411e-accc-d1ee70d2f701
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: The ResearcherID by Thomson Reuters. (Source: http://www.researcherid.com/)
Responsible CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Funding Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
Definition: A responsible is the agent or cause; worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=responsible;)
UUID: eda2b2e3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Research Infrastructure Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Fund; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
Definition: A responsible is the agent or cause; worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=responsible;)
Reverend CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 27a398fa-0ea6-4445-95de-53a32e839b4d
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Reviewer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9ef1ab40-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfPers_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl
Definition: A reviewer is someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=reviewer)
UUID: 9ef1ab40-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfPers_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl
Definition: A reviewer is someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=reviewer)
UUID: 9ef1ab40-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfPers_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl
Definition: A reviewer is someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=reviewer)
UUID: 9ef1ab40-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfPers_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl
Definition: A reviewer is someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=reviewer)
UUID: 9ef1ab40-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfPers_ResPubl; cfProj_OrgUnit; cfOrgUnit_ResPubl
Definition: A reviewer is someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=reviewer)
Reviewer Institution CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2d5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_ResPubl; cfOrgUnit_ResPat; cfOrgUnit_ResProd; cfOrgUnit_Event
Definition: A reviewer institution is an organization founded and united for a specific purpose where the reviewer has a relationship. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
SME CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f2-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Small and medium enterprises (also SMEs, small and medium businesses, SMBs, and variations thereof) are companies whose headcount or turnover falls below certain limits. EU Member States traditionally have their own definition of what constitutes an SME, for example the traditional definition in Germany had a limit of 250 employees, while, for example, in Belgium it could have been 100. But now the EU has started to standardize the concept. Its current definition categorizes companies with fewer than 10 employees as "micro", those with fewer than 50 employees as "small", and those with fewer than 250 as "medium". (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_and_medium_enterprises; http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/facts-figures-analysis/sme-definition/index_en.htm)
STAFFID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c0071785-549a-4379-a2af-d9a978ea3a1e
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: The Staff identifier is a unique code allocated to a staff member when they are first entered onto the staff record and, where a member of staff is contracted to work in jobs classified in SOC groups 1,2 or 3, it stays with them for the whole of their career within HE. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/component/option,com_collns/task,show_manuals/Itemid,233/r,08025/f,003/)
Scholarly Edition CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: af3f2342-4724-4d04-8246-cc30f50a4f6d
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A scholarly edition of a text is an edition that is reliable and useful for scholarly purposes. In order to fulfill such purposes, a scholarly edition must live up to high standards. (Source: http://www.iva.dk/bh/core%20concepts%20in%20lis/articles%20a-z/scholarly_edition.htm)
ScopusAffiliationID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fafa2259-304e-4aa4-8419-f84b9cf6f2eb
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
ScopusAuthorID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 24ddadbc-9b33-40c5-9d25-73b055f0183a
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Script CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 488c227d-ade1-45c5-bf13-77cec1e5033c
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Written versions of a play, film, broadcast or other dramatic composition used in preparing for a performance and annotated with instructions for the performance. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/scripts)
Secretary CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c6e02460-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit;
Definition: A secretary is a person who is head of an administrative department of government, an assistant who handles correspondence and clerical work for a boss or an organization (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=secretary)
Senior Consultant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 13633d40-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A senior consultant is an expert who gives advice that is older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=consultant; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=senior)
Senior Lecturer CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2b20d0a0-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A senior lecturer is someone who lectures professionally, a public lecturer at certain universities and is older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=senior; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=lecturer)
Senior Researcher CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: faf322c0-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A senior researcher is a scientist who devotes himself to doing research and is older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=senior; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=researcher)
Service CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: cf7799e9-3477-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: CERIF Entities
cerifERM-Entity: cfSrv
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class; cfFedId_Class
Definition: A service is an exchange for money or other commodities where an enduser receives support from a supplier. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Set Design CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: af08e1af-3d31-4b58-8ef1-8d5fc714a743
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Creations of theatrical, as well as film or television scenery (also known as stage design, scenic design or production design). (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/set-design)
Short Communication CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9f3-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A short communication is a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution to a subject. (Source: http://www.ejbiotechnology.info/iaformato/short_communications.html)
Short Fiction CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 68bade0c-2ac6-4dd9-834e-dec1583a607f
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Original literary texts (prose or poetry). (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/short-fiction)
Short Name CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: bdcf213d-df3e-4af4-a2ea-69ca26e98cd4
Class Scheme: Person Names
usage with CERIF: cfPersName_Pers
Definition: The name of the person in short. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Single location CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9fd-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Types
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class; cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Sir CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2a5de419-4144-42fe-8e4b-73dca8c54f8d
Class Scheme: Person Titles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Skype CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 20476135-bc75-40b4-b5f0-f05543e919c6
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 20476135-bc75-40b4-b5f0-f05543e919c6
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Smartphone CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: abeddcc6-207b-4b9c-9cec-0de22087b728
Class Scheme: Electronic Address Types
usage with CERIF: cfEAddr_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Software CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5b90f961-6489-4500-bb6a-5b60ead25a2d
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
Definition: Software is a generic term for computer programs and their associated documentation, as opposed to data used as input and generated as output. (Source: http://purl.org/ntk/gltype#software)
Sound Design CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 5d46488d-2952-4c31-bcca-84cd3f13fe7e
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Art and process of manipulating audio elements to achieve a desired effect. It is employed in a variety of disciplines including film, theatre, music recording, and live music performance. It involves the manipulation of previously composed audio or the creative composition of new audio. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/sound-design)
Speaker CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: d1ee35f1-c4c6-4651-a760-06a3828a61c1
Class Scheme: Person Event Involvements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Event
Definition: Person that speaks at an event. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Specified Named Person CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: bd95c4c6-7882-400c-bde9-b20df6f4f87e
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: A fellowship awarded to an individual. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Spin-Off CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bcc-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A spin-out, also known as a spin-off or a starburst, refers to a type of corporate action where a company "splits off" sections of itself as a separate business. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_spin-off)
UUID: eda28bcc-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Project Outcome Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A spin-out, also known as a spin-off or a starburst, refers to a type of corporate action where a company "splits off" sections of itself as a separate business. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_spin-off)
Spokesperson CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 8418a710-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A spokesperson is an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=spokesperson)
UUID: 8418a710-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers
Definition: A spokesperson is an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=spokesperson)
Sponsor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f27bedda-f04c-4d32-a026-d4955bb65227
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: An organisation that undertakes to ensure the research governance of the activity (used in the UK especially in the Health and Social Services domain).
Staff CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da01-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Research Infrastructure Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Staffing Existing CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 77a49137-eb32-4a30-9fff-14ce3eb4413f
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The costs associated with staff under an existing employment contract including salary and employer tax and pension contributions (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Staffing New CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f81be4da-59bb-4718-949a-6e47b0fa2868
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The costs associated with staff specifically employed to work on the activity (i.e. additional staff) including salary and employer tax and pension contributions (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Stakeholder CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc6-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A corporate stakeholder is a party that can affect or be affected by the actions of the business as a whole. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stakeholder_(corporate))
UUID: eda28bc6-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A corporate stakeholder is a party that can affect or be affected by the actions of the business as a whole. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stakeholder_(corporate))
Standard and Policy CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6b7fdebc-f169-4a7a-89b4-539ff69c5dcd
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: The development of a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgement. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/other-outputs/standards-and-policies)
Strategic Research Insitute CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2f0-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: A strategic research institute's core mission is to provide analyses that respond to the needs of decision-makers. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Studentship CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f74a1e84-6c96-4cab-bd51-da931c9f226d
Class Scheme: Activity Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: (The work undertaken by a person during) a funded research degree. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Subaffiliation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 081e85f0-1cd7-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A subaffiliation is a formal subconnection of an affiliation. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Subcontractor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b272a660-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A subcontractor is someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=subcontractor)
UUID: b272a660-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A subcontractor is someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=subcontractor)
UUID: b272a660-1cfc-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfProj_OrgUnit
Definition: A subcontractor is someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=subcontractor)
Subject CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7ef3bfc0-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_Proj
Definition: Any one of the topics or themes of a work, stated explicitly in the text or title or implicit in its message. In library cataloging, a book or other item is assigned one or more subject headings as access points, to assist users in locating its content by subject. In abstracting and indexing services, the headings assigned to represent the content of a document are called descriptors (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_s.cfm#subject)
UUID: 7ef3bfc0-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl; cfPers_Proj
Definition: Any one of the topics or themes of a work, stated explicitly in the text or title or implicit in its message. In library cataloging, a book or other item is assigned one or more subject headings as access points, to assist users in locating its content by subject. In abstracting and indexing services, the headings assigned to represent the content of a document are called descriptors (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_s.cfm#subject)
Submitted CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 20a14a62-85b2-42fe-bd46-d9f07a752abc
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The proposed activity has been submitted to the proposed funder for consideration. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Submitted for Consideration CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 1c774414-3a42-4e4c-b3c5-04b89202c40f
Class Scheme: Publication Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A final draft submitted for consideration. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Successor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bca-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: A successor is someone who, or something which succeeds or comes after. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Successor)
UUID: eda28bca-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Publication Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: A successor is someone who, or something which succeeds or comes after. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Successor)
UUID: eda28bca-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Patent Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: A successor is someone who, or something which succeeds or comes after. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Successor)
UUID: eda28bca-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Product Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: A successor is someone who, or something which succeeds or comes after. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Successor)
UUID: eda28bca-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Event Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: A successor is someone who, or something which succeeds or comes after. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Successor)
UUID: eda28bca-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfProj_Proj; cfResPubl_ResPubl; cfResPat_ResPat; cfResProd_ResProd; cfEvent_Event
Definition: A successor is someone who, or something which succeeds or comes after. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Successor)
Supervised Student Publications CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b135c301-61d0-4d05-be98-e959f5c221dc
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
Definition: Articles on research findings published jointly with or supervised by the thesis advisor. The findings relate to research undertaken by the student or the supervisor’s program of research. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/supervised-student-publications)
Supervisor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6b2b7d23-3491-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Professional Relationships
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Pers
Definition: A person wich the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=supervisor)
Supporter CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfPers_Proj
Definition: A supporter is someone who supports or champions something. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=supporter)
UUID: eda28bc5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Employment Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfPers_Proj
Definition: A supporter is someone who supports or champions something. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=supporter)
UUID: eda28bc5-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit; cfPers_OrgUnit; cfPers_Proj
Definition: A supporter is someone who supports or champions something. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=supporter)
Takeover CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda28bc4-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Mereotopological Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A takeover is a change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a corporation. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=takeover)
UUID: eda28bc4-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Inter-Organisational Structure
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_OrgUnit
Definition: A takeover is a change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a corporation. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=takeover)
Teaching Assistant CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 99c34380-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A teaching assistant is an individual who assists a professor or teacher with instructional responsibilities. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teaching_assistant)
Teaching Fellow CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 91784ef0-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A teaching fellow is a particular teaching role at some universities. In the USA a teaching fellow is an advanced graduate student who serves as the primary instructor for an undergraduate course. In the UK, teaching fellows are more commonly full members of academic staff who have the equivalent rank and pay as 'traditional' research-active academic staff. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teaching_fellow)
Technical Standard CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c03694e5-f58b-4a37-83ff-5f8285c67f66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Technical Standards (industrial or otherwise) that have originated from the research projects in which new protocols, methods or materials may be developed. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/other-outputs/technical-standards)
Technician CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 8adcdf20-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfProj_Meas
Definition: A technician is someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=technician)
UUID: 8adcdf20-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Employment Types
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfProj_Meas
Definition: A technician is someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=technician)
UUID: 8adcdf20-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Project Engagements
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit; cfProj_Pers; cfProj_Meas
Definition: A technician is someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=technician)
Tender CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2e8-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Types
usage with CERIF: cfFund_Class
Definition: A call for tenders from a funder addressing a specific requirement resulting in a number of contracts. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Tender Document CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2db-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Funding Source Document Relations
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Fund
Definition: The initial tender document of a tender. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
Test CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6915f869-e12e-42e8-b1b7-13bbea303d64
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Assessments that include tests designed for general university selection, selection into specific courses or other evaluation purposes. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/publications/tests)
Tester CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f94f7ec1-263a-4898-8286-4e7ba44af0d1
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
Definition: Someone who administers a test to determine your qualifications. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=tester)
Textbook CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9e4-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A textbook is an edition of a book specifically intended for the use of students who are enrolled in a course of study or preparing for an examination on a subject or in an academic discipline, as distinct from the trade edition of the same title. Also refers to the standard work used for a specific course of study, whether published in special edition or not. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_T.cfm#textbook)
Theatric CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: c8b9bf7b-bb0c-493b-82aa-db9a5834f61e
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Creation, production, dissemination of plays by professional theatre artists and organizations. The artifacts, such costumes, props, sets and scripts, may be the object of a public exhibit. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/theatric)
Trademark CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 723f6119-ffac-4f4c-99d2-9c34eb644115
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Marks such as a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image of a product or service that indicates the source and provides the right to control the use of the identifier. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/intellectual-property/trademarks)
Translation CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f04aabeb-ee05-46b6-a7e8-1dc35bfd3c5d
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Translations of books and articles that identify modifications to the original edition, such as a new or revised preface. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/documents/non-academic-funding-cv/1.1/contributions/outputs/publications/translations)
Translator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7ef398b1-1cfe-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResPubl
Definition: A person who renders speech or text from one language in another or from an older form of a language into a more modern form. Translations of a work often differ in fidelity to the original. Name of translator usually appears on the title page of a book, following the name of the author. (Source: http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_t.cfm#translator)
Transliteration CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 640b32f5-da23-47e4-961d-46d106cc06b9
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Travel CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: fe3ef479-0a35-4b3e-93e8-f54800c98857
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas; cfProj_Class
Definition: The costs associated with travel and subsistence (Activity Finance Category). A physical networking activity normally associated with a single or short series of visits (Activity Subtypes). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: fe3ef479-0a35-4b3e-93e8-f54800c98857
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas; cfProj_Class
Definition: The costs associated with travel and subsistence (Activity Finance Category). A physical networking activity normally associated with a single or short series of visits (Activity Subtypes). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Twitter CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 95bff29c-338f-4790-80ac-c39ec3bc72f4
Class Scheme: Organisation Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: 95bff29c-338f-4790-80ac-c39ec3bc72f4
Class Scheme: Person Contact Details
usage with CERIF: cfPers_EAddr; cfOrgUnit_EAddr
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UK Central / Local Government Health and Hospital CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3093abcb-c0d7-4cb7-a5a6-82f40e798811
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from UK central government bodies, UK local authorities and UK health and hospital authorities, except Research Councils and UK public corporations. This should include government departments, and other organisations (including registered charities) financed from central government funds. Research grants and contracts income from non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), including the British Council, should be included under this column. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
UK Other Sources CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: ab2e7af8-7043-4533-a60b-9752f28acbdd
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income not covered by other types. This should include income from other higher education institutions (HEIs). (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
UK-based Charities CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 874653df-8ced-4ae6-a8ed-449c42f18082
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from all charitable foundations, charitable trusts etc., based in the UK which are registered with the Charities Commission exempt Research Counculs, central government bodies/local authorities, health & hospital authorities. Those organisations recognised as charities by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) in Scotland. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
UK-based Government Bodies CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: af3b394e-61f3-431d-8a90-f7cb972993e7
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from all government bodies operating in the UK. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
UK-based Industry Commerce & Public Corporations CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: dd8df2e3-c481-452f-b9c9-6e426386017f
Class Scheme: Funder Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: Grants and contracts income from industrial and commercial companies and public corporations (defined as publicly owned trading bodies, usually statutory corporations, with a substantial degree of financial independence) operating in the UK. (Source: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1317&Itemid=233)
UKPRN CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 39436e26-6d68-4b5a-8ba1-d002a979fdea
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: The UK Register of Learning Providers is a 'one-stop' portal to be used by government departments, agencies, learners, and employers to share key information about learning providers. The UKRLP allows providers to update their information in one place and share this across agencies such as the Skills Funding Agency, the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and UCAS. Since provider registration opened on 1st August 2005, the UKRLP has grown to over 25,000 providers. Each of these has been verified against a recognised external source and has been allocated a UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN). This is the unique identifier used to share information with the UKRLP partner agencies. (Source: http://www.ukrlp.co.uk/)
URI CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: f2dc329b-f47e-4876-9ceb-b190c19aca98
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
URL CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7f65458e-00de-4eaf-8109-01e517790a2c
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: e0d3ce71-2d85-4b6b-8103-636276d31c1d
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Unchecked CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 9b5e9d79-c332-40cb-b888-8a37bdef9f1f
Class Scheme: Verification Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfPers_Class; cfProj_Class; cfResPubl_Class; cfResProd_Class; cfResPat_Class; cfFund_Class; cfMeas_Class
Definition: not yet checked (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Unclassified CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 7ea05f8e-bd27-4f33-bfa4-54dfb3e6f905
Class Scheme: Output Quality Levels
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Quality that falls below the standard of nationally recognised work. Or work which does not meet the published definition of research for the purposes of this assessment. (Source: http://www.ref.ac.uk/panels/assessmentcriteriaandleveldefinitions/)
Under Construction CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da04-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class; cfSrv_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
University CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2ed-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is a corporation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University)
University College CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2ee-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Types
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Class
Definition: The term "university college" is used in a number of countries to denote college institutions that provide tertiary education but do not have full or independent university status. A university college is often part of a larger university. The precise usage varies from country to country. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_college)
Unknown CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 22b56ddc-87e8-4023-ab56-e661dcb8ffd3
Class Scheme: Peer Reviews
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Where it is unknown whether the output has been subject to assessment and critique by independent experts. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Unpublished CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 24906a3a-1edd-40f0-aeec-5f0bf4312086
Class Scheme: Publication Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: A proposed output never put in the public domain. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Usage Document CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2b2de-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Usage
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Equip; cfResPubl_Facil; cfResPubl_Srv
Definition: The document specifying the usage for the equipment, facility or service. (Source: CERIF Task Group)
User CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2da00-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Project Research Infrastructure Relations
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Facil; cfOrgUnit_Equip; cfOrgUnit_Srv; cfProj_Facil; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Srv; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: eda2da00-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Organisation Research Infrastructure Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Facil; cfOrgUnit_Equip; cfOrgUnit_Srv; cfProj_Facil; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Srv; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
UUID: eda2da00-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Research Infrastructure Roles
usage with CERIF: cfOrgUnit_Facil; cfOrgUnit_Equip; cfOrgUnit_Srv; cfProj_Facil; cfProj_Equip; cfProj_Srv; cfPers_Facil; cfPers_Equip; cfPers_Srv
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
VAT Identification Number CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 634197d9-3a2e-4df7-b982-18b41a7e6f24
Class Scheme: Identifier Types
usage with CERIF: cfFedId_Class
Definition: A value added tax identification number or VAT identification number (VATIN) is an identifier used in many countries, including the countries of the European Union, for value added tax purposes. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAT_identification_number)
Validator CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 6d95cff9-0ae3-4dc2-8566-5a31fd8e75f9
Class Scheme: Person Output Contributions
usage with CERIF: cfPers_ResProd
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Video Recording CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b4a6438e-4bcb-4d8b-9363-4f6488861249
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Works such as film, video, or new media developed as a result of an artistic practice. May serve for commercial purposes. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/video-recordings)
Virtual CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: eda2d9fb-34c5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Research Infrastructure Types
usage with CERIF: cfSrv_Class; cfFacil_Class; cfEquip_Class
[The term exists here, but no definition is given.]
Visiting Professor CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 55ddd310-1cfd-11e1-8bc2-0800200c9a66
Class Scheme: Person Organisation Roles
usage with CERIF: cfPers_OrgUnit
Definition: A visiting professor is in the activity of a professor making visits. (Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=visiting; http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=professor)
Visual Artwork CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 2dedf523-a6eb-4bfc-87e0-bc046e20f551
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Works such as film, video, or new media developed as a result of an artistic practice. May serve for commercial purposes. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/research-personnel-profile/contributions/outputs/artisticperformance/visual-artworks)
Website content CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 898beff1-5f9d-4b8f-b9d8-660a783fae9a
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResProd_Class
Definition: Stand-alone locations on the web where multiple types of information on a specific theme are available. May include interactive features for contributions from readers. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/search/Website)
Withdrawn CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: bfcdfa1c-6d27-4012-9468-1c91cecbba45
Class Scheme: Activity Statuses
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class
Definition: The funder has agreed to fund the proposed activity but the activity will not proceed (e.g. terms of contract are not acceptable, researchers left institution, etc.). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Working Paper CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 3acbc6f9-8b04-4117-8222-f39c84c7b6c6
Class Scheme: Output Types
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Preliminary versions of articles that have not undergone review but that may be shared for comment. (Source: http://dictionary.casrai.org/documents/non-academic-funding-cv/1.1/contributions/outputs/publications/working-papers)
Workshop CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: 33fd9fc9-48b5-41c5-a2f6-b97c6996e432
Class Scheme: Event Types
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfEvent_Class
Definition: A physical or virtual networking activity bringing people together for a single gathering. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
UUID: 33fd9fc9-48b5-41c5-a2f6-b97c6996e432
Class Scheme: Activity Subtypes
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Class; cfEvent_Class
Definition: A physical or virtual networking activity bringing people together for a single gathering. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
Yes CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: df943548-c67e-4c96-8c4f-1c0aa144b1c0
Class Scheme: Peer Reviews
usage with CERIF: cfResPubl_Class
Definition: Where the output has been subject to assessment and critique by independent experts. (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)
fEC Balancing Amount CERIF1.5_Semantics.xml
UUID: b2aeb46d-3ae2-4df6-aaad-079a339da9d2
Class Scheme: Activity Finance Categories
usage with CERIF: cfProj_Meas
Definition: The difference between the full economic costs of an activity and the budget/income/expenditure, e.g. for an 80%-funded activity of 50.000 this would be the 10.000 amount not received from the funder (Activity Finance Category). (Source: RMAS Vocabulary)